First and last name | |
Year and place of birth | |
Position | Full professor |
E-mail | |
Education-scientific / education–art field | |
University, faculty, organizational unit | |
Field and closer specialty | |
Year | Institution | Position |
1983 | | Research prentice |
1986 | | Research & teaching assistant |
1996 | | Assistant professor |
2001 | | Associate professor |
2007 | | Full professor |
Year | Institution | Duration |
1991 | | |
1995 | | |
Year | Name of award/recognition |
2005 | |
Papers published in international scientific journals |
Kojić M., Grujović N., Slavković R. and Kojić A., Elastic-plastic orthotropic multilayered pipe deformation under external load and internal pressure, AIAA Journal, Vol.33, No.12, pp. 2354-2358, ISSN -, 1995
Živković M., Kojić M., Slavković R. and Grujović N., A general beam finite element with deformable cross-section, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol.-, No.190, pp. 2651-2680, ISSN -, 2001
Fatima Zivic, Miroslav Babic, Nenad Grujovic, Slobodan Mitrovic, Gregory Favaro, Mihaela Caunii, Effect of vacuum-treatment on deformation properties of PMMA bone cement, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol.5, No.1, pp. 129-138, ISSN 1751-6161, 2012
Vesna Ranković, Nenad Grujović, Dejan Divac, Nikola Milivojević, Aleksandar Novaković, Modelling of Dam Behaviour Based on Neuro-Fuzzy Identification, Engineering Structures, Vol.35, No.00, pp. 107-113, ISSN 0141-0296, Doi 10.1016/j.engstruct.2011.11.011, 2012
F. Zivic, M. Babic, N. Grujovic, S.Mitrovic, D. Adamovic, Influence of Loose PMMA Bone Cement Particles on the Corrosion Assisted Wear of the Orthopaedic AISI 316LVM Stainless Steel during Reciprocating Sliding, Wear, Vol.300, No.Issues 1–2, pp. 65-77, ISSN 0043-1648, 2013
Vesna Ranković, Nenad Grujović , Dejan Divac, Nikola Milivojević, Development of support vector regression identification model for prediction of dam structural behaviour, Structural Safety, Vol.48, No.00, pp. 33-39, ISSN 0167-4730, Doi Doi 10.1016/j.strusafe.2014.02.004, 2014
Sharma V., Grujovic N., Zivic F., Slavkovic V., Influence of Porosity on the Mechanical Behavior during Uniaxial Compressive Testing on Voronoi-Based Open-Cell Aluminium Foam, Materials, Vol.12, No.1041, pp. -, ISSN 1996-1944, Doi 10.3390/ma12071041, 2019
Sharma V., Zivic F., Grujovic N., Babcsan N., Babcsan J., Numerical Modeling and Experimental Behavior of Closed-Cell Aluminum Foam Fabricated by the Gas Blowing Method under Compressive Loading, Materials, Vol.12, No.1582, pp. -, ISSN 1996-1944, Doi 10.3390/ma12101582, 2019
Varun Sharma, Fatima Zivic, Dragan Adamovic, Petar Ljusic, Nikola Kotorcevic, Vukasin Slavkovic, Nenad Grujovic, Multi-criteria Decision Making Methods for Selection of the Lightweight Material for Railway Vehicles, Materials, Vol.16, No.368, pp. 368, ISSN 1996-1944, Doi 10.3390/ma16010368, 2023
Kojić M., Grujović N., Slavković R. and Živković M., A General Orthotropic Von Mises Plasticity Material Model with Mixed Hardening: Model Definition and Implicit Stress Integration Procedure, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol.-, No.63, pp. 376-382, ISSN -, 1996
Zivic F, Adamovic D, Mitrovic S, Grujovic N, Tanaskovic J, Stojadinovic I., Influence of different environments on the sliding friction of Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE), Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, impact factor: 1.777, Vol.135065012110531, No.135065012110531, pp. 135065012110531, ISSN 1350-6501, Doi https://doi.org/10.1177/13506501211053100, 2021
Mandić V., Stefanović M., Živković M., Grujović N., Mišić B., FE analysis of tube forming process with experimental verification, JAMME, Vol.18, No.1,2, pp. 303-306, ISSN 1734-8412, 2006
JAMME- FE analysis of tube forming process with ....pdf
