Danijela Miloradović |
First and last name | Danijela Miloradović |
Year and place of birth | Kragujevac, 1969 |
Position | Full professor |
E-mail | neja@kg.ac.rs |
Education-scientific / education–art field | Technical-technological sciences |
University, faculty, organizational unit | University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering, Department for motor vehicles and motors |
Field and closer specialty | Mechanical engineering, Motor vehicles and engines |
Year | 1993 |
Place | Kragujevac |
Institution | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering from Kragujevac |
Headline | "Analysis of force ratio of McPhearson suspension system and planar vibration models of vehicle containing front independent suspension of mentioned type" |
Field | Motor vehicles |
Year | 2004 |
Place | Kragujevac |
Institution | Faculty of mechanical engineering from Kragujevac |
Headline | "Interaction between steering and suspension systems of passenger vehicles" |
Field | Motor vehicles |
Year | 2012 |
Place | Kragujevac |
Institution | Faculty of engineering of the University of Kragujevac |
Headline | "Research of mechanical and functional couplings of vehicle's dynamic system from the aspect of required performance" |
Field | Motor vehicles |
Year | Institution | Position |
1994 | Faculty of mechanical engineering, Kragujevac | Research assistant |
1996 | Faculty of mechanical engineering, Kragujevac | Research & teaching аssistant prentice |
2006 | Faculty of mechanical engineering, Kragujevac | Research & teaching assistant |
2004 | Faculty of mechanical engineering, Kragujevac | Research & teaching assistant |
2010 | Faculty of mechanical engineering, Kragujevac | Research & teaching assistant |
2012 | Faculty of engineering, Kragujevac | Assistant professor |
2017 | Faculty of engineering, Kragujevac | Associate professor |
2022 | Faculty of engineering of the University of Kragujevac | Full professor |
Year | Institution | Duration |
2006 | National Technical University of Athens, Greece | 5 days |
2008 | Politecnico di Torino, Italy | 5 days |
2012 | Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy | 5 days |
Year | Name of award/recognition |
1990 | Diploma and reward as the best student of the Faculty of mechanical engineering in 1990 |
1994 | Diploma and reward for achieving excellent academic success in studies |
2022 | "Editor's Choice Article" award for article published in scientific journal "Machines" in 2022 |
Member of Yougoslav Society for Motors and Vehicles (JUMV);
Member of the Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia
Papers published in international scientific journals |
R. Pešić, A. Davinić, S. Petković, D. Taranović, D. Miloradović, "Aspects of volumetric efficiency measurement for reciprocating engines", "Thermal Science", Vol.17, No.1, pp. 35-48, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi 10.2298/TSCI120531153P, 2013
S. Randjelovic, B. Tadic, P. Todorovic, Dj. Vukelic, D. Miloradovic, M. Radenkovic, C. Tsiafis, "Modelling of the ball burnishing process with a high-stiffness tool", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.81, No.9-12, pp. 1509-1518, ISSN 0268-3768, Doi 10.1007/s00170-015-7319-4, 2015
N. Miloradović, R. Vujanac, S. Mitrović, D. Miloradović, “Dry Sliding Wear Performance of ZA27/SiC/Graphite Composites”, Metals - Special Issue: “Advances in Design by Metallic Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, Simulation and Applications”, impact factor: 2.259, Vol.9, No.7, pp. 717, ISSN 2075-4701, Doi 10.3390/met9070717, 2019
D. Miloradović, J. Lukić, J. Glišović, N. Miloradović, "Identification of Vehicle System Dynamics from the Aspect of Interaction between the Steering and the Suspension Systems", "Machines", impact factor: 2,428, Vol.10, No.1, pp. 46, ISSN 2075-1702, Doi https://doi.org/10.3390/machines10010046, 2022
S. Vasiljević, J. Glišović, J. Lukić, D. Miloradović, M. Stanojević, M. Ðorđević, "Analysis of Parameters Influencing the Formation of Particles during the Braking Process: Experimental Approach", "Atmosphere", impact factor: 2,9, Vol.14, No.11, pp. 1618, ISSN 2073-4433, Doi https://doi.org/10.3390/ atmos14111618, 2023
