Danijela Tadic

First and last nameDanijela Tadic
Year and place of birth1967, Kragujevac
PositionFull professor
Education-scientific / education–art fieldTechnical and technological sciences
University, faculty, organizational unitUniversity of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering
Field and closer specialtyProduction Engineering, Industrial Engineering

InstitutionFaculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kragujevac
InstitutionFaculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade
HeadlineManagement of inventory of raw materials in the presence of uncertainty as part of the problem of production management
FieldIndustrial engineering
InstitutionFaculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade
HeadlineMulti-criteria optimization of the choice of procurement strategies in a complex multi-level production and distribution system
FieldIndustrial engineering

1991Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of KragujevacResearch & teaching аssistant prentice
1996Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of KragujevacResearch & teaching assistant
2000Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of KragujevacAssistant professor
2005Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of KragujevacAssociate professor
2013Faculty of Engineering, University of KragujevacFull professor

2002School of Operational Research, study stay, GermanyAugust
2002Université catholique de Louvain, Canada, visiting professorSeptember
2008Technical University of Braunschweig, GermanyJuly
2011University of Coventry, United Kingdom, EnglandOctober

Papers published in international scientific journals
  1. Aleksić, A., Stefanović, M., Tadić, D., Arsovski, S., A fuzzy model for assessment of organization's vulnerability, Measurement, Vol.51, No.1, pp. 214 - 223, ISSN 0263-2241, Doi 10.1016/j.measurement.2014.02.003, 2014
  2. Tadić, D., Aleksić, A., Stefanović, M., Arsovski, S., Evaluation and Ranking of Organizational Relilience Factors by using a Two Step Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS, Mathematical problem in Engineering, Vol.2014, No.ID 418085, pp. 1-13, ISSN 1024-123, Doi 10.1155/2014/418085, 2014
  3. Nestić, S., Stefanović, M., Đorđević, A., Arsovski, S., Tadić, D., A model of the assessment and optimization of production process quality using the fuzzy sets and genetic algorithm, European Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol.9, No.1, pp. 77-99, ISSN 1751-5254, 2015
  4. Tadic, D., Aleksic, A., Popovic, P., Arsovski, S., Castelli, A., Joksimovic, D., & Stefanovic, M., The evaluation and enhancement of quality, environmental protection and seaport safety by using FAHP, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, impact factor: 3,102, Vol.17, No.2, pp. 261-275, ISSN 1561-8633, Doi 10.5194/nhess-17-261-2017, 2017
  5. Djapan, M., Macuzic, I., Tadic, D., & Baldissone, G., An innovative prognostic risk assessment tool for manufacturing sector based on the management of the human, organizational and technical/technological factors, Safety Science, impact factor: 4,105, Vol.119, No.1, pp. 280-291, ISSN 0925-7535, 2019
  6. Aleksandar Aleksić, Dragan D. Milanović, Nikola Komatina, Danijela Tadić, Evaluation and ranking of failures in manufacturing process by combining BWM and VIKOR under type-2 fuzzy environment, Expert Systems, Vol.40, No.2, pp. e13148, ISSN 0266-4720, Doi 10.1111/EXSY.13148, 2023
  7. Tadić D., Milanović D., Misita M., Tadić,B., New integrated approach to the problem of ranking and supplier selection under uncertainties, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, impact factor: 1,982, Vol.225, No.1, pp. 1-12, ISSN 0954-4054, Doi 10.1243/09544054JEM2105, 2011
  8. Aleksić, A., Stefanović, M., Arsovski, S., Tadić, D., An assessment of organizational resilience potential in SMEs of the process industry, a fuzzy approach, Journal of Loss prevention in the Process Industries, Vol.26, No.1, pp. 1238-1245, ISSN 0950-4230, Doi 10.1016/j.jlp.2013.06.004, 2013
