Nadica Stojanovic

First and last nameNadica Stojanovic
Year and place of birthPetrovac, 1991
PositionAssistant professor
Education-scientific / education–art fieldTechnical technological science
University, faculty, organizational unitUniversity of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering
Field and closer specialtyMechanical Engineering, Motor Vehicles and Motors

InstitutionFaculty of Engineering
HeadlineCoefficient of restitution
FieldMotor vehicles
InstitutionFaculty of Engineering
HeadlineAir discs brake of heavy duty vehicles
FieldMotor vehicles
InstitutionFaculty of Engineering
HeadlineIdentification of disc brake thermal strains for different braking operating parameters
FieldMotor vehicles

2016 Faculty of Engineering University of KragujevacResearch & teaching assistant
2022Faculty of Engineering University of KragujevacAssistant professor

2015Italian language certificates - А13 months
2024Safety advisor for dangerous goods transportation1 month

YearName of award/recognition
2011Scholarship holder of Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
2012Scholarship holder of Fund for Young Talents Ministry of Youth and Sports
2013Scholarship holder of Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
2014Scholarship holder of Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
2022Best Female Scientist on the Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac for the Year 2022

Papers published in international scientific journals
  1. N. Stojanovic, J. Glisovic, O. I. Abdullah, A. Belhocine, I. Grujic, Particle formation due to brake wear, influence on the people health and measures for their reduction: a review, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol.29, No.7, pp. 9606–9625, ISSN 0944-1344, Doi 10.1007/s11356-021-17907-3, 2022
  2. N. Stojanovic, A. Belhocine, O. I. Abdullah, I. Grujic, The influence of the brake pad construction on noise formation, people’s health and reduction measures, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol.30, No.6, pp. 15353-15363, ISSN 0944-1344, Doi 10.1007/s11356-022-23291-3, 2023
  3. N. Stojanovic, B. Boskovic, M. Petrovic, I. Grujic, O.I., Abdullah, The impact of accidents during the transport of dangerous good, on people, the environment, and infrastructure and measures for their reduction: a review, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol.30, No.12, pp. 32288-32300, ISSN 0944-1344, Doi 10.1007/s11356-023-25470-2, 2023
  4. N. Stojanović, O. I. Abdullah, J. Glišović, I. Grujic, J. Dorić, Investigation of Thermal Behaviour of Brake System Using Alternative Materials, Heat Transfer Research, Vol.51, No.17, pp. 1609-1623, ISSN 1064-2285, Doi 10.1615/HeatTransRes.2020035198, 2020
  5. N.R. Stojanović, J.D. Glišović, O.I. Abdullah, I.Lj. Grujić, S.Ž. Vasiljević, Pressure influence on heating of ventilating disc brakes for passenger cars, Thermal Science, Vol.24, No.1A, pp. 203-214, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi 10.2298/TSCI190608314S, 2020
  6. I. Grujić, J. Dorić, O.I. Abdullah, N. Stojanović, A. Davinić, The influence of the hydrogen injection timing on the IC engine working cycle, Thermal Science, Vol.25, No.5B, pp. 3801-3811, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI190816346G, 2021
  7. L.A. Sabri, N. Stojanovic, A. Senatore, M.J. Jweeg, A.M. Abed, O.I. Abdullah, Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Contact Problem in Dry Friction Clutches, Lubricants, Vol.9, No.12, pp. 115, ISSN 2075-4442, Doi 10.3390/lubricants9120115, 2021
  8. O.I. Abdullah, N, Stojanovic, I. Grujic, The influence of the braking disc ribs and applied material on the natural frequency, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol.23, No.1, pp. 87-97, ISSN 2234-7593, Doi 10.1007/s12541-021-00597-9, 2022
  9. I. Grujić, N. Stojanović, J. Dorić, D. Miloradović, J. Glišović, The Application of Neural Networks for Prediction of Concentration of Harmful Components in the Exhaust Gases of Diesel Engines, Tehnički Vjesnik / Technical Gazette, Vol.27, No.1, pp. 262-269, ISSN 1330-3651, Doi https://doi.org/10.17559/TV-20181126111859, 2020