D. Catic, B. Krstic, D. Miloradovic, "Determination of reliability of motor vehicle steering system tie-rod joint", "Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association", Vol.15, No.3, pp. 309-322, ISSN 1310-4772, 2009
R. Pesic, A. Davinic, D. Taranovic, D. Miloradovic, S. Petkovic, "Experimental determination of double Vibe function parameters in Diesel engines with biodiesel", Thermal Science, Vol.14, No.Suppl., pp. S197-S208, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi 10.2298/TSCI10050506P, 2010
J. Glisovic, R. Radonjic, M. Babic, D. Miloradovic, D. Catic, Design of vehicle road testing method for determination of brake pad friction characteristics, Journal of Balkan Tribological Association, Vol.17, No.4, pp. 512-524, ISSN 1310-4772, 2011
M. Demić, D. Miloradović, J. Glišović, "A contribution to research of vibrational loads of the vehicle steering system's tie-rod in characteristic exploitation conditions", "Low frequency noise, vibration and active control", Vol.31, No.2, pp. 105-122, ISSN 0263-0923, Doi DOI 10.1260/0263-0923.31.2.105, 2012
M. Demić, J. Glišović, D. Miloradović, J. Lukić, "Contribution to indentification of mechanical characteristics of passenger motor vehicle's drum brakes", Tehnički vjesnik - Technical Gazette, Vol.20, No.1, pp. 9-20, ISSN 1330-3651, 2013
A. Poznic, D, Miloradovic, A. Juhas, "A new magnetorheological brake`s combined materials design approach", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol.31, No.3, pp. 1119-1125, ISSN 1976-3824, Doi 10.1007/s1220601702105, 2017
M. Demić, D. Miloradović, "Numerical simulation of thermal loads of the truck’s power train mounting system due to vibrations", Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, impact factor: 1.701, Vol.37, No.4, pp. 911-927, ISSN 1461-3484, Doi 10.1177/1461348418765965, 2018
I. Grujić, N. Stojanović, J. Dorić, D. Miloradović, J. Glišović, “The Application of Neural Networks for Prediction of Concentration of Harmful Components in the Exhaust Gases of Diesel Engines”, Tehnički Vjesnik / Technical Gazette, Vol.27, No.1, pp. 262-269, ISSN 1330-3651, Doi https://doi.org/10.17559/TV-20181126111859, 2020
M. Jeremić, M. Matejić, B. Bogdanović, B. Tadić, D. Miloradović, D. Miljanić, "Analyzing the Influence of the Construction Element
Position on Torque Transmission by Friction", Tribology in Industry, Vol.36, No.3, pp. 300-307, ISSN 0354-8996, 2014
Lj. Kudrjavceva, M. Micunovic, D. Miloradovic, A. Obradovic, "Bertolino-Bakša stability at nonlinear vibrations of motor vehicles", Theoretical and Aplied Mechanics, Vol.44, No.2, pp. 271-291, ISSN 1450-5584, Doi https://doi.org/10.2298/TAM171128019K, 2017
Papers presented at international conferences |
M. Demić, M. Milovanović, D. Đokić, Trends in development of passenger cars, International Scientific conference on Internal combustion Engines and Vehicles - MOTAUTO'96, Varna, Bulgaria, 1996, 26.-28. September, pp. 29-34
D. Miloradović, M. Mićunović, Nonlinear vibration of motor vehicle due to road roughness, 5. međunarodno savjetovanje o dostignućima elektro i mašinske industrije "DEMI 2002", Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, 2002
J. Glišović, R. Radonjić, D. Miloradović, Analysis and selection of brakes for heavy vehicles, International Conference Heavy Machinery - HM'02, Kraljevo, 2002
J. Glišović, R. Radonjić, D. Miloradović, Analysis of brake pad friction characteristic obtained by polygon testing of vehicle, Paper CONAT20044060, "CONAT2004", Brasov, Romania, 2004
D. Miloradović, J. Glišović, Experimental research of interaction between the steering system and the suspension system of a passenger car, Trans&MOTAUTO'05, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, 2005, 23-25 november, pp. 153-156, ISBN 954-9322-10-6
D. Miloradović, J. Glišović, Errors in processing of vehicle vibration data, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2006, Kragujevac, 2006, 4-6 October, pp. Paper Code MVM20060121, ISBN 86-80581-95-Х
