First and last name | |
Year and place of birth | |
Position | Full professor |
E-mail | |
Education-scientific / education–art field | |
University, faculty, organizational unit | |
Field and closer specialty | |
Year | Institution | Position |
1990 | | Research & teaching аssistant prentice |
1994 | | Research & teaching assistant |
2002 | | Assistant professor |
2007 | | Associate professor |
2012 | | Full professor |
Year | Institution | Duration |
2000 | | |
2002 | | |
2004 | | |
2007 | | |
Papers published in international scientific journals |
Bojić, M., Despotović, M., Influence of duration of thermal comfort provision on heating behavior of buildings, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.48, No.8, pp. 2416-2423, ISSN 0196-8904, 2007
Bojić, M., Despotović, M., Malešević, J., Soković, D., Evaluation of the impact of internal partitions on energy conservation for residential buildings in Serbia, Building and Environment, Vol.42, No.4, pp. 1644-1653, ISSN 0360-1323, 2007
V. Nedić, D. Despotović, S. Cvetanović, M. Despotović, M. Erić, Innovation of IT metasystems by means of event-driven paradigm using QDMS, Enterprise Information Systems, Vol.--, No.--, pp. --, ISSN 1751-7575, Doi 10.1080/17517575.2014.996779, 2014
V. Nedic, S. Cvetanovic, D. Despotovic, M. Despotovic, S. Babic, Data mining with various optimization methods, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.41, No.8, pp. 3993-3999, ISSN 0957-4174, 2014
Vladimir Nedic, Danijela Despotovic, Slobodan Cvetanovic, Milan Despotovic, Sasa Babic, Comparison of classical statistical methods and artificial neural network in traffic noise prediction, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Vol.49, No.November 2014, pp. 24-30, ISSN 0195-9255, 2014
Milan Despotovic, Vladimir Nedic, Comparison of optimum tilt angles of solar collectors determined at yearly, seasonal and monthly levels, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.97, No.1, pp. 121-131, ISSN 0196-8904, 2015
Milan Despotovic, Vladimir Nedic, Danijela Despotovic, Slobodan Cvetanovic, Review and statistical analysis of different global solar radiation sunshine models, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol.52, No.December 2015, pp. 1869-1880, ISSN 1364-0321, Doi 10.1016/j.rser.2015.08.035, 2015
Milan Despotovic, Vladimir Nedic, Danijela Despotovic, Slobodan Cvetanovic, Evaluation of empirical models for predicting monthly mean horizontal diffuse solar radiation, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, Vol.56, No.April 2016, pp. 246-260, ISSN 1364-0321, 2015
Danijela Despotovic, Slobodan Cvetanovic, Vladimir Nedic, Milan Despotovic, Social Aspects of Sustainable Competitiveness in the Selected European Countries in the Period 2012–2015, Social Indicators Research, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 1-20, ISSN 0303-8300, Doi https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-018-1840-4, 2018
Danijela Despotović, Slobodan Cvetanovic, Vladimir Nedic, Milan Despotovic, Economic, Social and Environmental Dimension of Sustainable Competitiveness of European Countries, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Vol.-, No.-, pp. -, ISSN 0964-0568, Doi 10.1080/09640568.2015.1085370, 2015
Babić Milun J., Gordić Dušan R., Jelić Dubravka N., Končalović Davor N., Milovanović Dobrica M., Jovičić Nebojša M., Despotović Milan Z., Šušteršič Vanja M., Overview of a new method for designing high efficiency small hydro power plants, Thermal Science, Vol.14, No.3, pp. S155-S169, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi 10.2298/TSCI100515022B, 2010
Babić Milun J., Milovanović Dobrica M., Jovičić Nebojša M., Gordić Dušan R., Despotović Milan Z., Šušteršič Vanja M., Jelić Dubravka N., Končalović Davor N., Bošković Goran B., About creation and reached goals of development policy in the area of energy efficiency, environmental protection and sustainable development in the city of Kragujevac, Thermal Science, Vol.14, No.3, pp. S1-S14, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi 10.2298/TSCI100427064B, 2010
Jovičić Nebojša M., Bošković Goran B., Vujić Goran V., Jovičić Gordana R., Despotović Milan Z., Milovanović Dobrica M., Gordić Dušan R., Route optimization to increase energy efficiency and reduce fuel consumption of communal vehicles, Thermal Science, Vol.14, No.3, pp. S67-S78, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi 10.2298/TSCI100525067J, 2010
Krstić Božidar V., Babić Milun J., Lazić Vukić N., Raičević Vladimir N., Despotović Milan Z., Milosavljević Dragan I., Krstić Vojislav B., Determination analysis of temperature regimes, functional characteristics and sliding curves of a hydrodynamic clutch, Thermal Science, Vol.14, No.3, pp. S247-S258, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi 10.2298/TSCI100412019K, 2010