  10. I. Grujic, N. Stojanovic, R. Pesic, A. Davinic, S. Narayan, Numerical analysis of IC engine operation with high-pressure hydrogen injection, Transactions of FAMENA, Vol.44, No.1, pp. 55-66, ISSN 1333-1124, Doi https://doi.org/10.21278/TOF.44105, 2020
  11. K. Muhammad Usman, A. Shitu, B. Ashok, B. Dhinesh, N. Sanny, I. Grujic, N. Stojanovic, Comparative analyses of biodiesel produced from jatropha and neem seed oil using a gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy technique, Biofuels, Vol.12, No.7, pp. 757–768, ISSN 1759-7269, Doi 10.1080/17597269.2018.1537206, 2021
  12. N. Stojanovic, N.M. Ghazaly, I. Grujic, J. Doric, Determination of Noise Caused by Ventilated Brake Disc with Respect to the Rib Shape and Material Properties Using Taguchi Method, Transactions of FAMENA, Vol.46, No.4, pp. 19-30, ISSN 1333-1124, Doi https://doi.org/10.21278/TOF.464011219, 2022
  13. N. Stojanovic, O.I. Abdullah, I. Grujic, B. Boskovic, Particles formation due to the wear of tires and measures for the wear reduction: A review, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, Vol.236, No.14, pp. 3075-3089, ISSN 0954-4070, Doi https://doi.org/10.1177/09544070211067879, 2022
  14. N. Stojanovic, O.I. Abdullah, I. Grujic, J. Glisovic, A. Belhocine, The influence of spoiler on the aerodynamic performances and longitudinal stability of the passenger car under high speed condition, Journal of Visualization, Vol.-, No.-, pp. -, ISSN 1343-8875, Doi https://doi.org/10.1007/s12650-022-00867-2, 2022
  15. S. Vasiljevic, J. Glišović, B. Stojanovic, N. Stojanovic, I. Grujic, The analysis of the influential parameters that cause particles formation during the braking process: A review, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, Vol.236, No.1, pp. 38-48, ISSN 1350-6501, Doi https://doi.org/10.1177/13506501211004798, 2022
  16. S. Vasiljevic, J. Glisovic, N. Stojanovic, I. Grujic, Application of neural networks in predictions of brake wear particulate matter emission, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, Vol.-, No.-, pp. -, ISSN 0954-4070, 2022
  17. A. Belhocine, N. Stojanovic, O.I. Abdullah, Numerical simulationof laminar flow and free convection heat transfer from an isothermal vertical flat plate, Scientia Iranica, Vol.-, No.-, pp. 1-23, ISSN 1026-3098, Doi 10.24200/SCI.2023.61098.7139, 2023
  18. B.M. Bošković, N.R. Stojanović, I.Lj. Grujić, S.Z. Babić, Experimental investigation of the influence of deceleration on brake elements temperature in order to improve traffic safety, Thermal Science, Vol.-, No.-, pp. 1-10, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI230925286B, 2023
  19. N. Stojanovic, S. Igrutinovic, A. Belhocine, B. Boskovic, I. Grujic, The composition, working parameters and measures for the brake wear reduction: A review, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, Vol.-, No.-, pp. -, ISSN 1350-6501, Doi 10.1177/13506501241291393, 2024
  20. N. Stojanović, O.I. Abdullah, J. Schlattmann, I. Grujić, J. Glišović, Investigation of the penetration and temperature of the friction pair under different working conditions, Tribology in Industry, Vol.42, No.2, pp. 288-298, ISSN 0354-8996, Doi 10.24874/ti.849.02.20.05, 2020
  21. N. Al-Karkhi, N. Stojanovic, S. Al-Zubaidi, M. Jaber Jweeg, H.S. Sultan, A.M. Abed, O.I. Abdullah, Experimental investigation of thermal effect on the frictional characteristics of hcc friction clutch material, Tribology in Industry, Vol.46, No.1, pp. 141-150, ISSN 0354-8996, Doi 10.24874/ti.1465.03.23.12, 2024
Papers presented at international conferences
  1. I. Grujic, D. Miloradovic, N. Stojanovic, Nonlinear kinematics of engine crank-piston mechanism, The Ninth International Symposium KOD 2016, Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering, Balatonfüred, Hungary, 2016, 9 - 12 June, pp. 93-98, ISBN 978-86-7892-821-5
  2. I. Grujić, D. Taranović, R. Pešić, N. Stojanović, Economic analysis of application of hybrid drive trains in vehicle, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2016, Kragujevac, 2016, October 6th - 7th, pp. 127-131, ISBN 978-86-6335-037-3