  9. Tadić, D., Gumus, A., Arsovski, S., Aleksić, A., Stefanović, M., An evaluation of Quality Goals by using Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS Methodology, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Vol.25, No.1, pp. 547-556, ISSN 1064-1246, Doi 10.3233/IFS-120659, 2013
  10. Tadć, D., Stefanović, M., Aleksić, A., The evaluation and ranking of medical device suppliers by using fuzzy topsis methodology, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol.-, No.-, pp. -, ISSN 1064-1246, Doi doi:10.3233/IFS-14174, 2014
  11. Arsovski, S., Punik, G., Arsovski, Z., Tadic, D., Aleksic, A., Djordjevic, A., Moljevic, S., Modelling and Enhancement of Organizational Resilience Potential in Process Industry SMEs, Sustainability, impact factor: 2,576, Vol.7, No.1, pp. 16483-`6497, ISSN 2071-1050, 2015
  12. Djapan, M., Tadic, D., Macuzic, I., Dragojovic, P., A new fuzzy model for determining risk level on the workplaces in manufacturing small and medium enterprises, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, impact factor: 1,602, Vol.0, No.0, pp. 1-13, ISSN 1748-0060, Doi 10.1177/1748006X15581219, 2015
  13. Mačužić, I., Tadić, D., Aleksić, A., & Stefanović, M., A two step fuzzy model for the assessment and ranking of organizational resilience factors in the process industry, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, impact factor: 2,795, Vol.40, No.1, pp. 122-130, ISSN 0950-4230, Doi 10.1016/j.jlp.2015.12.013, 2016
  14. Arsovski, S., Arsovski Z., Stefanović M., Tadić D., and Aleksić, A., Organisational resilience in a cloud-based enterprise in a supply chain: a challenge for innovative SMEs, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, impact factor: 2,861, Vol.30, No.4-5, pp. 409-419, ISSN 0951-192, 2017
  15. Stefanovic, M., Nestic, S., Djordjevic, A., Djurovic, D., Macuzic, I., Tadic, D., & Gacic, M., An assessment of maintenance performance indicators using the fuzzy sets approach and genetic algorithms, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, impact factor: 1,982, Vol.231, No.1, pp. 15-27, ISSN 0954-4054, Doi 10.1177/0954405415572641, 2017
  16. Tadic, D., Aleksic, A., Mimovic, P., Puskaric, H., & Misita, M., A model for evaluation of customer satisfaction with banking service quality in an uncertain environment., Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, impact factor: 2,922, Vol.29, No.11-12, pp. 1342-1361, ISSN 1478-3363, 2017
  17. Tadić, D., Đorđević, A., Erić, M., Stefanović, M., & Nestić, S., Two-step model for performance evaluation and improvement of New Service Development process based on fuzzy logics and genetic algorithm., Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, impact factor: 1,851, Vol.33, No.6, pp. 3959-3970, ISSN 1064-1246, 2017
  18. Banduka, N., Tadic, D., Macuzic, I., & Crnjac, M., Extended process failure mode and effect analysis (PFMEA) for the automotive industry: The FSQC-PFMEA, Advances in Production Engineering and Management, impact factor: 2,347, Vol.13, No.2, pp. 206-215, ISSN 1854-6250, 2018
  19. Ðurić, G., Mitrović, Č., Komatina, N., Tadić, D., & Vorotović, G., The hybrid MCDM model with the interval Type-2 fuzzy sets for the software failure analysis, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, impact factor: 1,851, Vol.37, No.6, pp. 7747-7759, ISSN 1064-1246, 2019
  20. Nestic, S., Lampón, J. F., Aleksic, A., Cabanelas, P., & Tadic, D., Ranking manufacturing processes from the quality management perspective in the automotive industry, Expert Systems, impact factor: 1,546, Vol.36, No.6, pp. e12451, ISSN 0266-4720, 2019
  21. Tadić, D., Đorđević, A., Aleksić, A., & Nestić, S., Selection of recycling centre locations by using the interval type-2 fuzzy sets and two-objective genetic algorithm, Waste Management & Research, impact factor: 2,771, Vol.37, No.1, pp. 26-37, ISSN 0734-242, 2019
  22. Banduka, N., Aleksić, A., Komatina, N., Aljinović, A., & Tadić, D., The prioritization of failures within the automotive industry: The two-step failure mode and effect analysis integrated approach, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, impact factor: 1,982, Vol.234, No.12, pp. 1559-1570, ISSN 0954-4054, 2020