Savić Slobodan R., Obrović Branko R., Despotović Milan Z., Gordić Dušan R., The influence of the magnetic field on the ionized gas flow adjacent to the porous wall, Thermal Science, Vol.14, No.3, pp. S183-S196, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi 10.2298/TSCI100506023S, 2010
Šušteršič Vanja M., Babić Milun J., Gordić Dušan R., Despotović Milan Z., Milovanović Dobrica M., An overview of the regulatory framework for the geothermal energy in Europe and Serbia, Thermal Science, Vol.14, No.3, pp. S125-S133, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi 10.2298/TSCI100616068S, 2010
Milan Despotovic, Milun Babic, Analysis of different scenarios of car paint oven redesign to achieve desired indoor air temperature, Energy Efficiency, Vol.11, No.4, pp. 877-891, ISSN 1570-6478, Doi https://doi.org/10.1007/s12053-018-9612-1, 2018
Despotović, M., Babić, M., Milovanović, D., Šušterčić, V., Numerical simulation of complex 3D compressible viscous flows through rotating blade passages, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol.30, No.1, pp. 55-82, ISSN -, 2003
Papers presented at international conferences |
Milovanović, D., Babić, M., Jovičić, N., Despotović, M., Radivojević, D., Design Method for Hydraulic Turbine, International Conference on Hydrodynamic and Electrical Appliances Used in Water-Energrtic, HYDROTURBO 98, Brno, Czech Republic, 1998, pp. 287-294
Despotović, M, Numerical simulation of compressible Navier-Stokes flows, XXIII Yugoslav congress of theoretical and applied mechanics, Beograd, 2001
Despotović, M., Babić, M., Milovanović, D., Jovičić, N., Convergence acceleration of compressible Navier-stokes equations by means of multigrid method, XXIII Yugoslav congress of theoretical and applied mechanics, Beograd, 2001
Despotović, M., Babić, M., Milovanović, D., Jovičić, N., A three-dimensional compressible Navier-stokes solver for internal flows, XXIII Yugoslav congress of theoretical and applied mechanics, Beograd, 2001
Despotović, M., Babić, M., Milovanović, D., Jovičić, N., Numerical Prediction of Performance Maps of Axial Turbocompressors, Classics and Fashion in Fluid Machinery, Beograd, 2002
Jovičić N., Despotović M., Babić M., Milovanović D., Numerical Simulation of Turbomachinery Fluid Flow, 6th International Research/Expert Conference “Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology”, TMT 2002, Neum, B&H, 2002, 18-22 September
Jovičić, N., Milovanović, D., Babić, M., Despotović, M., Simulation of three-dimensional ventilation duct flow, International Conference on Accomplishments of Electrical and Mechanical Industries, DEMI 2002, Banja Luka, R. Srpska, 2002, 25-26. 04.
Despotović M., Jovičić N., Babić M., Milovanović D., Simulacija trodimenzijskih strujanja kroz radna kola centrifugalnih kompresora pomoću numeričkih metoda, DEMI 2003, Banja Luka, R. Srpska, 2003, 30-31. 05.
Šušteršič V., Jovičić N., Gordić D., Despotović M., Matematčki model rada lamelastih frikcionih spojnica u automatskoj transmisiji, DEMI 2003, Banja Luka, R. Srpska, 2003, 30-31. 05.
Tanasijević M., Jovičić N., Gordić D., Despotović M., Primena inženjerskih proračuna u Internet okruženju, DEMI 2003, Banja Luka, R. Srpska, 2003, 30-31. 05.
Bojić, M, Despotović, M., Čukić, R., Janković, R., Analiza uticaja parametara instalacije na performanse hibridnih solarnih prijemnika, XXXVI international congress in heating, refrigeration, and air conditioning, SMEITS, Belgrade, 2005, pp. 124-128
Bojić, M., Despotović, M., Variation Of Energy Consumption And Demand Due To Different Heating Timing, IBPSA Conference, Montreal, 2005, 15-18 avgust, pp. 85-90, ISBN 0-88986-618-
Despotović M., Stefanović V., Energy and Economic Evaluation of Composition of Partitions in a Residential House in Serbia, Modelling, Simulation, and Optimization ~MSO 2005, Oranjestad, Aruba, 2005, 29- 31.8., pp. 324-329, ISBN 0-88986-524-8
M. Babić, N.Pavlović, D. Milovanović, N. Jovičić, D. Gordić, M. Despotović, V Šušterčič, The Influence of the Organized Investment in Small Hydro Power Plant Building on the Development of Deregulating Electric Energy Market in Serbia with the Analysis of Possible Energetic-Economic-Ecological Benefits, 5th Balkan Power Conference, Sofia, 2005, 14.-16. September
Stefanović V., Despotović M., Bojić M., Lower Energy Consumption of a Building Due to Later Start of Thermal Comfort Support, Power, Energy and Application (PEA 2006), Gaborone, Botswana, 2006, September 11-13, pp. 214-219, ISBN 0-88986-614-7