  3. N. Stojanovic, J. Glisovic, I. Grujic, Influence of vanes shape on flow velocity of ventilated disc in heavy truck braking, The Ninth International Symposium KOD 2016, Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering, Balatonfüred, Hungary, 2016, 9 - 12 June, pp. 83-88, ISBN 978-86-7892-821-5
  4. N. Stojanović, J. Lukić, J. Glišović, I. Grujić, Numerical analysys of high frequency noise of disc brakes for heavy duty vehicles, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2016, Kragujevac, 2016, October 6th - 7th, pp. 339-344, ISBN 978-86-6335-037-3
  5. I. Grujić, J. Lukić, D. Miloradović, A. Davinić, N. Stojanović, Identification of combustion noise, 13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering-DEMI 2017, Banja Luka, Repubika Srpska, 2017, 26-27 May, pp. 729-732, ISBN 978-99938-39-72-9
  6. I. Grujić, N. Stojanović, J. Glišović, A. Davinić, S. Milojević, Modeling and aerodynamic simulation of the passenger vehicle, 5th International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ISCAME 2017), Debrecen, Hungary, 2017, 12-13 October, pp. 172-177, ISBN 978-963-473-304-1
  7. J. Glišović, J. Lukić, B. Stojanović, N. Stojanović, Airborne wear particles from automotive brake systems in urban and rural areas, 13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering-DEMI 2017, Banja Luka, Repubika Srpska, 2017, 26-27 May, pp. 717-722, ISBN 978-99938-39-72-9
  8. J. Glišović, N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, Finite element parametric study of the influence of material properties and structural modifications on disc brake noise phenomena, THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS-TIL 2017, Niš, 2017, 25-26 May, pp. 133 - 136, ISBN 978-86-6055-088-2
  9. N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, J. Glišović, S. Milojević, A. Davinić, Vanes shape optimization of ventilated disc brakes for heavy duty vehicles, 5th International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ISCAME 2017), Debrecen, Hungary, 2017, 12-13 October, pp. 491-496, ISBN 978-963-473-304-1
  10. N. Stojanovic, J. Glisovic, B. Stojanovic, I. Grujic, Numerical Analysis of Tribomechanical System Brake Disc-pad for Heavy Duty Vehicles, IX International Conference “Heavy Machinery-HM 2017”, Zlatibor, 2017, 28 June – 1 July, pp. D.57 – D.64, ISBN 978-86-82631-89-7
  11. B. Boskovic, M. Mladenovic, S. Vasiljevic, M. Teofilovic, N. Stojanovic, I. Grujic, Persons with disabilities as participants in the traffic, 7th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2018, Kragujevac, 2018, 4-5 October, pp. 531-539, ISBN 978-86-6335-055-7
  12. I. Grujic, J. Doric, N. Stojanovic, A. Davinic, R. Pesic, S. Narayan, Numerical modeling of IC engine combustion process, 7th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2018, Kragujevac, 2018, 4-5 October, pp. 213-218, ISBN 978-86-6335-055-7
  13. I. Grujić, J. Glišović, N. Stojanović, A. Davinić, M. Petrović, Engine vibration analysis during the combustion process, The 4th International Conference Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century, Niš, 2018, 19-20 April, pp. 369-372, ISBN 978-86-6055-103-2
  14. N. Stojanović, J. Glišović, I. Grujić, A. Davinić, Thermal loads of the ventilated brake disc and pads, The 4th International Conference Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century, Niš, 2018, 19-20 April, pp. 365-368, ISBN 978-86-6055-103-2
  15. N. Stojanovic, J. Glisovic, I. Grujic, S. Narayan, S. Vasiljevic, B. Boskovic, Experimental and numerical modal analysis of brake squeal noise, 7th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2018, Kragujevac, 2018, 4-5 October, pp. 313-321, ISBN 978-86-6335-055-7
  16. S. Narayan, I. Grujic, N. Stojanovic, V. Gupta, Analysis of pressure plate of an automotive clutch assembly, 7th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2018, Kragujevac, 2018, 4-5 October, pp. 95-99, ISBN 978-86-6335-055-7
  17. S. Vasiljevic, N. Stojanovic, I. Grujic, B. Boskovic, M. Mladenovic, Measurement of vehicle brake coefficient as vehicle maintenance parameter on technical inspection lines, 7th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2018, Kragujevac, 2018, 4-5 October, pp. 523-529, ISBN 978-86-6335-055-7
