Radivoje Pešić

First and last nameRadivoje Pešić
Year and place of birthKragujevac, 1956
PositionFull professor
Education-scientific / education–art fieldTechnological and engineering sciences
University, faculty, organizational unitUniversity of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering University of Kragujevac
Field and closer specialtyMechanical engineering, Motor vehicles and engines (IC Engines) and Equipment for motor vehicles and engines, Road traffic

InstitutionFaculty of Mechanical Engineering
HeadlineProject of compact IC engines for ZASTAVA – 101 vehicle
FieldMechanical engineering, Motor vehicles and engines (IC Engines)
InstitutionFaculty of Mechanical Engineering
HeadlineContribution of increasing fuel economy by variable compression ratio
FieldMechanical engineering, Motor vehicles and engines (IC Engines)
InstitutionFaculty of Mechanical Engineering, University in Kragujevac
HeadlineThermodynamical optimization of IC engine with variable compression ratio
FieldMechanical engineering, Motor vehicles and engines (IC Engines)

1987Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University in KResearch & teaching assistant
1999Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University in KAssociate professor
2004Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University in KFull professor
1994Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University in KragujevacAssistant professor

1987Study visit, Technical University of Berlin2 month
1988Study visit, Institute Lihachev in Moscow1 month

YearName of award/recognition
1985The best young worker innovator in ZCZ factory
1994Josip Verchon Award for best paper exhibited at YUGOMO symposium
2005The best registered and presented paper at the JUNG 4P symposium
2009Gold medal with the image of Nikola Tesla at the 29th International Exhibition of Inventions, New Technologies and Industrial Design "Finding -Beograd 2009"
2010Gold medal with the image of Nikola Tesla at the 30th International Exhibition of Inventions, New Technologies and Industrial Design "Finding -Beograd 2010"

Papers published in international scientific journals
  1. Pešić Radivoje B., Davinić Aleksandar Lj., Petković Snežana D., Taranović Dragan S., Miloradović Danijela M., Aspects of volumetric efficiency measurement for reciprocating engines, Thermal Science, Vol.17, No.1, pp. 35-48, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi 10.2298/TSCI120531153P, 2013
  2. Milosavljević Branimir Lj., Pešić Radivoje B., Taranović Dragan S., Davinić Aleksandar Lj., Milojević Saša T., Measurements and modeling pollution from traffic in a street canyon: Assessing and ranking the influences, Thermal Science, Vol.19, No.5, pp. 2093-2104, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi 10.2298/TSCI150402111M, 2015
  3. Davinić Aleksandar Lj., Pešić Radivoje B., Taranović Dragan S., Ravlić Miroslav D., Performance measurements on an experimental Otto/Diesel engine operating with different fuels, Thermal Science, impact factor: M22, Vol.22, No.3, pp. 1203-1213, ISSN 0354-9836, 2018
  4. Pešić, R., Davinić A, A Diesel Engine Performance Measurement With Diesel fuel and Biodiesel, THERMAL SCIENCE, Vol.23, No.5, pp. S1779-S1788, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI180211412P, 2019
  5. Pešić B. Radivoje, Davinić Lj. Aleksandar, Veinović P. Stevan, New engine method for biodiesel cetane number testing, Thermal Science, Vol.12, No.1, pp. 125-138, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi 10.2298/TSCI0801125P, 2008
  6. Radivoje B. PEŠIĆ, Aleksandar Lj. DAVINIĆ, Dragan S. TARANOVIĆ, Danijela M. MILORADOVIĆ, Snežana D. PETKOVIĆ, Experimental determination of double vibe function parameters in diesel engines with biodiesel, Thermal Science, Vol.14, No.Supp., pp. 207-2187, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi 10.2298/TSCI100505069P, 2010
  7. Radivoje B. Pešić, Saša T. Milojević, Stevan P. Veinović, Benefits and Challenges of Variable Compression Ratio at Diesel engines, THERMAL SCIENCE, Vol.14, No.4, pp. 1063-1073, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi 10.2298/TSCI10041063P, 2010
  8. Snežana D. PETKOVIĆ, Radivoje B. PEŠIĆ, Jovanka K. LUKIĆ, Heat transfer in exhaust system of a cold start engine at low environmental temperature, Thermal Science, Vol.14, No.Supp., pp. 219-232, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi 10.2298/TSCI100505070P, 2010
  9. Petković Snežana, Pešić Radivoje, Lukić Jovanka, Experimental verification of mathematical model of the heat transfer in exhaust system, Thermal Science, Vol.15, No.4, pp. 102-102, ISSN 0354-9836, Doi 10.2298/TSCI110517102P, 2011
  11. Milojević Saša i Radivoje Pešić, Theoretical and experimental analysis of CNG cylinders rack connection with bus roof, Int. J. of Automotive Technology, Vol.13, No.3, pp. 497-503, ISSN 1229-9138, Doi 10.1007/s12239−012−0047−y, 2012