J. Glišović, D. Miloradović, Noise generation in vehicle brakes, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2006, Kragujevac, 2006, 4th-6th October, pp. Paper Code MVM20060079, ISBN 86-80581-95-Х
Д. Милорадовић, Ј. Глишовић, Laboratory research of interaction between steering and suspension systems of vehicle, VIII међународни научно-стручни скуп о достигнућима електротехнике, машинства и информатике “ДЕМИ 2007“, Универзитет у Бањалуци, Машински факултет, Бањалука, Република Српска, 2007, 25-26. 05., pp. 731-736, ISBN 978-99938-39-15-6
J. Glišović, D. Miloradović, “Virtual reality for efficient vehicle lifecycle management“, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2008, Kragujevac, 2008, 8th-10th October, pp. Paper code MVM20080075, ISBN 978-86-86663-38-2
J. Glišović, D. Miloradović, "Eliminating brake noise problem", International Congress "MVM2010", Kragujevac, 2010, 07.-09. oktobar, pp. 524-533, ISBN 978-86-86663-57-3
R. Pešić, A. Davinić, S. Petković, D. Taranović, D. Miloradović, "Volumetric efficiency - problems in experimental determination", International Congress "MVM2010", Kragujevac, 2010, 07.-09. oktobar, pp. 442-451, ISBN 978-86-86663-57-3
J. Glišović, J. Lukić, D. Miloradović, „Improvements of ground vehicles fuel economy using regenerative braking“, DEMI2011, Banja Luka, 2011, May 26th-28th, pp. 687-692, ISBN 978-99938-39-36-1
J. Glišović, M. Demić, D. Miloradović, "Definition of evaluation criteria for motor vehicle's drum brakes characteristics"", CAR2011 - The 10th international automotive congress - "Automotive engineering and environment", Pitesti, 2011, 02-04 November, ISBN ISSN 1453-1100
J. Glisovic, M. Demic, D. Miloradovic, D. Catic, "System approach to solving brake NVH problems", The 7th International Scientific Conference "Research and development of mechanical elements and systems", "IRMES201", Zlatibor, Serbia, 2011, 27.-28. 04., pp. 25-32, ISBN 978-86-6055-012-7
J. Glišović, M. Demić, J. Lukić, D. Miloradović, “Dynamometer for testing high-frequency noise of disc brakes”, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2012 (MVM2012), Kragujevac, 2012, October 3rd-5th, pp. 472-484, ISBN 978-86-86663-91-7
M. Demić, J. Lukić, D. Miloradović, J. Glišović, “Influence of deterioration of vibration parameters on motor vehicle's vibration comfort”, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2012 (MVM2012), Kragujevac, 2012, October, 3rd-5th, pp. 514-520, ISBN 978-86-86663-91-7
J. Glišović, J. Lukić, D. Miloradović, "Stability analysis of disc brake model: a parametric study", 11th International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technologz DEMI 2013, Banja Luka, 2013, May, 30th - June, st, pp. 949-954, ISBN 978-99938-39-46-0
J. Glisovic, J. Lukic, D. Miloradovic, D. Catic, "Research of the justification for the high warranty costs due to disc brake noise", 7th International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2013, May, 24rd, pp. 85-90, ISBN 978-86-86663-93-1
N. Miloradović, R. Vujanac, D. Miloradović, B. Stojanović, "Use of working platforms on forklift trucks", 11th International Conference on Accomplishmnets in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology DEMI 2013, Banja Luka, 2013, May, 30th - June, 1st, pp. 1177-1182, ISBN 978-99938-39-46-0
A. Poznić, D. Miloradović, “Experimental evaluation of magnetorheological disk brake“, 5th International Congress MVM2014, Kragujevac, 2014, October, 9th-10th, pp. 487-494, ISBN 978-86-6335-010-6
J. Glišović, M. Demić, J. Lukić, D.Miloradović, "A contribution to research of some physical characteristics of disc brakes in laboratory conditions", 5th International Congress MVM2014, Kragujevac, 2014, October, 9th-10th, pp. 466-478, ISBN ISBN 978-86-6335-010-6
R. Radonjić, D.Miloradović, D. Radonjić, “An approach to vehicle research“, 5th International Congress MVM2014, Kragujevac, 2014, October, 9th-10th, pp. 479-486, ISBN 978-86-6335-010-6