  18. S. Vasiljević, N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, J. Glišović, Continuous variable transmission on vehicles - effects of application, The Second International Students’ Scientific Conference "Multidisciplinary Approach to Contemporary Research", Belgrade, 2018, 24-25th November, pp. 132-140, ISBN 978-86-6179-062-1
  19. D. Miloradović, J. Glišović, N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, Simulation of vehicle's lateral dynamics using nonlinear model with real inputs, 9th International Scientific Conference - Research and Development of Mechanical Elements and Systems (IRMES 2019), Kragujevac, 2019, 5-7 September, pp. 012060
  20. I. Grujić, J. Dorić, N. Stojanović, O. I. Abdullah, Numerical analysis of hydrogen fueled IC engine, 19th Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, Sokobanja, 2019, October 22-25, pp. 450-456, ISBN 978-86-6055-124-7
  21. I. Grujic, N. Stojanovic, O. I. Abdullah, R. Pesic, J. Doric, S. Vasiljevic, Verification of numerical analysis for the working cycle of an IC engine based on the experimental data, 14th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Banja Luka, Repubika Srpska, 2019, 24-25 May, pp. 433-438, ISBN 978-99938-39-85-9
  22. J. Dorić, I. Grujić, N. Stojanović, Simulation of turbocharged heavy-duty diesel engine, 19th Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, Sokobanja, 2019, October 22-25, pp. 971-975, ISBN 978-86-6055-124-7
  23. J. Glišović, R. Pešić, S. Vasiljević, N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, Road vehicle as a source of non-exhaust particulate matter, 14th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Banja Luka, Repubika Srpska, 2019, 24-25 May, pp. 585-590, ISBN 978-99938-39-85-9
  24. N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, J. Dorić, S. Vasiljević, B. Bošković, The influence of mirrors position on the driver visual field, The 7th International Conference Transport and Logistics, Niš, 2019, 6 December, pp. 115-119, ISBN 978-86-6055-127-8
  25. N. Stojanovic, I. Grujic, J. Glisovic, O. I. Abdullah, S. Vasiljevic, Application of New Technologies to Improve the Visual Field of Heavy Duty Vehicles’ Drivers, Proceedings of 5th International Conference "NEW TECHNOLOGIES, DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION” NT-2019, Sarajevo, 2019, 27-29. June, pp. 411-421, ISBN 978-3-030-18071-3
  26. N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, J. Glišović, S. Vasiljević, J. Dorić, Airborne wear particles from automotive brakes and tyres for period 2001-2017 in Republic Serbia, IX International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection 2019 (IIZS 2019), Zrenjanin, 2019, 3-4 October, pp. 310-316, ISBN 978-86-7672-324-9
  27. N. Stojanovic, O. I. Abdullah , J. Schlattmann, I. Grujic, D. Miloradovic, 3D aerodynamic simulation of the heavy duty commercial vehicle, The 30th SIAR International Congress of Automotive and Transport Engineering - Science and Management of Automotive and Transportation Engineering - SMAT 2019, Craiova, 2019, 23-25 October, pp. 68-81, ISBN 978-3-030-32563-3
  28. N. Stojanovic, O. I. Abdullah, I. Grujic, J. Glisovic, S. Vasiljevic, Study the effect of vanes shape on the convective cooling of the ventilated brake disc, 14th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Banja Luka, Repubika Srpska, 2019, 24-25 May, pp. 379-384, ISBN 978-99938-39-85-9
  29. N. Stojanovic, O. I. Abdullah, J. Schlattmann, I. Grujic, J. Glisovic, Study the structural problem in the brake system applying a different pressure functions, 16th International Conference on Tribology – SERBIATRIB ‘19, Kragujevac, 2019, 15 – 17 May, pp. 298-308, ISBN 2620-2832
  30. S. Vasiljević, J. Glišović, N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, Review of European projects aiming at reduction of non-exhaust particles’ emission whose source is vehicle braking system, IX International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection 2019 (IIZS 2019), Zrenjanin, 2019, 3-4 October, pp. 496-503, ISBN 978-86-7672-324-9