  13. Radivoje Pešić, Saša Milojević, Efficiency and ecological characteristics of a VCR diesel engine, International Journal of Automotive Technology,, Vol.14, No.5, pp. 675−681, ISSN 1229-9138, 2013
  14. Branimir Milosavljević, Radivoje Pešić, and Predrag Dašić, Binary Logistic Regression Modeling of Idle CO Emissions in Order to Estimate Predictors Influences in Old Vehicle Park,, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol.2015, No.463158, pp. 1-10, ISSN 1563-5147, Doi 10.1155/2015/463158, 2015
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  15. S. MILOJEVIC*, R. PESIC, D. TARANOVIC, TRIBOLOGICAL OPTIMISATION OF RECIPROCATING MACHINES ACCORDING TO IMPROVING PERFORMANCE, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, Vol.21, No.3, pp. 676-685, ISSN 1310-4772, 2015
  16. Taranović, D., Ninković, D., Davinić, A., Pešić, R., Glišović, J., Milojević, S., Valve dynamics in reciprocating compressors for motor vehicles, Technical gazette, impact factor: 23, Vol.24, No.Supplement 2, pp. 313-319, ISSN 1330-3651, Doi 10.17559/TV-20151117130112, 2017
  17. Ivan Grujic, Nadica Stojanovic, Radivoje Pesic, Aleksandar Davinic, Sunny Narayan, Numerical Analysis of IC Engine Operation with High-Pressure Hydrogen Injection, Transactions of FAMENA, impact factor: 0.580, Vol.44, No.1, pp. 55-66, ISSN 1333-1124, Doi https://doi.org/10.21278/TOF.44105, 2020
  18. Saša Milojević, Dragan Džunić, Dejan Marić, Tomáš Skrúcaný, Slobodan Mitrović, Radivoje Pešić, Tribological Assessment of Aluminum Cylinder Material for Piston Compressors in Trucks and Buses Brake Systems, Tehnički vjesnik / Technical Gazette, Scientific-professional Journal of Technical Faculties of University in Osijek, impact factor: 0,783, Vol.28, No.4, pp. 1268-1276, ISSN 1330-3651, Doi 10.17559/TV-20200915110030), 2021
  19. S. Milojević, R. Pešić, D. Taranović, Tribological Principles of Constructing the Reciprocating Machines, Tribology in Industry, Vol.37, No.1, pp. 13-19, ISSN 0354-8996, 2015
Papers presented at international conferences
  1. Radivoje Pešić, Stevan Veinović, Transport ecology and global climate change (Keynote Lecture), X Anniversary International Conference on accomplishments in electrical, mechanical and information engineering DEMI 2011, Banja Luka, 2011, 26.-28. maj, pp. 7-20, ISBN 978-99938-39-36-1
  2. Р. Пешић, Ото мотори са променљивим степеном сабијања, Наука и моторна возила ‘81, Крагујевац, 1981
  3. Радивоје Пешић, Прилог повећању економичности ото мотора на делимичним оптерећењима, семинар Гориво и сагоревање у ото мотору, Зборник и на енглеском, Крагујевац, 1985, Октобар, pp. 45-57
  4. Радивоје Пешић, Прилог одређивању карактеристика процеса сагоревања из индикаторског дијаграма мотора, Наука и моторна возила, Београд, 1987
  5. D. Radonjić, R. Pešić, A. Davinić, S. Veinović, Automatizacija probnog stola za ispitivanje motora SUS, Simpozij o komonikacijah v sistemih za automatizacijo, Марибор, 1990, 18 in 19 oktober
  6. С. Веиновић, Р. Пешић и А. Давинић, Пречишћавање издувних гасова ото и дизел мотора, II Међународни научно-стручни скуп "ИЗВОРИ И ПРЕНОСИ СНАГЕ" - ИПС ‘90, Подгорица, 1990, pp. 87-91
  7. А. Давинић, С. Веиновић, Р. Пешић, Развој горионика честица за рад у издувном систему дизел мотора, Седми симпозијум МВМ Крагујевац ‘92, Крагујевац, 1992, Октобар, pp. 549-555
  8. Р. Пешић, С. Веиновић, Оптимирање кинематике моторског механизма за промену степена компресије, Седми симпозијум МВМ Крагујевац ‘92, Крагујевац, 1992, Октобар, pp. 534-548
  9. Р. Пешић, С. Веиновић, А. Давинић, Прилог одређивању степена доброте процеса сагоревања код мотора СУС, Седми симпозијум МВМ Крагујевац ‘92, Крагујевац, 1992, Октобар, pp. 549-555
  10. S. Veinović, V. D. Negrea, R. Pešić, A. Davinić, Engines with variable degree of compression, VII CONAT, 1993, Brasov, Romania, 1993, Мartie, pp. 61-82
  11. А. Давинић, С. Веиновић, Р. Пешић, Истраживање примене горионика за честице на дизел мотору, У-93118, XIV Научно стручни скуп НМВ’93, Београд, 1993, pp. 43-47
  12. Р. Пешић, С. Веиновић, А. Давинић, Развој оригиналног дигиталног филтра у обради индикаторских дијаграма мотора СУС, ЈУ-93126, XIV Научно стручни скуп НМВ’93, Београд, 1993, Мај, pp. 71-75
  13. Р. Пешић, С. Веиновић, А. Давинић, Сложена динамичка анализа моторског механизма за аутоматску промену степена компресије, XIV Научно стручни скуп НМВ’93, ЈУ-93128, Београд, 1993, Мај, pp. 79-83
  14. С. Веиновић, Р. Пешић, О. Бебић, Б. Веселиновић, Ефект погонских материјала на токсичну емисију мотора СУС, XIV Научно стручни скуп НМВ’93, ЈУ-93108, Београд, 1993, Мај, pp. 27-31
  15. K. Golec, S. Veinović, R. Pešić, Interdisciplinary kontents of the project the 3 l/100 km consumption car, KONMOT 98, Zakopane, 1998, October, pp. 14-16
  16. С. Веиновић, Р. Пешић, С. Ћурчић, Одржавање и флексибилни сервисни системи у моторним возилима и моторима, YUTRIB ’99, Шеста југословенска конференција о трибологији са међународним учешћем,, Крагујевац, 1999, 29.-30. септембар