Milos Stojkovic, Jelena Milovanovic, Nikola Vitkovic, Miroslav Trajanovic, Nenad Grujovic, Vladimir Milivojevic, Slobodan Milisavljevic and Stanko Mrvic, Reverse modeling and solid free-form fabrication of sternum implant, Australasian Physical & Engineering Science in Medicine, Vol.33, No.13246, pp. -, ISSN 0158-9938, Doi 10.1007/s13246-010-0029-1, 2010
Reverse modeling and solid free-form fabrication of sternum implant.pdf
F.Zivic, M.Babic, N.Grujovic, S.Mitrovic, D.Adamovic, G.Favaro, A Comparison of Reciprocating Sliding at Low Loads and Scratch Testing for Evaluation of TiN (PVD) Coating, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, Vol.18, No.1, pp. 80-91, ISSN 1310-4772, Doi Ref. No. 884/19.07.2011, 2012
Nenad Grujovic, Dejan Divac, Miroslav Zivkovic, Radovan Slavkovic, Nikola Milivojevic, Vladimir Milivojevic, Dragan Rakic, An inelastic stress integration algorithm for a rock mass containing sets of discontinuities, Acta Geotechnica, Vol.8, No.1, pp. 1-14, ISSN 1861-1125, Doi 10.1007/s11440-012-0194-3, 2012
Vesna Ranković, Jasna Radulović, Nenad Grujović, Dejan Divac, Neural Network Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems Using Genetic Algorithms, Journal of Computers, Communications & Control, Vol.7, No.3, pp. 516-525, ISSN 1841-9836, 2012
Vesna Ranković, Nenad Grujović, Dejan Divac, Nikola Milivojević, Radovan Slavković, Nonlinear Structural Behaviour Identification using Digital Recurrent Neural Networks, Strojarstvo: časopis za teoriju i praksu u strojarstvu, Vol.54, No.3, pp. 221-227, ISSN 0562-1887, 2012
Vesna Ranković, Aleksandar Novaković, Nenad Grujović, Dejan Divac, Nikola Milivojević, Predicting piezometric water level in dams via artificial neural networks, Neural Computing and Applications, Vol.24, No.5, pp. 1115-1121, ISSN 0941-0643, Doi 10.1007/s00521-012-1334-2, 2014
F. Zivic, S. Mitrovic, N. Grujovic, Z. Jovanovic, D. Dzunic, S. Milenkovic, The Influence of the 3D Printing Infill and Printing Direction on Friction and Wear of Polylactic Acid (PLA) under Rotational Sliding, Journal of Friction and Wear, Vol.42, No.2, pp. 106–111, ISSN 1068-3666, Doi 10.3103/S1068366621020124, 2021
Fatima Zivic, Nenad Grujovic, Slobodan Mitrovic, Jovan Tanaskovic, Petar Todorovic, Influence of the Ringer's solution on wear of vacuum mixed poly(methyl methacrylate) bone cement in reciprocating sliding contact with AISI 316L stainless steel, Hemijska industrija, Vol.75, No.2, pp. 77-92, ISSN 0367-598, Doi https://doi.org/10.2298/HEMIND210105011Z, 2021
F. Živić, N. Grujović, G. Manivasagam, C. Richard, J. Landoulsi, V. Petrović, The Potential of Magnesium Alloys as Bioabsorbable/ Biodegradable Implants for Biomedical Applications, Tribology in Industry, Vol.36, No.1, pp. 67-73, ISSN -, 2014
M24_The Potential of Magnesium Alloys as....pdf
D. Stojkovic, F. Zivic, M. Stimac, K Borisavljevic, N. Grujovic,, Raspberry as a Potential Commodity Exchange Material in the Republic Of Serbia, Economics of Agriculture, Vol.67, No.3, pp. -, ISSN 0352-3462, Doi https://doi.org/10.5937/ekoPolj2003955S, 2020
N. Busarac, Ž. Jovanović, S. Njezić, F. Živić*, N. Grujović, D. Adamović, Experimental Study and Analytical model of Shear Thinning in 3D Bioprinting of Gelatin, Tribology in Industry, Vol.42, No.3, pp. 503-512, ISSN 0354-8996, Doi 10.24874/ti.964.09.20.09, 2020
S. Milenkovic, F. Zivic, Z. Jovanovic, A. Radovanovic, P. Ljusic, N. Grujovic, Review of Friction Stir Processing (FSP) Parameters and Materials for Surface Composites,, Tribology in Industry, Vol.43, No.3, pp. 470-479, ISSN 0354-8996, Doi 10.24874/ti.1169.06.21.08, 2021
Papers presented at international conferences |
Kojić M., Grujović N., Slavković R. and Živković M., Yield Criterion for a General Anisotropic Plasticity Model with Mixed Hardening, EUROMECH, 2nd European Solid Mechanics Conference, Genoa, Italy, 1994