  31. I. Grujić, N. Stojanović, J. Dorić, The design of unconventional piston mechanism for 3.0 L IC engine, 5th International conference “Mechanical engineering in XXI century” (MASING 2020), Niš, 2020, 9-10 December, pp. 299-302, ISBN 978-86-6055-139-1
  32. I. Grujić, N. Stojanović, J. Dorić, A. Davnić, S. Vasiljević, Numerical analysis of the dual fuel IC engine working cycle, The 8th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2020, Kragujevac, 2020, 08-09 October, pp. 55-59, ISBN 978-86-6335-074-8
  33. I. Grujić, S. Vasiljević, J. Glišović, N. Stojanović, Simulation of vehicle’s inertia using a flywheel mass to test disc brake system, Proceedings of 6th International Conference "New Technologies, Development and Application III. NT 2020", Sarajevo, 2020, 25-27 June, pp. 360-367, ISBN 978-3-030-46816-3
  34. N. Stojanović, D. Miloradović, O.I. Abdullah, I. Grujić, S. Vasiljević, Effect of rear spoiler shape on car aerodynamics and stability, Proceedings of 6th International Conference "New Technologies, Development and Application III. NT 2020", Sarajevo, 2020, 25-27 June, pp. 340-347, ISBN 978-3-030-46816-3
  35. N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, J. Glišović, D. Miloradović, J. Dorić, Influence of rear spoiler inclination on aerodynamics and stability of car, 5th International conference “Mechanical engineering in XXI century” (MASING 2020), Niš, 2020, 9-10 December, pp. 303-306, ISBN 978-86-6055-139-1
  36. N. Stojanović, O.I. Abdullah, I. Grujić, J. Glišović, S. Vasiljević, Stresses distribution in function of constant acting pressure and generated temperature on the brake disc, The 8th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2020, Kragujevac, 2020, 08-09 October, pp. 223-230, ISBN 978-86-6335-074-8
  37. S. Vasiljević, J. Glišović, B. Stojanović, N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, Composition of brake pads and influence factors affecting the wear intensity of thebrake pads on vehicles, The 8th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2020, Kragujevac, 2020, 08-09 October, pp. 117-122, ISBN 978-86-6335-074-8
  38. S. Vasiljević, J. Glišović, N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, J. Wahlström, On the impact of airborne brake wear emissions on environmental safеty, The 8th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2020, Kragujevac, 2020, 08-09 October, pp. 275-280, ISBN 978-86-6335-074-8
  39. I. Grujić, N. Stojanović, A. Davinić, R. Pesic, Experimental investigation of hydrogen engine working cycle with a lean mixture, 15th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Banja Luka, Repubika Srpska, 2021, 28-29 May, pp. 159-162
  40. J. Glišović, S. Vasiljević, N. Miloradović, N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, Non-Exhaust PM Emissions from Heavy-Duty Vehicles, Proceedings of X International Conference “Heavy Machinery-HM 2021”, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, 2021, 23– 25 June, pp. F.29-F.35, ISBN 978-86-81412-09-1
  41. J. Glišović, S. Vasiljević, N. Miloradović, N. Stojanović, I. Grujić,, Fuel economy of off-road vehicles in respect to recuperation of vehicle’s kinetic energy, Proceedings of XXIX International Scientific Conference TRANS & MOTAUTO ’21, Varna, Bulgaria, 2021, 21-24 June, pp. 96-99, ISBN 1313-5031
  42. N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, J. Glišović, Experimental determination of thermal stresses disk brakes in depending from the braking pressure and vehicle speed, 15th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Banja Luka, Repubika Srpska, 2021, 28-29 May, pp. 323-329
  43. N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, J. Glišović, B. Bošković, S. Vasiljević, The application of cameras on the heavy duty vehicles with aim to increase the driver visual field, The 8th International Conference Transport and Logistics, Niš, 2021, 3 December, pp. 177-180, ISBN 978-86-6055-156-8
  44. N. Stojanovic, I. Grujic, J. Glisovic, O.I. Abdullah, Study the influence of repeated braking on the thermal behavior of brake system using experimental work, AIP Conference Proceedings: The 2nd International Conference on Electromechanical Engineering and Its Applications [ICEMEA2021], Baghdad, Iraq, 2021, March 15-16, pp. 060012-1- 060012-10, ISBN 978-0-7354-4268-9