  17. K. Golec, S. Veinović, R. Pešić, E. Hnatko, V. D. Negrea, New age vehicles or mistakes from the past, Commission of motorization, KONMOT -AUTOPROGRES 2000, Konstrukcja, badania, eksploatacja, tchnologia pojazdow samochodowych i silnikow spalinowych, Zeszyt 20, Polish Academy of sciences Cracow Branch, Krakow, 2000, ISBN 83-910107-4-8
  18. K. Golec, T. Papuga, S. Veinović, R. Pešić, Direction of economy of energy in sets power units, Proceedings YU-00007, XI International Scientific Symposium, MVM 2000, Kragujevac, 2000, 7-9 децембар, pp. 33÷37
  19. P. Gheorghe, R. Pešić, V. D. Negrea, Analiza unor aspecte functionale privind sistemul de injectie Cummins PT prin inregistrarea evolutiei fortei aplicate acului piston, A VIII-a Conferinnta Internationala de Autovehicule Rutiere, Pitesti, 2000, 16÷17 Noiembrie, pp. 121-129, ISBN 973-8212-03-0
  20. Д. Несторовић, Р. Пешић, С. Веиновић, А. Савчић и С. Јовановић, Прилог експерименталним истраживањима смањења емисије издувних гасова у хладним режимима рада мотора, XI International Scientific Symposium, MVM 2000,, Крагујевац, 2000, 7-9 децембар, pp. 161 до 165.,
  21. Р. Пешић, С. Веиновић, А. Давинић, Р. Павловић, Експериментални мотори за испитивање горива и мазива - припрема база знања, стране, ДЕМИ 2000, 3. Међународно саветовање о достигнућима у електро и машинској индустрији,, Бања Лука, 2000, април 2000, pp. 248-252
  22. С. Веиновић, Р. Пешић, Ј. Мрђа, С. Петковић, С. Ћурчић, Флексибилни сервисни системи у возилима, 3. Међународно саветовање о достигнућима у електро и машинској индустрији, ДЕМИ 2000, Бања Лука, 2000, април 2000, pp. 244-248
  23. Д. Несторовић, С. Веиновић, Р. Пешић, Истраживања у циљу смањења штетних емисија издувних гасова ото мотора путничких возила, ЦГ-18199А06, VI Међунаордни научно - стручни скуп ИПС 01, Подгорица-Бечићи, 2001, 26÷29. септембар, pp. 52-58
  24. Д. Несторовић, С. Веиновић, Р. Пешић, Увођење и развој законских ограничења штетних емисија издувних гасова ото мотора путничких возила, ЦГ-26901А05, VI Међунаордни научно - стручни скуп ИПС 01,, Подгорица-Бечићи, 2001, 26÷29. септембар, pp. 46-52,
  25. Р. Пешић, Д. Овука, С. Веиновић, Алгоритми за управљање моторним возилима и моторима, 4. Међународно саветовање ДЕМИ 2001, Бања Лука, 2001, 25/26 април
  26. Р. Пешић, С. Веиновић, Домаћи погонски агрегат за возило 3 л/100 км, ЦГ-26601А02, VI Међународни научно - стручни скуп ИПС 01, Подгорица-Бечићи, 2001, 26-29. септембар, pp. 16-31
  27. Pešić R., Nestorović D., Lakićević M., Veinović S., Technical solutions for «YUGO» vehicles meeting the requirements EURO 4 regulations, International Scientific Symposium MOTAUTO 02,, Ruse, 2002, 29-31 October, pp. 61-66, ISBN 954-90272-8-7
  28. R. Pešić, S. Veinović, M. G. Kolb, Single cylinder engine for tribological testing, 4th International Conference on tribology, 2002. Balkantrib '2002, Kayseri, Turkey, 2002, 12-14 june
  29. Р. Пешић, С. Веиновић, А. Давинић, Природни гас као сировина и гориво за моторна возила, Proceedings YU-02069, XII International Scientific Symposium, MVM 2002, Kragujevac, 2002, 7÷9. oktobar, pp. 284-289
  30. Р. Пешић, С. Петковић, С. Веиновић, Развој возила и везе са осталим наукама, 5. Међународно саветовање ДЕМИ 2002, Бања Лука, 2002, 25/26 април, pp. 269-277
  31. С. Петковић, Р. Пешић, Ј. Мрђа и С. Веиновић, Моделирање преноса топлоте у издувним цијевима мотора, Proceedings YU-02048, XII International Scientific Symposium, MVM 2002, Kragujevac, 2002, 7÷9. oktobar, pp. 201-205
  32. R. Pešić, K. Golec, E. Hnatko, H. Kaleli, S. Veinović, Experimental Engine with flexible Otto or Diesel cycle (VCR – Variable Compression Ratio), 6th Conference and Exhibition, Koper/Portorož, 2003, 24.-25. april, pp. 281-289
  33. R. Pešić, S. Milojević i S. Veinović, Periodi zamene motornih ulja - poređenje mineralnih, polusintetskih i potpuno sintetskih, 8th International Tribology Conference,, Belgrade, 2003, 8-10. Oktober
  34. S. Veinović, R. Pešić i A. Davinić, Frikcioni fluidi za podmazivanje varijatora motornih vozila, 8th International Tribology Conference, Belgrade, 2003, 8. - 10. Oktober
  35. Д. Несторовић, Р. Пешић, С. Веиновић, Нови еколошки прописи за возила и путеви њиховог задовољења, VI Међународно саветовање о достигнућима електро и машинске индустрије ДЕМИ 2003, Бања Лука, 2003, 30/31 мај, pp. 515-521
  36. Р. Пешић, С. Веиновић, Нова генерација мотора са унутрашњим сагоревањем симбиозом добрих страна ото и дизел процеса, VI Међународно саветовање о достигнућима електро и машинске индустрије ДЕМИ 2003., Бања Лука,, 2003, 30/31 мај, pp. 491-497
  37. K. Golec, M. Mareczek, T. Papuga, R. Pesic, S. Veinovic, The hydrocarbons injection before zeolite catalytic conerter as the way of nitric oxides emission decrease in the spark ignition engine, XIII International Scientific Symposium, MVM 2004, Proceedings MVM04-B09, Крагујевац, 2004, 4÷6. октобар, pp. 460-466
  38. R. Pešić, S. Veinović, A. Davinić, G. Pop, The new concept of the IC engine for all fuels, The 10th International Congress, Automotive and future technologies, Proceedings CONAT20041078, Brashov, 2004, 20-22 October, pp. 1-8, ISBN 973-635-394-0