  23. Tijana Petrović, Jasmina Vesić Vasović, Nikola Komatina, Danijela Tadić, Đuro Klipa, Goran Đurić, A Two-Stage Model Based on EFQM, FBWM, and FMOORA for Business Excellence Evaluation in the Process of Manufacturing, Axioms, Vol.11, No.12, pp. Forthcoming issue, ISSN 2075-1680, Doi 10.3390/axioms11120704, 2022
  24. Komatina N., Tadić D., Aleksić A., Jovanović A. D., The assessment and selection of suppliers using AHP and MABAC with type-2 fuzzy numbers in automotive industry, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, Vol.237, No.4, pp. 836-852, ISSN 1748-006, Doi 10.1177/1748006X221095359, 2023
  25. Nikola Komatina, Danijela Tadić, Goran Đurić, Aleksandar Aleksić, Determination of manufacturing process failures priority under type 2 fuzzy environment: Application of genetic algorithm and Variable neighborhood search, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, Vol.-, No.-, pp. -, ISSN 0954-4089, Doi 10.1177/09544089231160510, 2023
  26. Стефановић, М., Тадић, Д., Арсовски, С., Арсовски, З., Алексић, А., A Fuzzy Multicriteria Method for E-learning Quality Evaluation, Int. J. Engng. Ed., Vol.26, No.5, pp. 1200-1209, ISSN 0949-149, 2010
  27. Čurčić, S., Tadić, D., Pavlović, M., Arsovski, S., Milunović, S., Fuzzy Multi-criteria Model for Selecting the Best Location for a Regional Landfill, REVISTA DE CHIMIE, Vol.62, No.8, pp. 761-852, ISSN 0034-7752, 2011
  28. Pavlovic, A., Tadic, D., Arsovski, S., Kokic, A., Network Design for the Dismantling Centers of the End-of-Life Vehicles Under Uncertainties: A Case Study, Strojarstvo, Vol.53, No.5, pp. 373-382, ISSN 0562-1887, 2011
  29. Dragojlovic, P., Misita, M., Milanovic, D., Tadic, D., Kirin, S., Risk management and multicriteria optimization of production program, Metalurgia International, Vol.17, No.6, pp. 35-39, ISSN 1582-2214, 2012
  30. Randjic, D., Milanovic, Lj.D., Milanovic, D., Misita, M., Tadic, D., Modification of projact approach to mechanical equpment installation projects in Serbia, Metalurgia International, Vol.17, No.3, pp. 94-98, ISSN 1582-2214, 2012
  31. Senussi, G., Misita, M., Kirin, S., Milanovic, D., Tadic, D., Analysis og optimal production program in metal working industry, Metalugria International, Vol.17, No.5, pp. 14-20, ISSN 1582-2214, 2012
  32. Stefanovic, M., Tadic,D., Djapan, M., Macuzic. I., Software for Occupational Health and Saferty Risk Analysis Based on a Fuzzy Model, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, Vol.18, No.2, pp. 127-136, ISSN 1080-3548, 2012
  33. Tadić, D., Đapan, M., Misita, M., Stefanović, M., Milanović, D., A Fuzzy Model for Assessing Risk of Ocupational safety in processing Industry, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, Vol.18, No.2, pp. 115-126, ISSN 1080-3548, 2012
  34. Tadić, D., Savović, I., Misita, M., Arsovski, S., Milanović, D., Development of a fuzzy logic-based inherent safety index for food industries, Journal of process mechanical Engineering, Part E, Vol.228, No.1, pp. 3-13, ISSN 0954-4089, Doi 10.1177/0954-408912466369, 2012
  35. Tadić, D., Pravdić, P., Arsovski, Z., Arsovski, S., Ranking and mananing business goals of manufacturing organizations by balanced scorecard approach under uncertainties, Technics Technologies Education Management, Vol.8, No.2, pp. 740-744, ISSN 1840-1503, 2013
  36. Stefanović, M., Tadić, D., Nestić, S., Đorđević, A., An assessment of distance learning labaratory objectives for control engineering education, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Vol.-, No.4, pp. 1-24, ISSN 1099-0542, Doi 10.1002/cae.21589, 2014
  37. Tadić, D., Misita, M., Milanović, D., Đukić, T., Senussi, G., A novel approach to process improvement in small and medium manufacturing enterprises, Journal of Engineering manufacturing, Part B, Vol.-, No.1, pp. 1-13, ISSN 0954-4054, Doi 10.1177/095440541350876815, 2014
  38. Stefanovic, M., Tadic, D., Arsovski, S., Pravdic, P., Abadic, N.Stefanovic, N., Determination of the effectiveness of the realization of enterprise business objectives and improvement strategies in ann uncertain environment, Expert Systems, Vol.0, No.0, pp. 1-13, ISSN 0266-4720, Doi 10.1111/exsy.12102, 2015
