First and last name | |
Year and place of birth | |
Position | Assistant professor |
E-mail | |
Education-scientific / education–art field | |
University, faculty, organizational unit | |
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Year | Institution | Position |
2008 | | Research assistant |
Year | Institution | Duration |
2003 | | |
2007 | | |
2008 | | |
2011 | | |
Papers published in international scientific journals |
Gordic, D., Babic, M., Sustersic, V., Jovicic, N., Koncalovic, D., Jelic, D., Development Of Energy Management System - Case Study Of Serbian Car Manufacturer, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.51, No.12, pp. 2783-2790, ISSN 0196-8904, Doi 10.1016/j.enconman.2010.06.014, 2010
Dušan Gordić, Milun Babić, Dubravka Jelić, Davor Končalović, Vladimir Vukašinović, Integrating Energy and Environmental Management in Wood Furniture Industry, The Scientific World Journal, Vol.2014, No.Article ID 596958, pp. 18 pages, ISSN 1537-744, Doi 10.1155/2014/596958, 2014
Vukasinovic, V., Zivkovic, D., Gordic, D., Dzokic, A., Neelen, M., Possibilities for affordable, low environmental footprint passive house implementation in Serbia, Thermal Science, Vol.-, No.-, pp. -, ISSN 2334-7163, Doi https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI200326224K, 2020
Gordić, D., Babić, M., Jelić, D., Končalović, D., Jovičić, N., & Šušteršič, V., Energy auditing and energy saving measures in 'Zastava Automobili' factory, THERMAL SCIENCE, Vol.13, No.1, pp. 185-193, ISSN 0354-9836, 2009
Babić Milun J., Gordić Dušan R., Jelić Dubravka N., Končalović Davor N., Analysis of the electricity production potential in the case of retrofit of steam turbines in a district heating company, Thermal Science, Vol.-, No.-, pp. -, ISSN -, Doi 10.2298/TSCI100415027B, 2010
Babić Milun J., Gordić Dušan R., Jelić Dubravka N., Končalović Davor N., Milovanović Dobrica M., Jovičić Nebojša M., Despotović Milan Z., Šušteršič Vanja M.,, Overview of a new method for designing high efficiency small hydro power plants, Thermal Science, Vol.-, No.-, pp. -, ISSN -, Doi Doi 10.2298/TSCI100515022B, 2010
Babić Milun, Milovanović Dobrica, Jovičić Nebojša, Gordić Dušan, Despotović Milan, Šušteršič Vanja, Jelić Dubravka, Končalović Davor, Bošković Goran, About creation and reached goals of development policy in the area of energy efficiency, environmental protection and sustainable development in the City of Kragujevac, Thermal Science, Vol.14, No.5, pp. S1-S14, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi 10.2298/TSCI100427064B, 2010
Jelić, D., Gordić, D., Babić, M., Končalović, D., Šušteršič, V., Review of existing energy management standards and possibilities for its introduction in Serbia, Thermal Science, Vol.-, No.-, pp. -, ISSN -, Doi 10.2298/TSCI091106003J, 2010
Vladimir Vukašinović, Dušan Gordić, Milun Babić, Dubravka Jelić, Davor Končalović, Review of efficiencies of cogeneration units using internal combustion engines, International Journal of Green Energy, Vol.13, No.5, pp. 446-453, ISSN 1543-5075, 2016
Vukasinovic, V., Gordic, D., Babic, M., Jelic, D., Koncalovic, D., Technical potential for using biomass as a fuel in cogeneration plants in Serbia, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol.15, No.11, pp. 2413-2420, ISSN 1582-9596, 2016
Papers presented at international conferences |
Živković D., Končalović D., Vukašinović V., Josijević M., Implementation of energy efficiency strategies in EU countries compared to southeast and east European countries, Economic aspects of energy efficiency in EU countries, Nizhny Novgorod, 2018, 9-10 July, pp. 75-91, ISBN 978-5-502-01284-3
Gordić, D., Šušteršič, V., Babić, M., Končalović, D., Jelić, D., Computer Application in Hydrostatic Transmission Technology, The 3rd International Conference POWER TRANSMISSIONS `09, Kalithea, Greece, 2009
Babic, M., Darijevic, K., Koncalovic, D., Jelic, D., Milovanovic, D., Gordic, D., Jovicic, N., Despotovic, M., Sustersic, V., Overview of a New Method for Designing High Efficiency Small Hydro Power Plants, Proceedings Of The 5th IASME/WSEAS Int Conf On Water Resources, Hydraulics & Hydrology/Proceedings Of The 4th IASME/WSEAS Int Conf On Geology And Seismology - Water And Geoscience, Cambridge, UK, 2010
Gordić, D., Babić, M., Jelić, D., Končalović, D., Introducing Energy and Environmental Policy in Furniture Industry, 4th International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2010, May 19th, pp. 395-402, ISBN 978-86-86663-49-8
D. Gordić, N. Jurišević, D. Živković, V. Vukašinović, D. Milovanović, D. Končalović, M. Josijević, Benchmarking of Heat Energy Consumption in Public Buildings in the City of Kragujevac, eNergetics2018, Niš, 2018
Babic, M., Milovanovic,D., Jovicic, N., Gordic, D., Despotovic, M., Sustersic, V., Koncalovic, D., Jelic, D., Boskovic, G., About Creation and Reached Goals of Development Policy in The Area of Energy Efficiency, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development in The City of Kragujevac, 5th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2009
Jelic, D., Gordic, D., Babic, M., Koncalovic, D., Sustersic, V., Review of Existing Energy Management Standards and Possibilities for Its Introduction in Serbia, 5th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2009
Бабић Милун, Миловановић Добрица, Јовичић Небојша, Гордић Душан, Шуштершич Вања, Јелић Дубравка, Кончаловић Давор, Бошковић Горан,, Преглед постигнућа Регионалног евро центра за енергетску ефикасност Крагујевац у комуналном сектору, Друштво термичара Србије, Друго регионално саветовање, Индустријска енергетика и заштита животне средине у Југоисточној Европи, Златибор, Србија, 2010
Гордић Душан, Бабић Милун, Јелић Дубравка, Кончаловић Давор, Wood waste combustion in the furniture industry, Second Regional Conference: Industrial energy and environmental protection in Southeast Europe, Златибор, Србија, 2010
Končalović, D., Živković, D., Gordić, D., Vukašinović, V., Josijević, M., Genesis of the Unsustainability in the Public Transportation System in Kragujevac, 3rd SEE Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) Conference, Novi Sad, 2018, June 30 – July 4, pp. 194, ISBN 1847-7186
Vukašinović, V., Gordić, D., Živković, M., Končalović, D., Živković, D., Long-term planning methodology for improving wood biomass utilization, 3rd SEE Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) Conference, Novi Sad, 2018, June 30 – July 4, pp. 67, ISBN 1847-7186
Živković, D., Končalović, D., Nikolić, D. , Gordić, D. , Vukašinović, V., Josijević, M., Opportunities and Barriers for Deep Renovation in Serbia, 3rd SEE Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) Conferenc, Novi Sad, 2018, June 30 – July 4, pp. 75, ISBN 1847-7186