Kojić S., Grujović N. and Živković M., Nonlinear Analysis of Joint Behaviour Under Thermal and Hydrostatic Loads for an Arch Dam, Third benchmark workshop on Numerical analysis of dams, Paris, 1994
Kojić M., Begović D. and Grujović N., Implicit Stress Integration of Thermo-Plastic Constitutive Relations for Orthotropic Metals, 4th National Congress on Mechanics, Xanthi, Greece, 1995, pp. 502-510
Kojić M., Begović D. and Grujović N., A Computational Procedure for Implicit Stress Integration of Anisotropic Thermo-Plastic and/or Anisotropic Creep Constitutive Relations of Metals, Complas 4, Barselona, Spain, 1995, pp. 249-260
Kojić M., Slavković R., Grujović N. and Živković M., Implicit Stress Integration Procedure for the Generalized Cap Model in Soil Plasticity, Complas 4, Barselona, Spain, 1995
Kojić M., Slavković R., Grujović N. and Živković M., A Solution Procedure for Large Strain Plasticity of the Modified Cam-Clay Material, 4th National Congress on Mechanics, Xanthi, Greece, 1995, pp. 511-518
Kojić M., Živković M., Grujović N. and Slavković R., Elastic-plastic analysis of multilayered orthotropic pipe as a beam superelement with deformable cross-section, Complas 4, Barcelona, Spain, 1995
Maksimović S., Kojić M., Grujović N., Slavković R. and Živković M., Geometric and Material Initial Failure of Layered Fiber Reinforced Composite Structures: Numerical and Experimental Study, Complas 4, Barselona, Spain, 1995, pp. 1235-1244
Živković M., Kojić M., Slavković R. and Grujović N., A beam superelement with deformable cross-section for geometrically nonlinear analysis, 4th National Congres on Mechanics, Xanthi, Greece, 1995, pp. 453-464
Grujović N., Slavković R., Živković M. and Filipović N., Solution of Large Structural Car Models by Finite Element Method, JUMV 16. International conference science and motor vehicles, Beograd, 1997, pp. 171-174
Grujović N., Živković M., Kotsovos M., Pavlović M. and Kojić M., A Numerical Algorithm for Elastic-Plastic Analysis of One-Parameter Concrete Model, Complas 5, Barcelona, Spain, 1997, pp. 1469-1474
Slavković R., Kojić M., Grujović N., Živković M. and Obradović D., Finite Element Modeling of Frontal Car Crash, JUMV 16. International conference science and motor vehicles, Beograd, 1997, pp. 167-170
Divac D., Vučković D., Živković M. and Grujović N., Numerical modelling of rock mass stress strain changes caused by underground excavation in the Bor Copper mine, 4th European conference on numerical methods in geotechnical engineering, Udine, Italy, 1998
Stefanović S., Grujović N., Đorđević Z., Analiza kontaktnih naprezanja elastičnih tela, IRMES, Beograd, 1998
Kojić M., Živković M., Slavković R., Grujović N. and Vlastelica I., A procedure for large strain elastic-plastic analysis of shells, IASS.IACM 2000, Fourth International Colloquium on Computation of Shell & Spatial Structures, Chania-Crete, Greece, 2000, pp. 1-14
Živković M., Kojić M., Slavković R. and Grujović N., Nonlinear FE analysis of shell structures by our beam superelement, IASS-IACM 2000, Fourth International Colloquium on Computation of Shell & Spatial Structures, Chania-Crete, Greece, 2000, pp. 1-20
Živković M., Jovičić G., Slavković R., Grujović N., A numerical procedure for structure life assessment, First International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Santorini Island, Greece, 2005, may 25-27, pp. 1-16, ISBN 84-95999-71-4
Živković M., Slavković R., Kojić M., Grujović N., Vuković M., Elastic-plastic analysis of spot-welded thin-walled structures, VIII International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS VIII, CIMNE, Barcelona, 2005, pp. 1043-1046
Elastic-plastic analysis of spot-welded thin-walled structures.pdf