A. Poznic, D. Miloradovic, A. Zelic, "Determination of magnetic characteristics of some steels suitable for magnetorheological brake construction", 3rd International Conference and Workshop Mechatronics in Practice and Education – MECHEDU 2015, Subotica, 2015, 14th-16th May, pp. 130-133, ISBN 978-86-918815-0-4
D. Miloradovic, R. Radonjic, J. Glisovic, "Application of vertical acceleration records acquired at the centres of the vehicle wheels", International Conference on Accomplishmnets in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology DEMI2015, Banja Luka, 2015, 29th-30th May, pp. 615-620, ISBN 978-99938-39-53-8
J. Glisovic, J. Lukic, D. Miloradovic, S. Macuzic, "Trends in development of brake systems of the agricultural tractors and trailers", International Conference on Accomplishmnets in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology DEMI2015, Banja Luka, 2015, 29th-30th May, pp. 621-626, ISBN 978-99938-39-53-8
J. Lukic, J. Glisovic, D. Miloradovic, S. Macuzic, "Method of disc brake noise assessment", International Conference on Accomplishmnets in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology DEMI2015, Banja Luka, 2015, 29th-30th May, pp. 633-638, ISBN 978-99938-39-53-8
A. Poznic, D. Miloradovic, B. Stojic, "On magnetorheological brake FEM modeling", KOD 2016, Balatonfured, Hungary, 2016, 9th-12th June, pp. 117-122, ISBN 978-86-7892-821-5
A. Poznić, D. Miloradović, D. Herceg, “On magnetorheological multi-pole multi-rotor brake FEM modelling”, MVM2016, Kragujevac, 2016, October, 6th-7th, pp. 159-165, ISBN 978-86-6335-037-3
D. Miloradović, J. Glisović, J. Lukić, “Regulations on road vehicle noise – trends and future activities”, MVM2016, Kragujevac, 2016, October, 6th-7th, pp. 321-330, ISBN 978-86-6335-037-3
I. Grujic, D. Miloradovic, N. Stojanovic, "Nonlinear kinematics of engine crank-piston mechanism", KOD 2016, Balatonfured, Hungary, 2016, 9th-12th June, pp. 93-98, ISBN 978-86-7892-821-5
I. Grujić, N. Stojanović, A. Davinić, R. Pešić, D. Miloradović, "Optimization of Connecting rod length", Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications COMETa 2016, Jahorina, BiH, 2016, 7th-9th December, pp. 163 - 168, ISBN 978-99976-623-7-8
J. Glišović, R. Pešić, J. Lukić, D. Miloradović, "Airborne wear particles from automotive brake systems: environmental and health issues", 1st International conference on quality of life, Kragujevac, 2016, 9th-10th, June, pp. 289-295, ISBN 978-86-6335-033-5
R. Radonjić, D. Miloradović, A. Janković, D. Taranović, “Investigation of vehicle response to driver control”, MVM2016, Kragujevac, 2016, October, 6th-7th, pp. 217-225, ISBN 978-86-6335-037-3
R. Radonjić, D. Miloradović, D. Radonjić, “Modelling of road roughness - a base for vehicle performance optimization”, MVM2016, Kragujevac, 2016, October, 6th-7th, pp. 207-216, ISBN 978-86-6335-037-3
R. Radonjic, D. Miloradovic, D. Radonjic, A. Jankovic, "Modeling and identification of vehicle vibration", 25th Interantional Conference "Noise and Vibration", Tara, Serbia, 2016, 27th-29th October, pp. 147-150, ISBN 978-86-6093-076-9
S. Mačužić, D. Miloradović, J. Glišović, J. Lukić, “FEM modelling of McPherson suspension system”, MVM2016, Kragujevac, 2016, October 6th-7th, pp. 195-199, ISBN 978-86-6335-037-3
D. Macuzic, J. Lukic, J. Glisovic, D. Miloradovic, "Pedal force determination respect to ride comfort", CAR2017 International Congress of Automotive and Transport Engineering – Mobility Engineering and Environment, Pitesti, Romania, 2017, November 8th-10th, pp. 012010
D. Miloradović, G. Bogdanović, L. Ivanović, V. Geroski, M. Rafailović, "Comparison of numerical integration methods in the linear dynamic analysis", 13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, 2017, 26th-27th May, pp. 697-702, ISBN 978-99938-39-72-9
I. Grujić, J. Lukić, D. Miloradović, A. Davinić, N. Stojanović, "identification of combustion noise", 13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, 2017, 26th-27th May, pp. 729-732, ISBN 978-99938-39-72-9
L. Ivanović, A. Ilić, D. Miloradović, M. Matejić, D. Josifović, “Modelling and simulation of the load in the epicyclic rotary pump with trochoidal gear profiles”, The 10th International Symposium Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering (KOD 2018), Novi Sad, 2018, 6th-8th June, pp. 1-8