  39. Jakšić, M., Moljević, S., Aleksić, A., Misita, M., Arsovski, S., Tadić, D., & Mimović, P., Fuzzy approach in ranking of banks according to financial performances, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, impact factor: 1,009, Vol.2016, No.1, pp. 1-11, ISSN 1024-123, Doi 10.1155/2016/6169586, 2016
  40. Misita, M., Lapcevic, N., Tadic, D., Milanovic, D. D., & Borota-Tisma, A., New model of enterprises resource planning implementation planning process in manufacturing enterprises, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol.8, No.5, pp. 1687814016646263, ISSN 1687-8132, 2016
  41. Misita, M., Stefanović, M., Milanovic, D. D., Tadic, D., and Milanovic, Lj. D., Organizational structure change support for manufacturing firms management, Technics technologies education management, Vol.8, No.2, pp. 585-591, ISSN 1840-1503, 2016
  42. Nestić, S., Đorđević, A., Puškarić, H., Zahar-Đorđević, M., Tadić, D., Stefanović, M., The evaluation and improvement of process quality by using the fuzzy sets theory and genetic algorithm approach, Journal of Intelligent and & Fuzzy Systems, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 2017-2028, ISSN 1064-1246, Doi 10.3233/IFS-151679, 2016
  43. Pavlović, A., Tadić, D., Arsovski, S., Jevtić, D., Pavlović M., Evaluation and choosing of recycling technologies by using FAHP, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, impact factor: 1,219, Vol.13, No.7, pp. 143-157, ISSN 1785-8860, 2016
  44. Aleksic, A., Puskaric H., Tadic D., and Stefanovic, M., Project management issues: vulnerability management assessment, Kybernetes, impact factor: 1,754, Vol.46, No.7, pp. 1171-1188, ISSN 0368-492, Doi 10.1108/K-08-2016-0218, 2017
  45. Ana Krstić, Milena Jaksić, Predrag Mimović, Danijela Tadić, Dynamic analysis of macroeconomic performance of the Balkan countries, Acta Oeconomica, Vol.72, No.3, pp. 367-391, ISSN 0001-6373, Doi 10.1556/032.2022.00027, 2022
  46. Komatina N., Tadić D., Aleksić A., Banduka N., The integrated PFMEA approach with interval type-2 fuzzy sets and FBWM: A case study in the automotive industry, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, Vol.236, No.6, pp. 1201-1212, ISSN 0954-4070, Doi 10.1177/09544070211034799, 2022
  47. Sonja Kostić, Danijela Tadić, Jasmina Miljojković, Vladimir Kočović, Nikola Komatina, Saša Jovanović, Evaluation and Selection of Design Solutions for a Small Laboratory Tensile Testing Device under a Type 2 Fuzzy Environment, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, Vol.22, No.3, pp. 249-267, ISSN 1785-8860, Doi 10.12700/APH.22.3.2025.3.13, 2025
  48. Mimovic, P., Tadic, D., Borota-Tisma, A., Nestic, S., & Lafuente, J. G., Evaluation and ranking of insurance companies by combining TOPSIS and the interval fuzzy rough sets, Serbian Journal of Management, Vol.16, No.2, pp. 279-299, ISSN 1452-4864, 2021
Papers presented at international conferences
  1. Тадић, Д., Стевовић, С., Милановић, Д., Improvement of quality tools and methods by applying fuzzy sets theory, Fith International Working Conference TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT-ADVANCED AND INTELLIGENT APPROACHES, Belgrade, 2009, 31.05-4.06., pp. 527-534, ISBN 978-86-7083-660-0
  2. Галовић (Тадић), Д., Петровић, Р., Зрнић, Ђ., Ranking suppliers and selection of supply strategy, IFAC Conference of Industrial System, France, 1997, pp. 415-420
  3. Галовић (Тадић), Д., Mилановић, Д., А fuzzy model for inventory control in two-level distribution system, II Int. Sym. Of Industrial Engeneering, Belgrade, 1998, pp. 199-202
  4. Галовић (Тадић), Д., Зрнић, Ђ., Integration of suppliers in production system, XV ECPD Int. Conference on Material Handling and warehousing, Belgrade, 1998, pp. 2.60-2.64
  5. Тадић, Д., Станојевић, П., Classification of items by new ABC method, EUROFUSE ANNIVERSARY WORKSHOP (ed. B. De Beats, J. Fodor, D. Radojević), Belgrade, 2005, pp. 252-259
  6. Tadić, D., i dr., A Fuzzy approach in evaluation therapeutic procedure-relevance for patient satisfaction, BALCOR, -, 2007, pp. 35
  7. Тадић, Д., Стефановић, М., Fuzzy Approach in Evaluation of Operations in Food Production, Quality Festival, Kragujevac, 2007, pp. 39-44
