Александра Вуловић

Име и презимеАлександра Вуловић
Година и место рођењаKragujevac, 1991.
ЗвањеИстраживач сарадник
Образовно-научно / образовно-уметничко пољеTehničko-tehnološke nauke
Универзитет, факултет, организациона јединицаUniverzitet u Kragujevcu, Fakultet inženjerskih nauka, Katedra za primenjenu mehaniku i automatsko upravljanje
Област и ужа специјалностMašinsko inženjerstvo - Primenjena mehanika; Bioinženjering

ИнституцијаFakultet inženjerskih nauka
НасловKompjutersko modeliranje biomehanike kolena
ОбластPrimenjena mehanika
ИнституцијаFakultet inženjerskih nauka
НасловKompjuterski i ekperimentalni model biomehanike kolena
ОбластPrimenjena mehanika

Година избораИнституцијаЗвање
2016Fakultet inženjerskih nauka, Univerzitet u KragujevcuИстраживач приправник
2019Fakultet inženjerskih nauka, Univerzitet u KragujevcuИстраживач сарадник

2016KMM-VIN stipendija za istraživački boravak, Institut za materijal i zavarivanje, Tehnički Univerzitet u Gracu, Austrija1 mesec
2017Trening škola, NEWGEN COST Action MP1301, 9-12. maj, Patras, Grčka4 dana
2017Trening škola, SimInhale COST Action MP1404, 2-4.oktobar, Atina, Grčka3 dana
2017Simlnhale COST Action МР1404 stipendija za istraživački boravak, Institut za multifazne protoke, Univerzitet u Magdeburgu, Hale, Nemačka1 mesec
2018Trening škola, SimInhale COST Action MP1404, 3-6.septembar, Dablin, Irska4 dana
2018Program Otvoreni svet - Higher Education System in the U.S., 10-20. oktobar, Akron, Ohajo, Sjedinjene Američke Države11 dana

