Dobrivoje Ćatić |
First and last name | Dobrivoje Ćatić |
Year and place of birth | 1962. G. Sabanta, Kragujevac |
Position | Full professor |
E-mail | caticd@kg.ac.rs |
Education-scientific / education–art field | Technical technological science |
University, faculty, organizational unit | University in Kragujevac,
Faculty of engineering |
Field and closer specialty | Mechanical Engineering, (Mechanical construction and mechanisation) |
Year | 1986 |
Place | Kragujevac |
Institution | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Kragujevac |
Headline | Basises construction and production chain drive toward GOST |
Field | Basises construction |
Year | 1995 |
Place | Kragujevac |
Institution | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Kragujevac |
Headline | Development of proceedings accelerate experimental researches for estimate reliability systems in mechanical |
Field | Reliability mechanical systems |
Year | 2001 |
Place | Kragujevac |
Institution | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kragujevac |
Headline | Development and application methods theory reliability in phase of project mechanical systems |
Field | Reliability mechanical systems |
Year | Institution | Position |
1990 | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kragujevac | Research & teaching аssistant prentice |
1996 | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kragujevac | Research & teaching assistant |
2001 | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kragujevac | Assistant professor |
2006 | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kragujevac | Associate professor |
2011 | Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac | Full professor |
Papers published in international scientific journals |
Savković, M., Gašić, M., Ćatić, D., Nikolić, R., Pavlović, G., Оptimization of the box section of the main girder of the bridge crane with the rail placed above the web plat, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol.47, No.2, pp. 273-288, ISSN 1615-147, Doi 10.1007/s00158-012-0813-5, 2013
Stefanovic, V., Bojic, M., Pavlovic, S., Apostolovic, N., Nikolic, I., Djordjevic, Z., Catic, D., A prototype receiver for medium temperature conversion of solar radiation to heat, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A, Journal of Power and Energy, Vol.225, No.8, pp. 1111-1119, ISSN 0957-6509, Doi 10.1177/0957650911416566, 2011
Catic, D., Krstic, B., Miloradovic, D., Determination of reliability of motor vehicle’s steering system tie-rod joint, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, Vol.15, No.3, pp. 309-322, ISSN 1310-4772, 2009
Catic, D., Ivanovic, G., Jeremic, B., Lakic Globocki, G., Criticality analysis of elements of automobile’s steering system, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, Vol.17, No.1, pp. 151-160, ISSN 1310-4772, 2011
Catic, D., Jeremic, B., Djordjevic, Z., Miloradovic, N., Criticality analysis of the elements of the light commercial vehicle’s steering tie-rod joint, Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol.57, No.6, pp. 495-502, ISSN 0039-2480, Doi 10.5545/sv-jme.2010.077, 2011
Djokovic, J., Nikolic, R., Džindo, E., Catic, D., Estimate of a power distributor life span based on the fracture mechanics criteria, Technical gazette, Vol.18, No.1, pp. 151-160, ISSN 1330-3651, 2011
Glisovic, J., Radonjic, R., Babic, M., Miloradovic, D., Catic, D., Design of vehicle road testing method for determination of brake pad friction characteristics, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, Vol.17, No.4, pp. 512-524, ISSN 1310-4772, 2011
Lakic Globocki, G., Sredanovic, B., Nedic, B., Cica, D., Catic, D., Development of mathematical model of universal material machinability, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, Vol.17, No.4, pp. 501-511, ISSN 1310-4772, 2011
Tomic, R., Sedmak, A., Catic, D., Milos, M., Stefanovic, Z., Thermal stress analysis of a fiber-epoxy composite material, Thermal Science, Vol.15, No.2, pp. 559-563, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi 10.2298/TSCI1102559T, 2011
Tanasijević, M., Ivezić, D., Jovančić, P., Ćatić, D., Zlatanović, D., Study of dependability evaluation for multi-hierarchical systems based on max-min composition, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol.29, No.3, pp. 317-326, ISSN 0748-8017, Doi 10.1002/qre.183, 2013
Catic, D., Gasic, M., Savkovic, M., Glisovic, J., Fault tree analysis of hydraulic power-steering system, International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol.64, No.1, pp. 26-45, ISSN 0143-3369, Doi 10.1504/IJVD.2014.057774, 2014
Catic, D., Nikolic, R., Glisovic, J., Numerical determination of reliability in probabilistic design, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C, Vol.229, No.16, pp. 2868-2874, ISSN 0954-4062, Doi 10.1177/0954406214565682, 2015
Stojanovic, B., Velickovic, S., Blagojevic, J., Catic, D., Statistical analysis of roughness timing belt
in operation using full factorial methods, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, Vol.21, No.3, pp. 514-524, ISSN 1310-4772, 2015
Ćatić, D., Glišović, J., Miković, J., Veličković, S., Analysis of failure causes and the criticality degree of elements of motor vehicle’s drum brakes,, Tribology in Industry, Vol.36, No.3, pp. 316-325, ISSN 0354-8996, 2014