  8. Тадић, Д., Поповић, П., Јанковић, С., Матијевић, М., A fuzzy approach in evaluation therapeutic procedure-relevance for patient satisfaction, The 8th balkan Conference on Operational research, Zlatibor, 2008, 14.09-17.09., pp. 245-254, ISBN 978-86-7680-143-5
  9. Ђуровић, Н., Мисита, М., Тадић, Д., Implementation of Decision Support system in the Design of the Lundberg Model for Initiaing Organizational Changes, The 4th Internationa symposium of Industrial Engineering, Belgrade, 2009, 10.12.-12.12., pp. 135-138, ISBN 978-86-7083-681-5
  10. Милановић, Д., Мисита, М., Милановић, Љ. Д., Спасојевић-Бркић, В., Тадић, Д., Information Support Systems for Complex Problem solving in Industrial Engineering, The 4th International Symposium of Industrial Engineering, Belgrade, 2009, 10.12-12.12., pp. 16-19, ISBN 978-86-7083-681-5
  11. Тадић, Д., Тадић, Б., Милановић, Д., Мисита, М., Improvement of an adaptation of a Hurwitz approach for the best production solutions tribometer selection, The 4th International Symposium of Industrial Engineering, Belgrade, 2009, 10.12-12.12., pp. 135-138, ISBN 978-86-7083-681-5
  12. Тадић, Д., Цвјетковић, В., Миловановић, Д., Determining and monitoring of the therapy procedures by application of the artifical intelligence methods relevant for acquiring of the quality excellence in the processes of the medical treatment, The 3 th International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2009, 20.05., pp. 83-88, ISBN 978-86-86663-34-4
  13. Тадић, Д., Арсовски, С., Стефановић, М., Алексић, А., A Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS for ELV Dismantling Selection, The 4th Internaltional Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2010, 19.05., pp. 377-384, ISBN 978-86-86663-49-8
  14. Тадић, Д., Ерић, М., Миловановић, Д., Стефановић, М., Information Model of major Depression Treatment Costs-Relevance of Quality management of Health system, The 4th International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2010, 19.05., pp. 423-430, ISBN 978-86-86663-49-8
  15. Aleksić, A., Tadić, D., Stefanović, M., A new fuzzy model for situation awarness assessment related to resilience: case study of small and medium enterprises, Symposium of Industrial Engineering, Belgrade, 2012, 20.12, pp. 301-304, ISBN 978-86-7083-758-4
  16. Aleksić, A., Tadić, D., Stefanović, M., Management of kaystone vulnerabilities in small and medium enterprises-the fuzzy model for assessment, Symposium SymOrg INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS PERFORMANCES, Zlatibor, 2012, pp. 1273-1282, ISBN 978-86-7680-255-5
  17. Aleksić, A., Tadić, D., Stefanović, M., Arsovsji, S., Nestić, S., Assessment of adaptive capacity of small and medium enterprises, International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2012, 20.05, pp. 231-238, ISBN 978-86-86663-82-5
  18. Đapan, M., Aleksić, A., Tadić, D., Mačužić, I., Todorović, P., Maintenance process goals assessment small and medium enterprise: a fuzzy approach, International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2012, pp. 447-454
  19. Misita, M., lapčević, N., Tadić, D., The role of information system in decision-making, International Sypmposium of Industrial Engineering, belgrade, 2012, 20.12, pp. 183-186, ISBN 978-86-7083-758-4
  20. Aleksić, A., Đapan, M., Stefanović, M., Arsovski, S., Tadić, D., Mačužić, I.,, ANP as a tool for determining the resilence factors of interaction in SME, International Conference for Quality, Kragujevac, 2013, ISBN 978-86-86663-94-8
  21. Aleksić, A., Đapan, M., Tadić, D., Stefanović, M., The assessment of maintenance Process Vulnerabilities in Small and Medium Enterprises, Chemical Engineering Transanctions, Italy, 2013, ISBN 1974-9791
  22. Đapan, M., Tadić, D., Mačužić, I., jeremić, B., Giagloglou, E., A New Model for Evaluation of Safety Grade of Indicators based on a fuzzy logic, Chemical Engineering Transanctions, Italy, 2013, ISBN 1974-9791
  23. Tadić, D., Kostić, J., Zahar-Đorđević, M., Puškarić, H., The plant waste management problem in uncertain environment, International Conference for Quality, Kragujevac, 2013, ISBN 978-86663-94-8