Babić, M., Gordić, D., Končalović, D., Darijević, K., Golubović, V., Knežević, T., Jovićić, N., Šustrešič, V., Despotović, M., Istraživanje mogućnosti za gradnju i idejni koncept male hidroelektrane na lokaciji „prekidna komora“ na magistralnom vodosnabdevnom cevovodu Lubnice-Berane, Peti naučni skup o alternativnim izvorima energije, Budva, 2007
Babić,M., Gordić, D., Končalović, D., Darijević, K., Golubović, V., Knežević, T., Jovićić, N., Šustrešič, V., Despotović, M., O mogućnostima korišćenja hidropotencijala reke Bistrice, Peti naučni skup o alternativnim izvorima energije, Budva, 2007
L. Geronikolou, S. Rozakis, M. Z. Despotovic, G. Papadakis, S. Kyritsis, Model Development and Application for Determining Optimum Integration of RES in target Regions, First International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE), Skiathos island, Greece, 2007, June 24 to 28
Geronikolou, L.; Rozakis, S.; Despotovic, M. Z.; Papadakis, G.; Kyritsis, S, Model development and application for determining optimum integration of RES in target regions, Agricultural and biosystems engineering for a sustainable world. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Hersonissos, 2008, Crete, Greece, 2008, 23-25 June, pp. OP-365
M. Babic, D. Milovanovic, N. Jovicic, D. Gordic, M. Despotovic, V. Sustersic, D. Koncalovic, D. Jelic, G. Boskovic, About Creation and Reached Goals of Development Policy in The Area of Energy Efficiency, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development in The City of Kragujevac, 5th Dubrovnik conference on Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Eenvironment Systems, Dubrovnik, 2009, September 29 - October 3
2. Babic, M., Milovanovic, D., Jovicic, N., Gordic, D., Despotovic, M., Sustersic, Jelic, D., Koncalovic, D., Boskovic, G. Petrovic, D., Review of Regional Euro Energy Efficiency Center Kragujevac Achievements, 2nd International Conference, Industrial Energy and Environmental Protection in South Eastern European Countries, IEEP Conference, Zlatibor, 2010, Jun
Babic, M., Darijevic, K., Koncalovic, D., Jelic, D., Milovanovic, D., Gordic, D., Jovicic, N., Despotovic, M., Sustersic, V., Overview of a New Method for Designing High Efficiency Small Hydro Power Plants, THE 5TH IASME/WSEAS INT CONF ON WATER RESOURCES, HYDRAULICS & HYDROLOGY/PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4TH IASME/WSEAS INT CONF ON GEOLOGY AND SEISMOLOGY - WATER AND GEOSCIENCE, Cambridge, 2010, 23-25 februar, pp. 15-25, ISBN 978-960-474-160-1
Bojić, M.,Nikolić N., Despotović, M., A Simulation Assessment of Performance of Different HVAC Systems in an Office Building, Modelling and Simulation (AfricaMS 2010), Gaborone, Botswana, 2010, 08.09., ISBN 978-0-88986-848-9
Branimir Milosavljević, Radivoje Pešić, Milan Despotović, Saša Babić, Biogas obtained from corn silage and/or cow manure in the republic of Serbia as a road transport fuel, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2010, Kragujevac, 2010, 7-9 Septembar, ISBN 978-86-8663-58-0
Vanja Šušterčič, Dušan Gordić, Milan Despotović, Increase of the energy efficiency of passenger cars using different types of transmissions, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2010, Kragujevac, 2010, 7-9 Septembar, ISBN 978-86-8663-58-0
Alexandre Patou-Parvedy, Milan Despotović, Modeling of a Solar Chimney on Energyplus, 7. International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2013, 23-25 May, pp. 221-230, ISBN 978-86-86663-94-8
Alexandre Patou-Parvedy, Milan Despotović, Optimal Composition and Thickness of the Absorber Wall of the Solar Chimney, 11th International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, DEMI 2013, Banja Luka, 2013, 30 May - 01 June, ISBN 978-99938-39-36-1
Milan Despotović, Saša Babić, Jovanka Lukić, Branimir Milosavljević, Application of Artificial Neural Network for Prediction of Traffic Noise Based on the Traffic Flow Structure, 7. International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2013, 23-25 May, pp. 415-422, ISBN 978-86-86663-94-8
Milan Despotović, Zoran Kovačević, Jasna Radulović, Analysis of Optimal Wiring of PV Panels by Means of Nonlinear Integer Programming, 11th International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, DEMI 2013, Banja Luka, 2013, 30 May - 01 June, ISBN 978-99938-39-36-1
J. Radulovic, M. Bojic, M. Despotovic, D. Nikolic, J. Skerlic, Application of Hybrid Photovoltaic/Thermal Solar Systems to Buildings, 8. International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2014, 22-23 Maj, pp. 835-842, ISBN 978-86-6335-004-5
Veselin Blagojević, Milan Despotović, Ranko Božičković, Siniša Božičković, Energy analysis of Doboj municipality, 3rd International Conference "Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications“-COMETa 2016, Jahorina, Republika Srpska, BiH, 2016