Divac D., Grujović N., Simić Z., Milivojević N., Hydro-information system „Drina” softver for supporting intergrated water management in the Drina river basin, Management, use of modern electrical and mechanical equipment, and technical regultaion in the field of water supply and sewerage, Vrnjačka Banja, 2006, 15-18. oktobar, pp. 19-28, ISBN 86-82931-19-2
Vrnjacka Banja - Hidro-informacioni sistem Drina-softverski paket.pdf
Đorđević N., Živković M., Vulović S., Grujović N., Comparative Analysis of FEM Software in solving dinamic problems, 5th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Puchov, Slovakia, 2006, 10-13. Maj, pp. 1-6
Slovakia - Comparative analysis of FEM software in solving dynamic problems.pdf
Grujović N., Milivojević N., Milivojević V., Dimitrijević V., Grujović Đ., Experiences in Rapid Prototyping with 3D printing Technology, 31. Conference on production Engineering, Kragujevac, 2006, 19-21. septembar, pp. 437-442, ISBN 86-80581-92-5
31 savetovanje - Iskustva u brzoj izradi prototipova tehnologijom 3D stampe.pdf
Pavlović A., Živković M., Vulović S., Grujović N., Strength Analysis of Safety Cage, 5th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Puchov, Slovakia, 2006, 10-13. Maj, pp. 1-6
Slovakia - Strength analysis of safety cage.pdf
S. Vulovic, M. Zivkovic, N. Grujovic, V. Mandic, The contact problems based on the penalty method, 31. Savetovanje proizvodnog mašinstva sa međunarodnim učešćem, Kragujevac, 2006, 19-21. Septembar, pp. 474-479, ISBN 86-80581-92-5
31 savetovanje - The contact problems based on the penalty method.pdf
Vulović S., Zivković M., Grujović N., Slavković, R., The 3D contact problems based on the penalty method, First South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics, SEECCM-06, Kragujevac, 2006, 28-30 June, pp. 335-341, ISBN 86-81037-13-7
SEECCM 06 - The 3D Contact Problems Based on the Penalty Method.pdf
Vulović, S., Zivković, M., Grujović, N., Pavlović A., The penalty methods applied to nonlinear contact problems, 1st International Congres od Serbian Society of Mechanics, Kopaonik, 2007, 10-13 April, pp. 741-746, ISBN 978-86-909973-0-5
Kopaonik - The penalty methods applied to nonlinear contact problems.pdf
Дивац Д., Грујовић Н., Симић З., Миливојевић В., Drina river basin hydro information system - Simulation model concept, International Conference HYDRO 2007, Granada, Spain, 2007, 15-17. oktobar
Granada - Drina - Simulation model concept.pdf
Дивац Д., Миливојевић Н., Грујовић Н., Арсић М., The Serbian-Romanian Hydropower System „Djerdap“: Mathematical Model, International Conference HYDRO 2007, Granada, Spain, 2007, 15-17. oktobar
Granada - The Serbian-Romanian hydropower system Djerdap.pdf
Snezana D. Vulovic, Miroslav M. Zivkovic, Nenad A. Grujovic, Radovan B. Slavkovic, Contact problem solution by finite element method, 9th International Conference Research and Development in Mechanical Industry RaDMI 2009, Врњачка Бања, 2009, 16-19. септембар, ISBN 978-86-83303-24-8
SaTICP Vrnjacka Banja - Contact problem solution by finite element method.pdf
Снежана Вуловић, Мирослав Живковић, Ненад Грујовић, Automatic adjustment of load step for contact problems based on the penalty method, 2nd International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics (IConSSM 2009), Суботица (Паилћ), 2009, 1-5 Јуни, pp. -, ISBN 978-86-7892-173-5
Palic Subotica-Automatic adjustment of load step for contact problems....pdf
Dragan Lišanin, Marinko Petrović, Nenad Grujović, Jelena Borota, Comparative analysis of the formation of small grain guidance, 10th Anniversary International conference on accomplisments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, Banja Luka, 2011, 26-28 May 2011, pp. 87-92, ISBN 987-99938-39-36-1