D. Miloradović, J. Glišović, N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, “Simulation of vehicle's lateral dynamics using nonlinear model with real inputs”, 9th International Scientific Conference - Research and Development of Mechanical Elements and Systems (IRMES 2019), Kragujevac, 2019, 5-7 September, pp. 012060
N. Stojanovic, O. I. Abdullah , J. Schlattmann, I. Grujic, D. Miloradovic, “3D Aerodynamic Simulation of the Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicle”, The 30th SIAR International Congress of Automotive and Transport Engineering - Science and Management of Automotive and Transportation Engineering - SMAT 2019, Craiova, 2019, 23rd-25th October, pp. 68-81, ISBN 978-3-030-32563-3
M. Demić, D. Miloradović, CONTRIBUTION TO RESEARCH OF TIRE ROLLING RESISTANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLES, The 8th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2020, Kragujevac, 2020, 08.10.-09.10., pp. 207-215, ISBN 978-86-6335-074-8
N. Stojanović, D. Miloradović, O. I. Abdullah, I. Grujić, S. Vasiljević, “Effect of rear spoiler shape on car aerodynamics and stability”, The 6th International Conference “New technologies, development and application NT-2020“, Sarajevo, 2020, June 25th -27th, pp. 340-347, ISBN 978-3-030-46816-3
N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, J. Glišović, D. Miloradović, J. Dorić, “Influence of Rear Spoiler Inclination on Aerodynamics and Stability of Car”, 5th International conference “Mechanical engineering in XXI century” (MASING 2020), Niš, 2020, 9th-10th December, pp. 303-306, ISBN 978-86-6055-139-1
D. Miloradović, N. Miloradović, J. Glišović, B. Stojanović, R. Vujanac, “Application of hybrid composites based on ZA27 alloy in automotive industry”, The 15th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (DEMI 2021), Banja Luka, 2021, 28th-29th May, pp. 349-354, ISBN 978-99938-39-92-7
N. Miloradović, R. Vujanac, D. Miloradović, J. Glišović, "Determination of resistance to motion during operation of belt conveyor", International Scientific Conference "Technics, Technologies, Education, Safety 2021", Borovets, Bulgaria, 2021, 7th-10th June, pp. 78-80, ISBN ISSN 2535-0315
S. Vasiljević, D. Taranović, J. Lukić, D. Miloradović, J. Glišović, "Design of experimental research on influencing factors on the particle emission caused by brake wear", The 16th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering - DEMI 2023, Banja Luka, 2023, 1st-2nd June, pp. 368-375
D. Miloradović, J. Glišović, J. Lukić, N. Miloradović, "Suspension ratios of Macpherson strut suspension", 10th International congress “Motor vehicles & motors 2024” (MVM 2024), Kragujevac, 2024, 10th-11th October, pp. 357-367, ISBN 978-86-6335-120-2
J. Glišović, S. Vasiljević, J. Lukić, D. Miloradović, "Subsystem and system analysis of brake wear particles for prediction and control of the traffic non-exhaust emission", 10th International congress “Motor vehicles & motors 2024” (MVM 2024), Kragujevac, 2024, 10th-11th October, pp. 331-341, ISBN 978-86-6335-120-2
J. Lukić, J. Glišović, D. Miloradović, "Masking fore and aft vibration under two axial whole body vibration", The 11th International automotive technologies congress - OTEKON 2024, Bursa, Türkiye, 2024, September 9th-10th, pp. 1100-1105, ISBN 978-625-6443-24-2
J. Lukić, J. Glišović, D. Miloradović, "Masking effects under dual axis whole body vibration", 10th International congress “Motor vehicles & motors 2024” (MVM 2024), Kragujevac, 2024, 10th-11th October, pp. 477-482, ISBN 978-86-6335-120-2
Д. Милорадовић, Ј. Глишовић, "Errors in Processing of vehicle Vibration Data", International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2006, Крагујевац, 2006
Ј. Глишовић, Д. Милорадовић, "Noise Generation in vehicle Brakes", International Congress Motor vehicles & Motors 2006, Крагујевац, 2006