  39. А. Давинић, Р. Пешић, С. Веиновић, Нови концепт мотора за реализацију ото и дизел процеса у истом цилиндру, XIII International Scientific Symposium, MVM 2004, Proceedings MVM04-B12,, Крагујевац, 2004, 4÷6. октобар, pp. 482-488
  40. Д. Несторовић, Р. Пешић, С. Веиновић, Истраживање утицаја на радни процес мотора са затвореним издувним системом, XIII International Scientific Symposium, MVM 2004, Proceedings MVM04-B011,, Крагујевац, 2004, 4÷6. октобар, pp. 466-471
  41. С. Петковић, Р. Пешић, А. Милашиновић, Смјернице за математичко моделирање процеса у издувном цијевима мотора, Proceedings MVM04-B11, XIII International Scientific Symposium, MVM 2004, Крагујевац, 2004, 4÷6. октобар., pp. 471-481
  42. R. Pešić, A. Davinić, S. Veinović, One engine for all fuels – one fuel for all engines, – Paper EAEC05YU-EN01, 10th EAEC European Automotive Congress,, Belgrade, 2005, 30th May -1st June, pp. 1-10, ISBN 86-80941-30-1
  43. R. Pešić, S. Milojević, A. Davinić, S. Veinović, V. D. Negrea and G. Pop, The experimental VCR diesel engine and determination of double Vibe function parameters, – Paper CAR20051028, CAR 2005 The 9th International Congress on Automotive, Pitesti Romania, 2005, 2nd – 4th November, pp. 1-10, ISBN 973-690-450-4
  44. R. Pešić, S. Veinović, D. Ješić, M. Stanojević:, Tribological needs and new automotive technologies drive environmentally quality, ÖTG – Symposium 2005 - Tribosysteme in der Fahzugtechnik, Graz, Austria, 2005, 10. November 2005, pp. 257-264, ISBN 3-901657-19-3
  45. S. Petković, R. Pešić, A. Milašinović, S. Veinović, Influence of low environmental temperatures on catalyst light-off time, Paper EAEC05YU-EN13, 10th EAEC European Automotive Congress,, Belgrade, 2005, 30th May -1st June, pp. 1-9, ISBN 86-80941-30-1
  46. A. Davinić, R. Pešić, D. Ješić, S. Veinović, Experimental determination of auto-ignition characteristics of alternative and classical fuels using the engine method - MVM20060117, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2006, Kragujevac, 2006, 4th-6th October, pp. 1-9, ISBN 86-80581-95-
  47. J. Dutczak, K. Golec, M. Mareczek, T. Papuga, R. Pešić, S. Vejnović, Problems connected with fuelling of SI engine by means of injection of pure propane or pure butane, - MVM20060003, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2006,, Kragujevac, 2006, 4th-6th October, pp. 1-9, ISBN 86-80581-95-
  48. R. Pešić, D. Đokić, D. Ješić, S. Veinović, Statistical and ecological analysis of vehicle fleet in City of Kragujevac - MVM20060118, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2006, Kragujevac, 2006, 4th-6th October, pp. 1-14, ISBN 86-80581-95-
  49. S. Milojević, R. Pešić, A. Davinić, R. Pavlović, S. Veinović, Influence of the compression ratio on combustion and emissions parameters of the diesel engine, - MVM20060075, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2006,, Kragujevac, 2006, 4th-6th October, pp. 1-12, ISBN 86-80581-95-
  50. R. Pešić, D. Djokić, Air pollution from vehicles in City of Kragujevac example, International Symposium, “Man and the Environment”, 5th edition under the auspices of Timisoara Academic Days, 10th edition,, Timisoara, 2007, 24. May, pp. 44-55, ISBN 978-973-687-555-7
  51. R. Pešić, D. Nestorović, S. Veinović, Engine with self-adjusting compression ratio, and the exhaust system for cold emission reduction, Proceedings on CD, International Innovation Conference 2007, SANU, Belgrade Serbia, 2007, 29th - 30th November, pp. 1-12, ISBN 978-86-910813-0-0
  52. R. Pavlović, R. Pešić, Modeling of two-faze droplet of Cummins spray pump-injector development, Proceeding on CD- MVM20080070,, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2008, Kragujevac, 2008, 8th-10th October, pp. 1-14, ISBN 978-86-86663-38-2
  53. R. Pešić, S. Petković, E. Hnatko, S. Veinović, Delusions of the Kyoto Protocol, Biofuels and Diesel-Otto Engine, Alternative Fuels 2008, Maribor, 2008, 10.-11. January, pp. 1-11, ISBN 978-961-248-068-4
  54. R. Pešić, S. Petković, K. Golez, E. Hnatko, S. Veinović, Advance in internal combustion engines, biofuels and delusions of the "Kyoto protocol", Proceeding on CD- MVM20080061, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2008, Kragujevac, 2008, 8th-10th October, pp. 1- 9, ISBN 978-86-86663-38-2
  55. B. Milosavljević, R. Pešić, M. Despotović, S. Babić, Biogas obtained from corn silage and/or cow manure in the republic of Serbia as a road transport fuel, Proceeding (Radonjić D., Pešić R.), International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2010,, Kragujevac, 2010, 7th-9th October, pp. 482- 490, ISBN 978-86-86663-57-3
  56. R. Pešic, A. Davinic, S. Petkovic, D. Taranovic, D. Miloradovic, Volumetric efficiency- problems in experimental determination, Proceeding (Radonjić D., Pešić R.), International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2010, Kragujevac, 2010, 7th-9th October, pp. 442- 451, ISBN 978-86-86663-57-3