Analysis of Failure Causes and the Criticality Degree of Elements of Motor Vehicle’s Drum Brakes.pdf
Papers presented at international conferences |
Папич Л., Васич Б., Чатич Д., Управление, диагностика и визуализация как средство повышения надежности сборочной линии в автомобильной промишленност, Тезисы докладов российской научно-технической конференсии Надежность механических сыстем, с международним участием, Самара - Россия, 1995, pp. 42
Catic, D., Tomic, R., Pantic, R., The fault tree of hydraulic servo-steering of the light industrial vehicle, The Third International Conference "HEAVY MACHINERY - HM 99", Kraljevo, 1999, pp. 4.32-4.37
Catic, D., Jovicic, S., Fault tree analysis of the light industrial vehicle steering system, 3rd International Conference "Research and Development in Mechanical Industry RaDMI 2003", Herceg Novi, 2003, September, pp. 832-841
Bojić, M., Ćatić, D., Matijević, M., Miletić, I., Stefanović, V., Design a stationary asymmetric solar concentrator for heat and electricity production, Fourth LASTED International Conference POWER AND ENERGZ SYSTEMS (AsiaPES 2008), Langkawi, Malaysia, 2008, April 2-4, pp. 341-346, ISBN 978-0-88986-732-1
Ćatić, D., Arsovski, S., Jeremić, B., Glišović, J., FMEA in product development phase, 5th International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2011, 20. 05., pp. 679-685, ISBN 978-86-86663-69-9
Glišović, J., Demić, M., Miloradović, D., Ćatić, D., System approach to solving brake nvh issues, 7th International Conference Research and development of mechanical elements and systems (IRMES 2011), Zlatibor, Serbia, 2011, 27-28 April, pp. 25-32, ISBN 978-86-6055-012-7
Catic, D., Bojic, M., Glisovic, J., Djordjevic, Z., Ratković, N., Fault tree analysis of solar concentrators, 7th International Quality Conference, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, 2013, May 24th, pp. 629-637, ISBN 978-86-86663-94-8
Glisovic, J., Lukic, J., Miloradovic, D., Catic, D., Research of the justification for the high warranty costs due to disc brake noise, 7th International Quality Conference, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, 2013, May 24th, pp. 85-90, ISBN 978-86-86663-94-8
Ivanović, L., Josifović, D., Ćatić D., Ilić, A., Testing of the Electromotor Power Transmitter Properties, Transcom 2013, 10-th Europian conference of young researchers and scientists, University of Žilina, Slovak Republic, 2013, 24-26 June, pp. 57-60, ISBN 978-80-554-0694-7
Ćatić, D., Petrović, N., Glišović, J., Matejić, M., Miković, J., Veličković, S., Program support for reliability allocation from a standpoint of technical requirements, 8th International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2014, 22-23 maj, pp. 481-487, ISBN 978-86-6335-004-5
Glišović, J., Lukić, J., Ćatić, D., Šušteršič, V., CAD model of disc brake for eliminating noise problems, VIII International Conference HEAVY MACHINERY HM 2014, Zlatibor, Serbia, 2014, 25 - 28 June, pp. E7-E16, ISBN 978-86-82631-74-3
Matejic, M., Catic, D., Petrovic, N., Velickovic, S., Mikovic, M., Belt conveyer analysis using method of Fault tree analysis, 8th International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2014, 22-23 maj, pp. 489-494, ISBN 978-86-6335-004-5
Mikovic, J., Velickovic, S., Aleksandrovic, S., Adamovic, D., Catic, D., Application of Taguchi methods in testing tensile strength of polyethylene, 8th International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2014, 22-23 maj, pp. 575-581, ISBN 978-86-6335-004-5
Velickovic, S., Mikovic, J., Adamovic, D., Aleksandrovic, S., Glisovic, J., Catic, D., Investigation of the environmental factors’ influence on the mechanical properties of plastics, 8th International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2014, 22-23 maj, pp. 527-533, ISBN 978-86-6335-004-5
Ćatić, D., Glišović, J., Ratković, N., Delić, M., Ilić, S., Accelerated testing and truncated tests planning for reliability assessment, 9th International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2015, 05 June, pp. 177-182, ISBN 978-86-6335-015-1
Dеlić, M., Ilić, S., Glišović, J., Ćatić, D., Dynamic fault tree analysis of lawnmower, 9th International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2015, 05 June, pp. 257-262, ISBN 978-86-6335-015-1
Glišović, J., Lukić, J., Šušteršič, V., Ćatić, D., Development of tractors and trailers in accordance with the requirements of legal regulations, 9th International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2015, 05 June, pp. 193-201, ISBN 978-86-6335-015-1
Ilić, S., Delić, M., Glišović, J., Ćatić, D.,, Performance loss analysis of a grid-connected photovoltaic system in central inverter configuration using FTA methodology, 9th International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2015, 05 June, pp. 219-223, ISBN 978-86-6335-015-1
Ćatić, D., Glišović, J., Failure analysis of light commercial vehicles’ braking system, Proceedings of 13th International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2019, 29 May-01 June, pp. 1019-1024, ISBN 2620-2832
Ćatić, D., Vasić, M., Glišović, J., Analysis of the fault tree of the crop sprayer pump, Proceedings of 13th International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2019, 29 May-01 June, pp. 1033-1038, ISBN 2620-2832