Ј. Глишовић, Д. Милорадовић, "Virtual reality for efficient vehicle lifecycle management", International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors, Крагујевац, 2008, 8.-10. октобар, pp. 57, ISBN 978-86-86663-39-9
J. Glisovic, D. Miloradovic, "ELIMINATING BRAKE NOISE PROBLEM", International Congress "MOTOR VEHICLES & MOTORS 2010", Kragujevac, 2010, 07.-09. 2010., pp. 59, ISBN 978-86-86663-58-0
R. Pesic, A. Davinic, S. Petkovic, D. Taranovic, D. Miloradovic, "VOLUMETRIC EFFICIENCY - PROBLEMS IN EXPERIMENTAL DETERMINATION", International Congress "MOTOR VEHICLES & MOTORS 2010", Kragujevac, 2010, 07.-09.2010., pp. 35, ISBN 978-86-86663-58-0
J. Glišović, M. Demić, J. Lukić, D. Miloradović, “Dynamometer for testing high-frequency noise of disc brakes”, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2012 (MVM2012), Kragujevac, 2012, October 3rd-5th, pp. 64, ISBN 978-86-86663-90-0
M. Demić, J. Lukić, D. Miloradović, J. Glišović, “Influence of deterioration of vibration parameters on motor vehicle's vibration comfort”, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2012 (MVM2012), Kragujevac, 2012, October 3rd-5th, pp. 70, ISBN 978-86-86663-90-0
J. Glišović, J. Lukić, D. Miloradović, "Stability analysis of disc brake model: a parametric study", 11th International conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, Banja Luka, 2013, May, 30th - June, 1st, pp. 147, ISBN 978-99938-39-45-3
N. Miloradović, R. vujanac, D. Miloradović, B. Stojanović, "Use of working platforms on forklift trucks", 11th International conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, Banja Luka, 2013, May, 30th - June 1st, pp. 186, ISBN 978-99938-39-45-3
D. Miloradovic, R. Radonjic, J. Glisovic, "Application of vertical acceleration records acquired at the centres of the vehicle wheels", DEMI2015, Banja Luka, 2015, 29th-30th May, pp. 97
J. Glisovic. J. Lukic. D. Miloradovic, S. Macuzic, "Trends in development of brake systems of the agricultural tractors and trailers", DEMI2015, Banja Luka, 2015, 29th-30th May, pp. 98
J. Lukic, J. Glisovic, D. Miloradovic, S. Macuzic, "Method of disk brake noise assessment", DEMI2015, Banja Luka, 2015, 29th-30th May, pp. 100
L. Ivanović, A. Ilić, D. Miloradović, M. Matejić, D. Josifović, "Modelling and simulation of the load in the epicyclic rotary pump with trochoidal gear profiles", The 10th International Conference on Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2018, 06.-08. jun, pp. 126-127, ISBN 978-86-6022-059-4
D. Miloradović, J. Glišović, N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, "Simulation of vehicle's lateral dynamics using nonlinear model with real inputs", 9th International Scientific Conference
Research and Development of Mechanical
Elements and Systems "IRMES 2019", Kragujevac, 2019, 05-06. September, pp. 240-241, ISBN 978‐86‐6335‐061‐8
S. Mačužić Saveljić, D. Miloradović, "Simulation of pedestrian throw distance in the software package PC-Crash - comparison with experiment and theory", 9th International Congress "Motor Vehicles & Motors 2022", Kragujevac, 2022, 13th-14th October, pp. 71-72, ISBN 978-86-6335-096-0
S. Vasiljevic, J. Glisovic, J. Lukic, D. Miloradovic, "The Problem of Brake Wear and Environmental Pollution with Particles Obtained by Brake Wear - a New/Old Source of Pollution?", 1st DEEP TECH OPEN SCIENCE DAY Conference 2024, Kragujevac, 2024, 5. april, pp. 95, ISBN 978-86-6335-113-4
Vice-dean for education of the Faculty of engineering of the University of Kragujevac, 2012-2015
Member of the Council of the Faculty of engineering of the University of Kragujevac, 2016-2019
Member of the Commission for preparation of accreditation documentation of the Bio-engineering study program, 2018
Coordinator of the Accreditation commission of study programs of the Faculty of engineering, University of Kragujevac, 2018
Head of the Laboratory for motor vehicles of the Faculty of engineering, 2018-2021
Member of the Council of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Kragujevac, 2019-2023
President of the Council of the Faculty og Engineering 2020-until today
Deputy president of the Council of the Faculty of Engineering 2019./2020.