  24. Aksentijevic, S., Tadic, D., Arsovski, S., Evaluation of influence recycling device on environment in prototype manufacturing process phase by ELECTRE method, International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2015, pp. 245-251, ISBN 978-86-6336-015-1
  25. Arsovski, S., Milanovic, S., Puskaric, H., Tadic, D., Odredjivanje uticaja otpadnih fluida motornih vozila na zivotnu sredinu, Scientific-Expert Conference with International Participants-ETIKUM, Novi Sad, 2015, pp. 89-92, ISBN 978-7892-712-6
  26. Curcic, S., Pavlovic, M., Tadic, D., Tomovic, A., Stojanovic, S., Technologies of Electronic Waste Recycling, International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2015, pp. 659-667, ISBN 978-86-6365-015-1
  27. Djordjevic, A., Nestic, S., Stefanovic, M., Tadic, D., Arsovski, S., Doljanica, S., Misic, M., New service development metric in medium organizations, International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2015, pp. 203-209, ISBN 978-86-6335-015-1
  28. Komatina, N., Tadic, D., Arsovski, S., Evaluation of influence recycling device on environment in production process phase by TOPSIS method, International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2015, pp. 239-244, ISBN 978-86-6335-015-1
  29. Pantic, U., Tadic, D., Arsovski, S., Evaluation and Selection of Oil Recycling Technologies, International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2015, pp. 263-266, ISBN 978-86-6335-015-1
  30. Tadic, D., Arsovski, S., Djordjevic, S., Work assessment in oil recycling workplace, International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2015, pp. 81-84, ISBN 978-86-6335-015-1
  31. Tadic, D., Zahar Djordjevic, M., Puskaric, H., Aleksic, A., A new fuzzy Delphi method for evaluation of business goals, International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2015, pp. 423-430, ISBN 978-86-6335-015-1
  32. Tomovic, A., Pavlovic, M., Nikolic, M., Tadic, D., Pavlovic, A., The Choice of Production Volume of the ELV Depollution Station Using the Decision-making Analyses, International Conference on Sustainable Design and manufacturing, Seville, Spain, 2015, April, pp. 1-12, ISBN 978-0-9561516-5-0
  33. Zivkovic, D., Tadic, D., Arsovski, S., Evaluation of influence recycling device on environment in projecting process phase by PROMETHEE method, International Qulaity Conference, Kragujevac, 2015, pp. 85-90, ISBN 978-86-6335-015-1
  34. Komatina N., Arsovski S., Tadić D., Aleksić A., Defining the input values in first house of quality of QFD method using fuzzy AHP method, 3rd International Scientific Conference - COMETa 2016, Jahorina, 2016, 7-9 December, pp. 493-500, ISBN 978-99976-623-7-8
  35. Aleksić A., Komatina N., Tadić D., The selection of equipment for recycling by using fuzzy COPRAS method, 7th International Symposium on Industrial Engineering, Belgrade, 2018, 27-28 Belgrade, pp. 164-167, ISBN 978-86-7083-981-6
  36. Komatina N., Ljepava N., Tadić, D., The analysis procedure and application of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making methods in selection of industry equipment, 3rd International Conference on Quality of Life, Kopaonik, 2018, 28-30, pp. 157-164, ISBN 978-86-6335-056-4
  37. Komatina N., Aleksić A., Tadić D., The significance of ELV recycling equipment from the aspect of preserving natural resources in the Republic of Serbia, 13. International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2019, 30. 05. - 01. 06., pp. 753-758, ISBN ISSN 2620-2832
  38. Savković M., Aleksić A., Tadić D., Komatina N., Cvetić T., The analysis of the impact of recycling equipment in the automotive industry in terms of circular economy, 13th International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2019, 30. 05. - 01. 06., pp. 759-768, ISBN ISSN 2620-2832
  39. Pavlović M., Tadić D., Aleksić A., Komatina N., Hosam, B. H., Contribution of Optimal Equipment for ELV Recycling to the Sustainable Development of Serbia and the Region, Urban Mining and Sustainable Waste Management, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jadavpur University, 2020, pp. 1-8, ISBN 978-981-15-0531-7