  57. R. Pešić, E. Hnatko, K. Golec, D. Đokić, St. Veinović, Transport ecology and anthropogenic global warming, Proceeding (Radonjić D., Pešić R.), International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2010,, Kragujevac, 2010, 7th-9th October, pp. 501- 510, ISBN 978-86-86663-57-3
  58. S. Milojević, R. Pešic, Z. Vujović, N. Ilić, I. Milojević, CNG buses for clean and economical City transport, Proceeding (Radonjić D., Pešić R.), International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2010, Kragujevac, 2010, 7th-9th October, pp. 319-328, ISBN 978-86-86663-57-3
  59. Taranovic, R. Pešic, A. Davinic, A. Savčić, Central communication unit for vehicle with diesel engine, Proceeding (Radonjić D., Pešić R.), International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2010,, Kragujevac, 2010, 7th-9th October, pp. 511- 517, ISBN 978-86-86663-57-3
  60. A. Davinić, R. Pešić, D. Taranović, M. Ravlić, Ignition system of multiprocessing Otto/Diesel engine, X Anniversary International Conference on accomplishments in electrical, mechanical and information engineering DEMI 2011, Banja Luka, 2011, 26.-28. may, pp. 673-680, ISBN 978-99938-39-36-1
  61. A. Davinić, R. Pešić, S. Veinović, S. Petrović, Ecological and energetic diesel engine characteristics with biodiesel, 15th Symposium on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, Sokobanja, 2011, October 18–21, pp. 766-773, ISBN 978-86-6055-018-9
  62. D. Taranović, R. Pešić, J. Lukić, A. Davinić, Test bench for non-standard measurement characteristics of reciprocating compressor, X Anniversary International Conference on accomplishments in electrical, mechanical and information engineering DEMI 2011, Banja Luka, 2011, 26.-28. may, pp. 759-764, ISBN 978-99938-39-36-1
  63. Davinić Aleksandar, Pešić Radivoje, Taranović Dragan, Multi charge ignition for multiprocessing otto/diesel engine, CAR2011_1106,, CAR 2011 International Automotive Congress “Automotive engineering and environment”, Pitesti, Romania, 2011, 2.-4. November, pp. 1-8, ISBN 1453-1100
  64. J. Lukić, R. Pešić, D. Taranović, NVH Investigation of power steering system hydraulic pump, X Anniversary International Conference on accomplishments in electrical, mechanical and information engineering DEMI 2011, Banja Luka, 2011, 26.-28. may, pp. 711-716, ISBN 978-99938-39-36-1
  65. Milojević Saša, Pešić Radivoje, Logistics of application natural gas on buses, CAR 2011 International Automotive Congress “Automotive engineering and environment”, Pitesti, Romania, 2011, 2-4 November, pp. 1-10, ISBN 1453-1100
  66. Petković Snežana, Pešić Radivoje, Veinović Stevan, The Influence of Wave Processes in the Intake Exhaust System to the Volumetric Efficiency of Engines, 13th European Automotive Congress, EAEC 2011, Valencia, Spain, 2011, 13. June - 16. June, pp. 1-13, ISBN 978-84-615-1794-7
  67. A. Davinić, R. Pešić, D. Taranović, M. Ravlić, Otto/Diesel combined engine -realization and characteristics-, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2012, Kragujevac, 2012, 3rd -5th October 2012, pp. 298- 306, ISBN 978-86-86663-91-7
  68. B. Milosavljević, R. Pešić, J. Lukić, S. Babić, Modern aerodynamic technology on motor road vehicles, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2012, Kragujevac, 2012, 3rd -5th October 2012, pp. 459- 463, ISBN 978-86-86663-91-7
  69. B. Milosavljević, R. Pešić, J. Lukić, S. Babić, Aerodynamic resistance impact on motor vehicle fuel economy, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2012, Kragujevac, 2012, 3rd -5th October 2012,, pp. 464- 471, ISBN 978-86-86663-91-7
  70. B. Milosavljević, R. Pešić, J. Lukić, S. Babić, Estimation of exhaust emissions from transport by TIER methods on Kraljevo city, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2012, Kragujevac, 2012, 3rd -5th October 2012, pp. 568- 576, ISBN 978-86-86663-91-7
  71. D. Ninković, D. Taranović, S. Milojević, R. Pešić, Modelling valve dynamics and flow in reciprocating compressors – a survey, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2012, Kragujevac, 2012, 3rd -5th October 2012, pp. 113- 125, ISBN 978-86-86663-91-7
  72. D. Ninković, D. Taranović, S. Milojević, R. Pešić, A review of models for predicting instantaneous heat exchange between the gas and cylinder in reciprocating compressors, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2012, Kragujevac, 2012, 3rd -5th October 2012, pp. 126- 136, ISBN 978-86-86663-91-7
  73. D. Radonjić, R. Pešić, D. Taranović, A. Davinić, Possibilities for use of simulation models in research of angular speed variations of IC engine’s crank shaft, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2012, Kragujevac, 2012, 3rd -5th October 2012, pp. 76- 86, ISBN 978-86-86663-91-7
  74. R. Pešić, S. Petković, E. Hnatko, S. Veinović, Interdisciplinary contents of the project “the minimum fuel consumption car”, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2012, Kragujevac, 2012, 3rd -5th October 2012, pp. 289- 297, ISBN 978-86-86663-91-7