F. Živić, M. Babić, G. Favaro, M. Caunii, N. Grujović, S. Mitrović, Microindentation of Polymethyl Methacrylate (PmMa) Based Bone Cement, 12th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '11, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2011, 11 – 13 May, pp. 336-341
F. Zivic, M. Babić, S. Mitrović, D. Adamović, N. Grujović, Tribology in Biomaterials Design and Selection, 12th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '11, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2011, 11 – 13 May, pp. 157-167, ISBN 978-86-86663-74-0
N. Grujović, J. Borota, M. Šljivić, D. Divac, V. Ranković, Art and Design Optimized 3D Printing, 34th International Conference on Production Engineering, Niš, 2011, 28-30 September, pp. 319-322, ISBN 978-86-6055-019-6
Rakić D., Živković M., Vulović S., Divac D., Grujović N., The Incremental Plasticity Method Applied to the Drucker-Prager Material Model, Тhe Thirteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Chania, Crete, Greece, 2011, 6-9 September, ISBN 978-1-905088-46-1
V. Ranković, N. Grujović, D. Divac, N. Milivojević, G. Milanović, Application of Soft Computing Techniques to Dam Safety Monitoring, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Crete-Greece, 2011, 6-9 September, pp. Paper 13, ISBN 978-1-905088-49-2
V. Ranković, N. Grujović, D. Divac, N. Milivojević, K. Papanikolopoulos, J. Borota, Prediction of the Nonlinear Structural Behaviour by Digital Recurrent Neural Netwwork, 34th International Conference on Production Engineering, Niš, 2011, 28-30 September, pp. 403-406, ISBN 978-86-6055-019-6
Vesna Ranković, Nenad Grujović, Goran Milanović, Dejan Divac, Nikola Milivojević, PREDICTION OF DAM BEHAVIOUR USING MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION AND RADIAL BASIS FUNCTION NEURAL NETWORK, 10th Anniversary International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, Banja Luka, 2011, 26th-28th May, pp. 179-185, ISBN 978-99938-39-36-1
Ranković V., Grujović N., Divac D., Milivojević N., Artificial neural network and multiple linear regression for interpretation of DAM behavior, International Conference „Science and Higher Education in Function of Sustainable Development“ –SED 2012, Užice, 2012, 4-5 October, pp. 2-20-2-25
Fatima Živić, Nenad Grujović, Geetha Manivasagam, Caroline Richard, Jessem Landoulsi, Vojislav Petrović, The potential of magnesium alloys as bioabsorbable / biodegradable implants for biomedical applications, Serbiatrib'13, 13th International Conference on Tribology, Kragujevac, 2013, May 15-17
Novaković A., Ranković V., Divac D., Grujović N., Milivojević N., Missing data estimation in dam structures using multiple imputaion method, 7th International Quality Conference, Kragujevac, 2013, 24th May, pp. 411-414, ISBN 978-86-86663-94-8
Novaković A., Ranković V., Grujović N., Divac D., Milivojević N., Development of neuro-fuzzy model for dam seepage analysis, The 11th International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, DEMI 2013, Banja Luka, 2013, 30 May - 2 June, pp. 619-624, ISBN 978-99938-39-46-0
Fatima Zivic, Dragan Adamovic, Slobodan Mitrovic, Nenad Grujovic, Jovan Tanaskovic, Nina Busarac, Ivan Stojadinovic, Friction Coefficient During the Reciprocating Sliding Of UHMWPE in Different Environments, 10th International Conference on Tribology – BALKANTRIB ‘20, Belgrade, Serbia, 2021, 20 – 22 May, pp. 23-24, ISBN 978-86-6060-072-3
Lj. Milanovic, S. Milenkovic, N. Petrovic, N. Grujovic, V. Slavkovic and F. Zivic, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Imaging Technology, 2021 IEEE 21st International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE), Kragujevac, 2021, 25 - 27 October, pp. 1-5, ISBN 978-1-6654-4261-9/21