Member of the Commission for the preparation of the proposal of the study program of bachelor academic studies "Road Traffic" in 2020
Member of the Commission for the preparation of the proposal of the study program of bachelor academic studies "Environmental Engineering" in 2020
Member of the Commission for the preparation of the proposal of the study program of doctoral academic studies "Electrical Engineering and Computing", in 2020
Member of the Commission for examining the possibility for the introduction of the study program of bachelor academic studies Road Traffic, 2020.
Member of the Commission for the preparation of the Report on self-evaluation of the Faculty of Engineering, 2021
Member of the Commission for quality assurance of the Faculty of Engineering, 2021-2024
Member of the Commission for reaccreditation and preparation of documentation for the study program bachelor studies "Computer Technology and Software Engineering", 2023
Member of the Teaching Committee 2024 - 2027
D. Miloradovic: "Vehicle dynamics - Collection of solved problems", Faculty of engineering of the University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, 2017, ISBN 978-86-6335-040-3
D. Miloradovic, "Testing of motor vehicles", Faculty of engineering of the University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, 2021
B. Tadic, D. Miloradovic: "Experiments in mechanical engineering", The script for students of M.Sc. studies of Mechanical engineering and Automotive engineering, TEMPUS DIAUSS JP 516729-2011, Крагујевац, 2014
J. Lukic, J. Glisovic, D. Miloradovic: "Motor vehicles and their development", The script for students of B.Sc studies of Automotive engineering, TEMPUS DIAUSS JP 516729-2011, Крагујевац, 2014
Reviewer of the scientific journal "Proc. IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering"
Reviewer for the scientific journal "Machines"
Reviewer of the international scientific journal "Applied Sciences"
Reviewer of the journal "Vehicles"
Reviewer for the journal "Dynamics"
Reviewer of the "World Electric Vehicle Journal"
Other activities
D. Miloradovic, P. Todorovic, "Physical damage - Noise at workspace", Chapter in monograph: "Occupational safety and protection - Book 2", BZR Educational center, Faculty of mechanical engineering in Kragujevac, No. of pages: 66, Kragujevac, 2009
D. Miloradovic, P. Todorovic, "Physical damage - Vibration at workspace", Chapter in monograph: "Occupational safety and protection - Book 2", BZR Educational centre, Faculty of mechanical engineering in Kragujevac, No. of pages: 48, Kragujevac, 2009
M. Demic, Z. Sakota, D. Miloradovic, “Impact of truck’s power train layout on driver’s fore-and-aft vibration loads”, Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Modern Technology, 2018
Co-author and co-editor of the monograph: "The Faculty of engineering of the University of Kragujevac 2010-2020", Publisher: The Faculty of engineering of the University of Kragujevac, ISBN 978-86-6335-077-9, COBISS.SR-ID 25880073, 2020
Reviews of textbooks
Reviewer of the textbook entitled "Mobile systems" written by Jasna Glisovic and Jovanka Lukic, published by the Faculty of engineering of the University of Kragujevac, 2021
Participation in the Commission for the election of Vladimir Kočović to the research title of research associate, 2014
Participation in the Commission for the election of Slavica Mačužić to the research title of research associate, 2015
Member of the Commission for writing the Report for the selection of the candidate Vladimir Kočović for the title of research associate, 2015
Member of the Commission for re-election of Slavica Mačužić to the research title of research associate, 2018
Member of the Commission for the evaluation of the scientific and research work of candidate Dr. Aleksandar Poznić and the verification of the fulfillment of the conditions for his election to the title of scientific associate, University of Belgrade, Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Vinča", 2023
Participation in commissions for election of teachers and assistants
Member of the Commission for the preparation of Report on registered candidates for the announced competition of the Faculty of Engineering in Kragujevac for the selection of one associate for the title of assistant for the scientific field: MOTOR VEHICLES, ROAD TRAFFIC, 2015
Member of the Commission for writing the Report on the candidates applied for the competition for the title of assistant with a doctorate, for the narrower field of Motor vehicles and IC engines, Faculty of Technical Sciences Novi Sad, 2017.