  75. S. Babić, R. Pešić, J. Lukić, B. Milosavljević, Noise emission with aspect of vehicles fleet structure – the case of Serbia, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2012, Kragujevac, 2012, 3rd -5th October 2012, pp. 499- 507, ISBN 978-86-86663-91-7
  76. S. Milojević, D. Gordić, R. Pešić, Natural gas as a safe technology for clean urban vehicles, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2012, Kragujevac, 2012, 3rd -5th October 2012, pp. 269- 279, ISBN 978-86-86663-91-7
  77. Dragan Taranović, Radivoje Pešić, Aleksandar Davinić, Saša Milojević, THERMODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF RECIPROCATING COMPRESSORS FOR MOTOR VEHICLES, 11 International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology DEMI 2013, Banja Luka, 2013, 30 May - 1 June, pp. 955-960, ISBN 978‐99938‐39‐46‐0
  78. Radivoje Pešić, Aleksandar Davinić, Dragan Taranović, ECOLOGICAL AND ENERGY ENGINE CHARACTERISTICS WHEN THE ENGINE APPLIES DIFFERENT WORKING PROCESSES, 11 International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology DEMI 2013, Banja Luka, 2013, 30 May - 1 June, pp. 879-886, ISBN 978‐99938‐39‐46‐0
  79. Saša Milojević, Jovanka Lukić, Radivoje Pešić, CONTRIBUTION TO THE REDUCTION OF TRAFFIC NOISE BY APPLICATION OF THE CNG BUSES, 11 International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology DEMI 2013, Banja Luka, 2013, 30 May - 1 June, pp. 873-878, ISBN 978‐99938‐39‐46‐0
  80. Milojevic Sasa, Pesic Radivoje, BENEFIT AND RESTRICTIONS RELATED TO THE APPLICATION OF NATURAL GAS AS ENGINE FUEL FOR CITY BUSES, 13th International Conference on Clean Energy (ICCE-2014), Istanbul, 2014, June, 8-12, pp. 1-8, ISBN 978-605-64806-0-7
  81. Radivoje Pešić Snežana Petković Emil Hnatko Stevan Veinović, DOWNSIZING INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE WITH VARIABLE COMPRESSION RATIO: EFFECTS AND POTENTIALS, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2014, Kragujevac, 2014, October 9th - 10th, pp. 383-395, ISBN 978-86-6335-010-6
  82. Radivoje Pešić, Dragan Taranović, Aleksandar Davinić, TRIBOLOGICAL OPTIMIZATION OF RECIPROCATING MACHINES ACCORDING TO IMPROVING PERFORMANCE, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2014, Kragujevac, 2014, October 9th - 10th, pp. 372-382, ISBN 978-86-6335-010-6
  83. A. Davinić, R. Pešić, D. Taranović, and M. Ravlić, Engine with Alternative Otto/Diesel Processes, 17th Symposium on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia (Mladen Stojiljković), Soko Banja, 2015, October 20–23, pp. 965-974, ISBN 978-86-6055-076-9
  84. Aleksandar Davinić, Radivoje Pešić, Dragan Taranović, Saša Milojević, THE USE OF MODERN FUELS IN DIESEL ENGINES OF THE OLDER GENERATION, INTERNATIONAL conference on accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (12 ; Banja Luka) (2015), Banja Luka, 2015, 29-30 Maj, pp. 703-712, ISBN 978-99938-39-53-8
  85. R. Pešić, S. Petković, E. Hnatko, S. Veinović, Downsizing IC engine with Variable Compression Ratio, 17th Symposium on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia (Mladen Stojiljković), Soko Banja, 2015, October 20–23, pp. 975-986, ISBN 978-86-6055-076-9
  86. S. Milojević, R. Pešić, Application natural gas on city buses and their introduction in the traffic, 17th Symposium on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia (Mladen Stojiljković), Soko Banja, 2015, October 20–23, pp. 987-993, ISBN 978-86-6055-076-9
  87. Saša Milojević, Radivoje Pešić, APPLICATION OF BIOMETHANE IN PROPULSION AND MOBILE SYSTEMS, INTERNATIONAL conference on accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (12 ; Banja Luka) (2015), Banja Luka, 2015, 29-30 Maj, pp. 681-686, ISBN 978-99938-39-53-8
  88. Saša Milojević, Radivoje Pešić, Aleksandar Davinić, Dragan Taranović, COATED AL PISTON AS TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTION TO LOWERING OF FRICTION LOSSES INSIDE IC ENGINE, INTERNATIONAL conference on accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (12 ; Banja Luka) (2015), Banja Luka, 2015, 29-30 Maj, pp. 741-748, ISBN 978-99938-39-53-8
  89. Dragan Taranović, Slobodan Mišanović, Radivoje Pešić, Slaven Tica, DEVELOPEMENT TENDENCIES FOR ELECTRICITY STORAGE SYSTEMS USED ON BUSES WITH PURE ELECTRIC DRIVE, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2016, Kragujevac, 2016, October 6th - 8th, pp. 119-126, ISBN 978-86-6335-037-3
  90. Glisovic J., Pesic R., Lukic J., Miloradovic D., Airborne wear particles from automotive brake systems: environmental and health issues, Conference Manual 1. International Conference on Quality of Life, Kragujevac, 2016, June 09th-10th, pp. 289-295, ISBN 987-86-6335-033-5
  91. I. Grujić, N. Stojanović, A. Davinić, R. Pešić, D. Miloradović, OPTIMIZATION OF THE CONNECTING ROD LENGTH, ”Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications” COMETa2016, East Sarajevo - Jahorina, 2016, 7th – 9th December, pp. 163-168, ISBN 978-99976-623-7-8