Списак резултата М13
Монографска студија/поглавље у књизи М11 или рад у тематском зборнику водећег међународног значаја
  1. Aleksandra Vulović, Nenad Filipović, The biomechanics of lower human extremities. In: Computational Modeling in Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Academic Press, Br. strana: 179, ISBN 978-0-128-19583-3, -, 2020
Списак резултата М14
Монографска студија/поглавље у књизи М12 или рад у тематском зборнику међународног значаја
  1. Aleksandra Vulović, Nenad Filipović, Ceramic Matrix Composites in Total Hip Arthroplasty, Elsevier, ISBN 9780128197318, /, 2021
Списак резултата М21
Рад у врхунском међународном часопису
  1. Aleksandra Vulović, Tijana Šušteršič, Sandra Cvijić, Svetlana Ibrić, Nenad Filipović, Coupled in silico platform: Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modelling, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol.113, No./, pp. 171-184, ISSN 0928-0987, 2018
  2. Marijana Madzarevic, Djordje Medarevic, Aleksandra Vulovic, Tijana Sustersic, Jelena Djuris, Nenad Filipovic, Svetlana Ibric, Optimization and Prediction of Ibuprofen Release from 3D DLP Printlets Using Artificial Neural Networks, Pharmaceutics, Vol.11, No.10, pp. 544, ISSN 1999-4923, 2019
Списак резултата М23
Рад у међународном часопису
  1. Aleksandra Vulović, Jelena Lamovec, Stevo Jaćimovski, Nenad Filipović, Transient numerical simulation of airflow characteristics in the mouth-throat 3D model, Tehnički vjesnik, Vol.-, No.-, pp. in print, ISSN -, 2022
Списак резултата М24
Рад у часопису међународног значаја верификованог посебном одлуком
  1. Vulović Aleksandra, Filipovic Nenad, Computational analysis of hip implant surfaces, Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics, Vol.13, No.1, pp. 109-119, ISSN 1820-6530, 2019
Списак резултата М33
Саопштење са међународног скупа штампано у целини
  1. Aleksandra Vulović, Nenad Filipović, Branko Ristić, Effects of ruptured anterior cruciate ligament and medial meniscectomy on stress distribution of human knee joint at full extension, 15th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE 2015), Belgrade, Serbia, 2015, 2nd-5th November, pp. 132 – 135, ISBN 978-1-4673-7984-7
  2. Aleksandra Vulović, Tijana Šušteršič, Nenad Filipović, Finite Element Analysis of Femur During Gait Cycle, 4th South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics - SEECCM 2017, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2017, 3th-5th July, pp. 61 – 66, ISBN 978-86-921243-0-3
  3. Aleksandra Vulović, Tijana Šušteršič, Nenad Filipović, Finite Element Analysis of Femoral Implant Under Static Load, 17th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE 2017), Washington DC, USA, 2017, 23rd-25th October, pp. 559 – 562, ISBN 978-1-5386-1325-2
  4. Tijana Šušteršič, Aleksandra Vulović, Sandra Cvijić, Svetlana Ibrić, Nenad Filipović, Effect of Circulation Chamber Dimensions on Aerosol Delivery Efficiency of a Commertial Dry Powder Inhaler Aerolizer®, 17th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE 2017), Washington DC, USA, 2017, 23rd-25th October, pp. 555 - 558, ISBN 978-1-5386-1325-2
  5. Tijana Šušteršič, Aleksandra Vulović, Sandra Cvijić, Svetlana Ibrić, Nenad Filipović, Simulation of Aerosol Particle Flow Through Dry Powder Inhaler Aerolizer®, 4th South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics - SEECCM 2017, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2017, 3th-5th July, pp. 52 – 60, ISBN 978-86-921243-0-3
  6. Vulović Aleksandra, Ilijazi Venezija, Jaćimovski Stevo, Analysis of turbulent diffusion model with variable coefficients in case of stationary point source, Тhematic Conference Proceedings оf International Significance Archibald Reiss Days, Belgrade, Serbia, 2017, ISBN 978- 86-7020-387-7
  7. Aleksandra Vulovic, Venezija Ilijazi, Jelena Lamovec, Stevo Jacimovski, Assessment of air pollution distribution from radioactive sources and its impact on human health, Тhematic Conference Proceedings оf International Significance Archibald Reiss Days, Belgrade, Serbia, 2018, ISBN 978–86–7020–408–9
  8. Šušteršič, T., Vulović, A., Cekerevac, I., Susa, R., Baumann, S., Zisaki, A., Braojos, R., Rincón, F., Murali, S., Filipović, N., Automatic Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea Detection based on Nasal Airflow Signal, ICIST 2018, Kopaonik, Serbia, 2018
  9. Vulović, A., Warchomicka, F., Ramskogler, C., Sommitsch, C., Filipović, N., Simulation of the Interlocking Capacity of the Modified Hip Implant Surface, ICIST 2018, Kopaonik, Serbia, 2018
  10. Jelena S. Lamovec, Srecko Ilic, Aleksandra Vulovic, Visualization and Risk Estimation of Harmful Substances Leakage Based on Aloha Code, Тhematic Conference Proceedings оf International Significance Archibald Reiss Days, Belgrade, 2019, pp. 449-464
  11. Aleksandra Vulović, Nenad Filipović, Effect of Hip Implant Surface Modification on Shear Stress Distribution, Eight International Conference on Computational Bioengineering ICCB, Belgrade, 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-43657-5
  12. Aleksandra Vulović, Fernando Gustavo Warchomicka, Nenad Filipović, Finite Element Analysis of Surface Modification of Titanium Alloy Used for Hip Implant, THERMEC, Online, 2021, pp. 1544-1548, ISBN 1662-9752
  13. Aleksandra Vulović, Giuseppe Filardo and Nenad Filipović, Comparison of mechanical response of knee joint with healthy and damaged femoral cartilage, 21st IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, Kragujevac, 2021
  14. Aleksandra Vulović, Nenad Filipović, Numerical analysis of hip implant surfaces, ICIST, Kopaonik, 2021, pp. 128-130
  15. Aleksandra Vulović, Nenad Filipović, Finite Element Analysis of Modified Hip Implant Surfaces, CMBEBIH, Online, 2021, pp. 085
  16. Radivoje Radaković, Nikola Janković, Jelena Dimitrijević, Nataša Zdravković Petrović, Aleksandra Vulović and Nenad Filipović, Force Analysis in the Knee of Top Football Players and Futsal Players in Different Types of Jumps, 21st IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, Kragujevac, 2021
  17. Radivoje Radaković, Sara Mijailović, Nataša Zdravković Petrović, Aleksandra Vulović, Nenad Filipović and Nebojša Zdravković, Force Analysis in the Knee of Top Futsal Players in Different Types of Jumps at the Beginning and the End of the Preparation Period, 21st IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, Kragujevac, 2021
Списак резултата М34
Саопштење са међународног скупа штампано у изводу
  1. Vulović Aleksandra, Warchomicka Fernando, Ramskogler Claudia, Sommitsch Christof, Filipović Nenad, Finite Element Analysis of the Modified Hip Implant Surface, Belgrade BioInformatics Conference – BelBi 2018, Belgrade, Serbia, 2018, 18th – 22nd June
  2. Vulović A, Filipović N, Effect of the femoral bone material properties on the numerical simulation results, The 7th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, 2019, ISBN 978-86-909973-7-4
  3. Aleksandra Vulović, Nenad Filipović, Effect of Patient Specific Young's Modulus on Mechanical Behaviour of Cortical Femoral Bone – A Finite Element Study, YOUng ResearcherS Conference 2020, Belgrade, 2020
  4. Aleksandra Vulović, Nenad Filipović, Calculation of femoral cortical bone elasticity modulus from computed tomography scans, 8th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Kragujevac, 2021, pp. 486-487
  5. Gordana Jovicic, Aleksandra Vulovic, Smiljana Djorovic, Arso Vukicevic, Radun Vulovic, Radivoje Radakovic, Nenad Filipovic, Numerical analysis of knee joint at maximum power tennis serve, 8th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Kragujevac, 2021, pp. 287-288
Списак резултата М52
Рад у часопису националног значаја
  1. A. Vulović, A. Vukićević, G. Jovičić, B. Ristić, N. Filipović,, The influence of ruptured anterior cruciate ligament on the biomechanical weakening of knee joint and posterior cruciate ligament, Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics, Vol.10, No.2, pp. 1-8, ISSN 1820-6530, 2016
Списак резултата М53
Рад у научном часопису
  1. A. Vulovic, T. Sustersic, V. Rankovic, A. Peulic, N. Filipovic, Comparison of Different Neural Network Training Algorithms with Application to Face Recognition Problem, EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, Vol.18, No.12, pp. e3, ISSN 2410-0218, 2018
  2. Tijana Šušteršič, Aleksandra Vulović, Nenad Filipović, Aleksandar Peulić, FPGA Implementation of Face Recognition Algorithm., Pervasive Computing Paradigms for Mental Health, Vol.207, No./, pp. 93-99, ISSN 1867-8211, 2018
  3. Filipović N., Šušteršič T., Vulović A., Tsuda A., Big Data and machine learning: new frontier in lung cancer care, Shanghai Chest, Vol.3, No.51, pp. 1-11, ISSN 2521-3768, 2019