  45. S. Vasiljević, J. Glišović, N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, An overview of non‐exhaust brake emission measuring methods, 15th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Banja Luka, Repubika Srpska, 2021, 28-29 May, pp. 339-348
  46. I. Grujic, A. Davinic, N. Stojanovic, J. Doric, S. Narayan, The influence of the fuel stratification on the IC engine working cycle with the compressed natural gas, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 9th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2022, Serbia, Kragujevac, 2022, October 13th - 14th, pp. 012004, ISBN 1757-8981
  47. N. Stojanovic, I. Grujic, O. I. Abdullah, A. Belhocine, J. Glisovic, The determination of the disc brake thermal stresses for different vehicle speeds, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 9th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2022, Serbia, Kragujevac, 2022, October 13th - 14th, pp. 012024, ISBN 1757-8981
  48. I. Grujic, N. Stojanovic, M. Petrovic, The influence of the hydrogen injection parameters on the combustion process of IC engine, 16th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Banja Luka, Repubika Srpska, 2023, 1-2 Jun, pp. 402-406
  49. N. Stojanovic, I. Grujic, A. Belhocine, The influence of the temperature of disc brakes on the vehicle stopping efficiency, 18th International Conference on Tribology – SERBIATRIB ‘23, Kragujevac, 2023, 17 – 19 May, pp. 624-628, ISBN 978-86-6335-103-5
  50. N. Stojanovic, I. Grujic, B. Boskovic, Application of Intelligent Transport Systems in Road Traffic: A Review, Proceedings of 9th International Conference "NEW TECHNOLOGIES, DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION (NT-2023)”, Sarajevo, 2023, 22nd-24th June, pp. 646-651, ISBN 978-3-031-31065-2
  51. N. Stojanovic, I. Grujic, B. Boskovic,, The influence of the crosswind on the lift coefficient, vehicle stability and safety, 16th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Banja Luka, Repubika Srpska, 2023, 1-2 Jun, pp. 396-401
  52. B. Bošković, N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, S. Babić, B. Milosavljević, The influence of thermal stress of disc brakes on vehicle deceleration, The 10th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2024, Kragujevac, 2024, 10-11 October, pp. 431-437, ISBN 978-86-6335-120-2
  53. I. Grujic, A. Davnic, N. Stojanovic, Z. Djuric, M. Lucic, R. Pesic, The numerical investigation of the working cycle of dual fuel IC engine, The 10th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2024, Kragujevac, 2024, 10-11 October, pp. 163-167, ISBN 978-86-6335-120-2
  54. I. Grujić, J. Glišović, N. Stojanović, A. Davinić, R. Pešić, S. Narayan, M. Usman Kaisan, Stress analysis of the crankshaft of IC engine, The 10th International Conference on Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering, KOD 2018, Novi Sad, 2018, 6-8 June, pp. 50-51, ISBN 978-86-6022-059-4
  55. N. Stojanović, J. Glišović, I. Grujić, A. Davinić, S. Narayan, M. Usman Kaisan, S. Abubakar, 3D modelling and aerodynamic simulation of a passenger car, The 10th International Conference on Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering, KOD 2018, Novi Sad, 2018, 6-8 June, pp. 318-319, ISBN 978-86-6022-059-4
  56. D. Miloradović, J. Glišović, N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, Simulation of vehicle's lateral dynamics using nonlinear model with real inputs, 9th International Scientific Conference Research and Development of Mechanical Elements and Systems "IRMES 2019", Kragujevac, 2019, 05-06 September, pp. 240-241, ISBN 978‐86‐6335‐061‐8
  57. I. Grujić, J. Dorić, N. Stojanović, O. Abdullah, Numerical analysis of hydrogen fueled IC engine, 19th International Conference on thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, Sokobanja, 2019, 22-25 October, pp. 95, ISBN 978-86-6055-123-0
  58. J. Dorić, I. Grujić, N. Stojanović, Simulation of turbocharged heavy-duty diesel engine, 19th International Conference on thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, Sokobanja, 2019, 22-25 October, pp. 168, ISBN 978-86-6055-123-0