  92. Ivan Grujić, Dragan Taranović, Radivoje Pešić, Nadica Stojanović, ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF APPLICATION OF HYBRID DRIVE TRAINS IN VEHICLES, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2016, Kragujevac, 2016, October 6th - 8th, pp. 127-131, ISBN 978-86-6335-037-3
  93. Radivoje Pešić. Snežana Petković, Emil Hnatko, Radmilo Stefanović, Stevan Veinović, MISUSE OF ECOLOGY, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2016, Kragujevac, 2016, October 6th - 8th, pp. 419-443, ISBN 978-86-6335-037-3
  94. Saša Milojević, Radivoje Pešić, Dragan Taranović, FIRE SAFETY OF CNG BUSES – PROPER EXPERIENCES, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2016, Kragujevac, 2016, October 6th - 8th, pp. 97-106, ISBN 978-86-6335-037-3
  95. I. Grujić, J. Lukić, D. Miloradović, A. Davinić, N. Stojanović, Identification of combustion noise, 13th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering-DEMI 2017, Banja Luka, Repubika Srpska, 2017, 26-26 May, pp. 729-732, ISBN 978-99938-39-72-9
  96. I. Grujić, N. Stojanović, J. Glišović, A. Davinić, S. Milojević, Modeling and aerodynamic simulation of the passenger vehicle, 5th INternational Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ISCAME 2017), Debrecen, Hungary, 2017, 12-13 October, pp. 172-177, ISBN 978-963-473-304-1
  97. N. Stojanović, I. Grujić, J. Glišović, S. Milojević, A. Davinić, Vanes shape optimization of ventilated disc brakes for heavy duty vehicles, 5th INternational Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ISCAME 2017), Debrecen, Hungary, 2017, 12-13 October, pp. 491-496, ISBN 978-963-473-304-1
  98. S. Milojević, D. Džunić, D. Taranović, R. Pešić, S. Mitrović, TRIBOLOGICAL REINFORCEMENTS FOR CYLINDER LINER OF ALUMINUM – EXAMPLE COMPRESSORS FOR BRAKE SYSTEMS OF TRUCKS AND BUSES, 15th International Conference on Tribology – SERBIATRIB ’17, Kragujevac, 2017, 17-19. Maj, pp. 251-257, ISBN 978‐86‐6335‐041‐0
  99. S. Mišanović, J. Glišović, D. Taranović, R. Pešić, ELECTRIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND RECUPERATION ON E-BUS IN DIFFERENT EXPLOITATION CONDITION, 18th Symposiium on Thermall Sciience and Engiineeriing of Serbiia, Soko banja, 2017, October 17 – 20, pp. 971-976, ISBN 978-86-6055-098-1
  100. Branimir Milosavljević, Radivoje Pešić, Žarko Đorđević, Nikola Kostić, Jelena Erić Obućina, Saša Babić, STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF INFLUENTIAL PARAMETERS ON THE PROBABILITY THAT CARS MEET THE CO EMISSION TEST, 7th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2018, Kragujevac, 2018, October 4th - 5th, pp. 171-128, ISBN 978-86-6335-055-7
  101. I. Grujic, A. Davinic, N. Stojanovic, J. Glisovic, R. Pesic, S. Narayan, Application of ANN for determination influence parameters on the concentration of NOx and PM in exhaust gases of a diesel engine, МЕЖДУНАРОДНА КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ „ЕКО ВАРНА“, Варна, Bulgaria, 2018, 14-16 June, pp. 13-20, ISBN 2367- 6299
  102. Ivan Grujić, Jovan Dorić, Nadica Stojanović, Aleksandar Davinić, NUMERICAL MODELING OF IC ENGINE COMBUSTION PROCESS, 7th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2018, Kragujevac, 2018, October 4th - 5th, pp. 213-218, ISBN 978-86-6335-055-7
  103. Radivoje Pešić, Saša Milojević, Dragan Taranović, Milan Stanojević, EXPERIENCES RELATED TO THE INSPECTION OF MOTOR VEHICLES RUNNING ON NATURAL GAS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA, 7th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2018, Kragujevac, 2018, October 4th - 5th, pp. 245-256, ISBN 978-86-6335-055-7
  104. Saša Milojević and Radivoje Pešić, Influence ferrous based reinforcements on tribological parameters of aluminum cylinder for piston compressor in brake system of bus, 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRIBOLOGY (TURKEYTRIB’18), Istanbul, 2018, 18. April, pp. 78-84, ISBN 978-605-9546-10-2
  105. Saša Milojević, Dragan Džunić, Dragan Taranović, Radivoje Pešić, Slobodan Mitrović, EXPERIMENTAL DETERMINATION OF TRIBOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS IN USE FOR PARTS IN ALUMINUM AIR COMPRESSOR (PISTON AND CYLINDER), 7th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2018, Kragujevac, 2018, October 4th - 5th, pp. 383-392, ISBN 978-86-6335-055-7
  106. Saša MILOJEVIĆ, Radivoje PEŠIĆ, Challenges in City Transport - Alternative Fuels and Door to Door Model, The 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING IN XXI CENTURY (MASING 2018), Niš, 2018, 19-20. April, pp. 387-392, ISBN 978-86-6055-103-2
  107. Saša Milojević, Radivoje Pešić, Aleksandar Davinić, Dragan Taranović, Snežana Petković, Emil Hnatko, Radmilo Stefanović, Stevan Veinović, INFLUENCE OF VARIABLE COMPRESSION RATIO ON EMISSION AND VIBE FUNCTION PARAMETERS OF EXPERIMENTAL ENGINE, 7th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2018, Kragujevac, 2018, October 4th - 5th, pp. 227-244, ISBN 978-86-6335-055-7