  1. Интердисциплинарни пројекат Министарства просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије: Примена биомедицинског инжењеринга у претклиничкој и клиничкој пракси, ИИИ41007, 2017 -.
  2. Иновирање лабораторијских вежби и експеримената на предметима мастер студијског програма Биоинжењеринг (БИОЛАБ)
  3. Unapređenje i inoviranje praktične nastave na predmetima master akademskih studija - Informacione tehnologije (INO-IT)
  4. Пројекат Фонда за науку Републике Србије у оквиру Програма ИДЕЈЕ, под називом „Мanagement of new security risks – research and simulation development“, 2022 – 2024, руководилац проф. др Петар Станојевић

  1. SIFEM, Semantic Infostructure interlinking an open source Finite Element tool and libraries with a model repository for the multi-scale Modelling and 3D visualization of the inner-ear, FP7-ICT-2011-9-600933, Project Coordinator: dr Ratnesh Sahay, National University of Ireland, Galway, 01.02.2013 – 31.01.2016.
  2. Билатерални пројекат Србија – Аустрија, Моделирање иновативних слушних имплантата уз помоћ коштане проводљивости звука, руководилац проф. др. Ненад Филиповић, 2016-2017.
  3. New Generation Biomimetic and Customized Implants for Bone Engineering, COST Action MP1301, 2013-2017.
  4. SimInhale: Simulation and pharmaceutical technologies for advanced patient- tailored inhaled medicines, MPNS COST action Action P1404, 2015-2019.
  5. Билатерални пројекат Србија – Словенија, Компјутерско моделирање и симулација морфолошко-метаболичких упаривања неуронског пресинаптичког терминала и астроцитног процеса, руководилац проф. др. Ненад Филиповић, 2018-2019.
  6. SGABU, Increasing scientific, technological and innovation capacity of Serbia as a Widening country in the domain of multiscale modelling and medical informatics in biomedical engineering, Grant agreement No. 952603, 01.10.2020 - 30.09.2023
  7. UNDP - Production of medical ventilators by using 3D printers and lasers, with lower production cost and in shorter production time compared to the standard industry approach, this solution enables the production of affordable medical ventilators in Serbia, for the fight against COVID-19 virus, 2020.
  8. PANBioRA, Personalised And/or Generalised Integrated Biomaterial Risk Assessment, H2020-NMBP-2017-two-stage-760921, Coordinator: Steinbeis 2i GmbH, 01.01.2018- 31.12.2021.

  1. Mehanika 1, На матичном факултету, 2015/2016
  2. Računarski alati, На матичном факултету, 2016-
  3. Mehanika 3, На матичном факултету, 2016-
  4. Osnovi bioinženjeringa, На матичном факултету, 2016-
  5. Bioinženjering i bioinformatika, На матичном факултету, 2015-