Aleksandar Jovanovic |
First and last name | Aleksandar Jovanovic |
Year and place of birth | Belgrade, 05.04.1987 |
Position | Associate professor |
E-mail | a.jovanovic@kg.ac.rs |
Education-scientific / education–art field | Technical and technological sciences |
University, faculty, organizational unit | University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering |
Field and closer specialty | Road traffic, Traffic signal timings |
Year | 2010 |
Place | Belgrade |
Institution | Faculty of transport i traffic engineering |
Headline | Analysis of traffic conditions on the road Donji Milanovac - Kladovo and the proposal for improvement |
Field | Traffic engineering |
Year | 2011 |
Place | Belgrade |
Institution | Faculty of transport i traffic engineering |
Headline | The impact of the tunnel on the two-way road's capacity |
Field | Traffic engineering |
Year | 2017 |
Place | Belgrade |
Institution | Faculty of transport i traffic engineering |
Headline | Choice of signal timing for traffic control by bee colony optimization |
Field | Traffic engineering |
Year | Institution | Position |
2013 | High Technical School of Professional Studies | Research & teaching аssistant prentice |
2016 | High School of Engineering Professional Studies Tehnikum Taurunum | Research & teaching assistant |
2018 | Faculty of Engineering | Assistant professor |
2023 | Faculty of Engineering | Associate professor |
Year | Institution | Duration |
2021 | University of Pittsburgh, USA | 3 months |
2023 | University of Pittsburgh, USA | 11 meseci |
Year | Name of award/recognition |
2019 | ITM Web of Conference |
2023 | Professional development award for Poster Presentation at the Postdoctoral Data and Dine Symposium. |
Papers published in international scientific journals |
Јовановић, А., Памучар, Д., Пејчић-Тарле, С., Green vehicle routing in urban zones - A neuro-fuzzy approach, Expert Systems with Applications, impact factor: 2,240, Vol.41, No.7, pp. 3189 – 3203, ISSN 0957-4174, 2014
Јовановић, А., Николић, М., Теодоровић, Д, Area-wide urban traffic control: A Bee Colony Optimization approach, Transportation Research Part C, impact factor: 3,805, Vol.77, No.-, pp. 329 – 350, ISSN 0968-090, 2017
Jovanovic Aleksandar, Katarina Kukic, Aleksandar Stevanovic, A fuzzy logic simulation model for controlling an oversaturated diverge diamond interchange and ramp metering system, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, impact factor: 1.620, Vol.182, No.-, pp. 165-181, ISSN 0387-4754, 2021
Komatina, N., Tadic, D., Aleksic, A. and Jovanovic, A., The assessment and selection of suppliers using AHP and MABAC with type-2 fuzzy numbers in automotive industry, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, Vol.237, No.4, pp. 836-852, ISSN 1748-0078, Doi https://doi.org/10.1177/1748006X221095359, 2022
Јовановић, А., Теодоровић, Д, Pre-timed control for under-saturated and over-saturated isolated intersection: A Bee Colony Optimization (BCO) approach, Transportation Planning and Technology, impact factor: 0,474, Vol.40, No.5, pp. 556 – 576, ISSN 1029-0354, 2017
Aleksandar Jovanovic, Dusan Teodorovic, Multi-objective optimization of a single intersection, Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol.44, No.2, pp. 139-159, ISSN 0308-1060, 2021
Jovanovic Aleksandar and Teodorovic Dusan, Fixed-time traffic control at superstreet intersections by bee colony optimization, Transportation Research Record, Vol.2676, No.4, pp. 20, ISSN 0361-1981, 2021
Papers presented at international conferences |
Давидовић, Б., Божовић, М., Јовановић, А, Application of Galileo project through the Galapagos control of shipping containers, Нови хоризонти у саобраћају и комуникацијама, Добој, 2013
Давидовић, Б., Божовић, М., Јовановић, А., The Effectiveness of the implementation of road trains in intermodal technologies, Нови хоризонти у саобраћају и комуникацијама, Добој, 2013
Давидовић, Б., Божовић, М., Јовановић, А., Управљање ризиком при транспорту опасним материјама кроз насељено место, IV међународно саветовање: „У сусрет хуманом граду“, Нови Сад, 2013
Давидовић, Б., Костић, С., Јовановић, А., Управљање „зеленим“ аутобусима у јавном превозу применом фази логике, IV међународно саветовање: „У сусрет хуманом граду“, Нови Сад, 2013
Давидовић, Б., Летић, Д., Јовановић, А., Criterium for function definining of final time sharing of the basic Clark’s flow precedence diagramming (PDM) structure, 1st Logistics International Conference, Београд, 2013
Давидовић, Б., Летић, Д., Јовановић, А., Managing the yellow lanes by means of “car sharing“ strategy and by applying fuzzy logic, III International Conference "Ecology of urban areas", Ečka, 2013
Dvořák, Z., Давидовић, Б., Јовановић, А., Максимовић, Н., Managing the risk when transporting hazardous materials. A fuzzy logic approach, Z 19. vedeckej konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou: Riešenie krízových situácií v špecifickom prostredí 3.diel, Žilina, 2014
Божовић, М., Давидовић, Б., Јовановић, А., Формирање понуде транспорте услуге, Саветовање са међународним учешћемна тему: Саобраћајне незгоде, Златибор, 2014
Божовић, М., Давидовић, Б., Јовановић, А., An integrated approach to the flows in supply chains, Међународна конференција на тему: Менаџмент, Београд, 2014
Божовић, М., Јовановић, А., Милутиновић, Н., Intelligent management of access control on the roads of high rank, 1th Serbian Congress on Roads, Београд, 2014
Давидовић, Б., Божовић, М., Јовановић, А., Тendencies of developing the supply chains in milti-channel distribution, Међународна конференција на тему: Менаџмент, Београд, 2014
Јовановић, A., Кукић, К., Integrated control of diverging diamond interchange and ramp metering: fuzzy logic approach, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors, Крагујевац, 2018
Ранковић Плазинић, Б., Јовановић, А., Марковић, М.:, Моделирање безбедности пешака на сигналисаној раскрсници, Саветовање са међународним учешћемна тему: Саобраћајне незгоде, Златибор, 2018
Katarina Kukić, Aleksandar Jovanović, Fuzzy logic approach on traffic control of a Diverging Diamond Interchange in real time, ITM Web of Conferences, Timisoara, 2019
Reduce fuel consumption and pollutant emissions by optimizing traffic signals for the city of Kragujevac
Development of real-time traffic control algorithms for unconventional intersection designs using artificial intelligence methods. India–Serbia program of cooperation in science and technology.