  40. Aleksandar Aleksić, Snežana Nestić, Danijela Tadić, Nikola Komatina, Determination of organizational resilience level within business processes in production companies, 6th International Scientific Conference: ”Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications - COMETa 2022”, Jahorina, 2022, 17. 11. - 19. 11., pp. 750-757, ISBN 978-99976-947-6-8
  41. Danijela Tadić, Snežana Nestić, Tijana Petrović, Combining MOORA and Delphi under intuitive environment, 8th international conference on industrial engineering - SIE 2022, Belgrade, 2022, 29th - 30th September, pp. 74-77, ISBN 978-86-6060-131-7
  42. Aleksandar Aleksić, Ivana Spasenić, Danijela Tadić, Assessment and selection of cloud service providers for hosting web applications by applying the MADM approach, Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications COMETa 2024, Jahorina, B&H, 2024, 14-16 November, pp. 566-574, ISBN 978-99976-085-2-9
  43. Danijela Tadić, Jasmina Vesić Vasović, Katarina Bogdanović, Nikola Komatina, Selection of Personnel Based on a Two-Stage Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Model, 10th International Scientific Conference Technics, Informatics, and Education – TIE 2024, Čačak, 2024, 20th to 22nd September, pp. 325-328, ISBN 978-86-7776-276-6
  44. Danijela Tadic, Michael Huber, Aleksandar Aleksic, Application of exact methods for finding the optimal solution of organizational resilience improvement, 19th international symposium – Unlocking the Hidden Potentials of Organization Through Merging of Humans and Digitals, Zlatibor, 2024, 12-15 June, pp. 886-891, ISBN 978-86-7680-464-1
  45. Danijela Tadić, Nikola Komatina, Marija Savković, Forecasting demand trends in automotive industry: Comparative analysis of exponential smoothing and regression analysis, Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications COMETa 2024, Jahorina, B&H, 2024, 14-16 November, pp. 550-557, ISBN 978-99976-085-2-9
  46. Nikola Komatina, Danijela Tadić, Marko Djapan, Quantitative analysis of nonconforming products: A case study in the automotive industry, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2024, Kragujevac, 2024, 10. - 11. October, pp. 349-356, ISBN 978-86-6335-120-2
  47. Snežana Nestić, Danijela Tadić, Tijana Petrović, Determining the weights of commercial criteria for investment project evaluation based on the IDOCRIW method, Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications COMETa 2024, Jahorina, B&H, 2024, 14-16 November, pp. 558-565, ISBN 978-99976-085-2-9
  48. Галовић (Тадић), Д., Петровић, Р., A Fuzzy model of a Hiearchical Two-Level Inventory Control System, IX Int. Sym. On Inventories, Budapest, 1996, pp. 35
  49. Komatina N., Nestić S., Tadić D., Misita M., Evaluation and Selection of Manufacturing Companies Based on Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS with the Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets, XIII Balkan Conference on Operational Research, Belgrade, 2018, 25-28 May, pp. 26, ISBN 978-86-80593-65-4
  50. Aleksandar Aleksić, Snežana Nestić, Danijela Tadić, The projects evaluation and selection by using MCDM and intuitionistic fuzzy sets, 1st Serbian International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence (SICAAI), Kragujevac, 2022, 19-20 May, pp. 62, ISBN 978-86-81037-71-3

  1. TEMPUS-JEP-CD-2005 Engineering Business Management and Services Sciences Master Module.
  2. 145009-TEMPUS-2008-RS-JPHES (2008-4576) Conversion Courses for Unemployed University graduates in Serbia-ConCur.
  3. TEMPUS-JP 510985-2010: Improvement of Students' Internship in Serbia.
  4. TEMPUS EQIWBC, 543662-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-ME-TEMPUS-JPHES, Improvement of partnership with enterprises by enhancement of a regional quality management potentials in WBC, 2014-2016.

  1. Danijela Tadić, Snezana Nestić. (2019). Organization of work, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, ISBN: 978-86-6335-064-9.
  2. Danijela Tadić (2020). Statistics - application in engineering and management, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, ISBN: 978-86-6335-075-5.