Member of the Commission for writing the Report on candidates applied for the competition for employment and election to the title of assistant professor or associate professor for the scientific field of Motor Vehicles and IC Engines, Faculty of Technical Sciences Novi Sad, 2018
Member of the Commission for the preparation of the Report on the registered candidates for the announced competition for the selection of one associate in the title of assistant for the narrow scientific field of Motor Vehicles and Engines, 2018
Member of the Commission for preparation of the Report on registered candidates for the announced competition of the Faculty of Engineering for selection (re-election) of associate in the title of assistant for the scientific field Motor vehicles and engines and courses: Drive and mobile systems, Motor vehicles 1 and Vehicle dynamics, 2018
Member of the Commission for the election of one teacher to the title of assistant professor or associate professor for the scientific field of Motor Vehicles and IC Engines, Faculty of Technical Sciences Novi Sad, 2018
Member of the Commission for the preparation of the Report on the registered candidates for the announced competition of the Faculty of Engineering for the selection of one associate in the title of assistant for the scientific field of Production Engineering, 2020
Member of the Commission for the selection of а teacher for the title of assistant professor or associate professor for the scientific field of Motor vehicles and IC engines, Faculty of Technical Sciences Novi Sad, 2021
Member of the Commission for the preparation of the report on the candidates registered for the competition for the selection of teachers for the title of associate or full professor for the narrow scientific field of Motor Vehicles and Engines, at the Faculty of Engineering of the University Kragujevac, in 2023.
Member of the Commission for the preparation of the Report on the candidates registered for the selection of teachers for the position of assistant professor for the narrow scientific field of Motor Vehicles and Engines at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, in 2024.
CRESCENTO: CiRcular Economy Skills Enhancement NeTwOrk, project No 1320, ADRION Interreg Programme, 2023
Participation in commissions for writing reports on the assessment of the scientific basis of the topic and the fulfillment of the requirements of the candidate and the proposed mentor for the preparation of the doctoral dissertation
Member of the Commission for the evaluation of the scientific basis of the topic of the doctoral dissertation entitled "Identification of the combustion process of SI engines with gaseous fuels" candidate Ivan Grujić, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Kragujevac, 2020.
Member of the Commission for the evaluation of the scientific basis of the topic entitled "Development of a model for the evaluation of the oscillatory comfort of vehicles", candidate Slavica Mačužić, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Kragujevac, 2019.
Member of the Commission for the evaluation of the scientific basis of the topic of the doctoral dissertation entitled "Identification of the thermal stresses of the disc brake for different working parameters of braking" candidate Nadica Stojanović, Faculty of Engineering оф тхе University of Kragujevac, 2020.
Member of the Committee for writing the Report on the evaluation of the scientific basis of the topic of the doctoral dissertation "Emission of particles from vehicle brakes: analysis of influencing factors" by candidate Saša Vasiljević, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Kragujevac, 2022.
Member of the Commission for writing the Report on the evaluation of the scientific basis of the topic and the fulfillment of the requirements of the candidate and the proposed mentor for the preparation of the doctoral dissertation entitled "Theoretical and experimental analysis of the influence of vehicle braking systems on road traffic safety" candidate Bojana Bošković, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Kragujevac, 2024.
Member of the Commission for the evaluation of the scientific basis of the topic of the doctoral dissertation of the student of doctoral studies of Military-mechanical engineering from Algeria - Abdeselem Benmedah, Military Academy, University of Defense, 2024.