  108. Slobodan Mišanović, Dragan Taranović, Jovanka Lukić, Radivoje Pešić, Jasna Glišović, THE IMPACT OF THE SYSTEM FOR HEATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING ON THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF THE ELECTRIC DRIVE BUS (E-BUS), 7th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2018, Kragujevac, 2018, October 4th - 5th, pp. 115-138, ISBN 978-86-6335-055-7
  109. Tijana Ivanišević, Dragan Taranović, Radivoje Pešić, Sreten Simović, Vedran Vukšić, ROLE OF VEHICLES ON ALTERNATIVE PROPULSION SYSTEMS IN LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORT, 7th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2018, Kragujevac, 2018, October 4th - 5th, pp. 465-472, ISBN 978-86-6335-055-7
  110. I. Grujic, N. Stojanovic, A. Davinic, R. Pesic, S. Vasiljevic, Numerical analysis of working cycle of hydrogen operated IC engine,, Международная научно-техническая конференция «8-е Луканинские чтения. Проблемы и перспективы развития автотранспортного комплекса, Москв, 2019, 31 января, pp. 304-313
  111. Ivan Grujic, Nadica Stojanovic, Oday I. Abdullah, Radivoje Pesic, Jovan Doric, Sasa Vasiljevic, VERIFICATION OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS FOR THE WORKING CYCLE OF AN IC ENGINE BASED ON THE EXPERIMENTAL DATA,, 14th INTERNATIONAL conference on accomplishments in mechanical and industrial engineering (14 ; 2019 ; Banja Luka), Proceedings on CD, Banja Luka, 2019, 24-25. May 2019, pp. 433-438, ISBN 978-99938-39-85-9
  112. S Milojevic, R Pešić, J Lukić, D Taranović, T Skrucany and B Stojanović, Vehicles optimization regarding to requirements of recycling Example: Bus dashboard, IRMES 2019, 2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 659 012051, Kragujevac, 2019, 5.-7.09, pp. 1-7, ISBN 1757-8981
  113. Saša Milojević, Radivoje Pešić, Aleksandar Davinić, Tomaš Skrucany and Dragan Taranović, Effect of Changes in Compression Ratio upon Experimental Diesel Engine Performance, 19th Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, Proceedings on CD, Sokobanja, Serbia, 2019, October 22–25, pp. 976-985, ISBN 978-6055-124-7
  114. Saša Milojević, Radivoje Pešić, Dragan Taranović, Aleksandar Davinić,, POWER MEASUREMENT OF MECHANICAL LOSSES IN EXPERIMENTAL RECIPROCATING AIR COMPRESSOR IMPACT OF PISTON GROUP, 14th INTERNATIONAL conference on accomplishments in mechanical and industrial engineering (14 ; 2019 ; Banja Luka), Proceedings on CD,, Banja Luka,, 2019, 24-25. May, pp. 485-490, ISBN 978-99938-39-85-9
  115. Dragan Vašalić, Zoran Masoničić, Saša Milojević, Ivan Ivković, Radivoje Pešić, SOME ASPECTS CONCERNING MANAGEMENT OF ROAD TRANSPORT OF DANGEROUS GOODS USING CONTEMPORARY INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 8th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2020, Kragujevac, 2020, 8,-9, oktobar, pp. 337-342, ISBN 978-86-6335-074-8
  116. Zoran Masoničić, Dragan Vašalić, Ivan Grujić, Aleksandar Davinić, Radivoje Pešić, SOME ASPECTS CONCERNING APPLICATION OF ALTERNATIVE FUELS AS REGARDS FLUID FLOW PATTERN AND FLAME PROPAGATION IN PARTICULAR COMBUSTION CHAMBER WITH STRONG MACRO FLOWS, 8th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2020, Kragujevac, 2020, 8.-9. oktobar, pp. 61-66, ISBN 978-86-6335-074-8
  117. S. Veinović, R. Pešić, M. G. Kolb, Experimental engines for research of fuels and lubricants - preparation for the creation of knowledge base, The First Mediterranean Tribology Conference,, Б, 2000, November 8-9/2000, pp. 61
  118. S. Veinović, R. Pešić, M. Radojević, A. Obradović, Implementation of the tribology knowledge in the IC engines conception, II World Tribology Congres, Vienna, 2001, Sept. 03-07, pp. 692
  119. I. Grujić, J. Glišović, N. Stojanović, A. Davinić, R. Pešić, S. Narayan, M. Usman Kaisan, Stress analysis of the crankshaft of IC engine, The 10th International Conference on Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering, KOD 2018, Novi Sad, 2018, 6-8 June, pp. 50-51, ISBN 978-86-6022-059-4

  1. D. Radonjić i R. Pešić: Thermal calculation of the IC engine, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kragujevac, ISBN 86-80591-26-27, Kragujevac 1996.g.
  2. R. Pešić, S. Petković, S. Veinović: Motor vehicles and engines - equipment, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kragujevac and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Banja Luka 2008, book of 536 pages, ISBN 978-99938-39-20-0, COBISS.BH-ID 750872
  3. S. Veinović, R. Пешић, S. Petković: Fuels and lubricants for motor vehicles, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Banja Luka, 2000, Banja Luka-Kragujevac, 375 pages, ISBN 86-7392-003-5.
  4. Aleksandar Davinić, Radivoje Pešić: Powertrain systems in Transportation, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Basic University textbook of 354 pages, ISBN: 978-86-6335-052-6, 2018
  5. S. Veinović, R. Pešić, S. Petković, year of publication 2014: Motor vehicles and motors - Fuel and lubricants, Publisher - Faculty of Engineering Sciences, University of Kragujevac book of 444 pages, ISBN 978-86-6335-006-9, 2014.