M. Anic, M. Prodanovic, S. Milenkovic, N. Filipovic, N. Grujovic and F. Zivic, The Review of Materials for Energy Harvesting, 2021 IEEE 21st International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE), Kragujevac, 2021, 25 - 27 October, pp. 1-6, ISBN 978-1-6654-4261-9/21
Miloš Anić, Momčilo Prodanović, Strahinja Milenković, Nenad Filipović, Nenad Grujović, Fatima Živić, Electrospinning As The Fabrication Technology For The Energy Harvesting Composites, 38th International Conference on Production Engineering of Serbia, ICPE-S 2021, Čačak, Serbia, 2021, 14 – 15. October, pp. 167-178, ISBN 978-86-7776-252-0
Nikola Palic, Fatima Zivic, Vukasin Slavkovic, Nenad Grujovic, Fabrication of the Porous Structures with Gradient Thickness of the Struts, by using FDM 3D Printing with Dynamically Changed Parameters during the Printing, The VI International Conference in Bulgaria "INDUSTRY 4.0", Proceedings, Winter Session - 08 - 11.12.2021, Borovets, Bulgaria, 2021, http://industry-4.eu/winter/txt.html, Borovets, Bulgaria, 2021, 08 - 11.12.2021, pp. 251-254, ISBN 2535-0153
Nina Busarac, Andreja Radovanović, Petar Ljušić, Strahinja Milenković, Nenad Grujović, Fatima Živić, Review of aluminium alloys and quality control standards in the railway industry, XIV INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, CONTEMPORARY MATERIALS, 2021, Proceedings, Banja Luka, 2021, 9-10 September, pp. 223-237, ISBN 978-99976-42-50-9
Živana Jovanović, Đorđe Urošević, Dragan Adamović, Saša Njezic, Nenad Grujović, Fatima Živic, Strength Analysis Of The Window Profiles Made Of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), 38th International Conference on Production Engineering of Serbia, ICPE-S 2021, Čačak, Serbia, 2021, 14 – 15. October, pp. 123-130, ISBN 978-86-7776-252-0
Mitrevski Nikola, Ilić Đorđe, Marković Jelena, Šušteršič Tijana, Živić Fatima, Grujović Nenad, Filipović Nenad, SMART2M Digital Platform as the Communication Channel for Academia - Industry Collaboration, ICIST 2022 - 12th International Conference on Information Society and Technology, Proceedings, https://www.eventiotic.com/eventiotic/library/book/12, Kopaonik, Serbia, 2022, March 13-16, pp. 214-217, ISBN 978-86-85525-24-7
Nemanja Pajić, Nikola Kotorčević, Nenad Grujović, Fatima Živić, Micro and Nano Technologies (MNTS) In Industry 4.0 Communication Systems, 10th International Scientific Conference - IRMES 2022, Research and Development of Mechanical Elements and Systems, PROCEEDINGS, Machine design in the context of Industry I4.0 – Intelligent products, Belgrade, 2022, 26 May 2022, pp. 74-81, ISBN 978-86-6060-119-5
Nemanja Pajic, Tamara Obradovic, Nenad Grujovic, Fatima Zivic, Digital Marketing for SMEs and Professionals by Using LinkedIn Social Networks With Integrated AI Solutions, I International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, 2022, 26-29 May 2022, pp. 876-882, ISBN 978-9940-611-04-0
Fatima Zivic, Kamakshi Kopole, Nenad Grujovic, Vojislav Petrovic, M J M Gomes, Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) of Ag Nanoparticles on Biomedical Ti6Al4V alloy Produced by Additive Manufacturing, Nanoalloys and Biomaterials for Biomedicine and Stem Cell Research Workshop, COST Nanoalloy MP0903, COST Namabio MP1005, Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy, 2013, 7-8 October
2021 – 2023, SMART-2M project, Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education in Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing, HEI Initiative, European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), EIT RawMaterials
2022 – 2025, Collaborative e-platform for innovation and educational enhancement in medical engineering, acronym: CALLME, 2022-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000087703, ERASMUS+, Action type: KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education