Slavica Mačužić Saveljić

First and last nameSlavica Mačužić Saveljić
Year and place of birthRaška, 1989
PositionResearch & teaching assistant
Education-scientific / education–art fieldТехничко технолошке науке
University, faculty, organizational unitФакултет инжењерских наука у Крагујевцу
Field and closer specialtyМашинско инжењерство, Моторна возила

Papers published in international scientific journals
  1. Slavica Mačužić, Jovanka Lukić, Dragan Ružić, Three-Dimensional Simulation of the McPherson Suspension System, Technical Gazette, Vol.25, No.5, pp. 1286-1290, ISSN 1848-6339, 2018
  2. Slavica MACUZIC SAVELJIC, Branko ARSIC, Igor SAVELJIC, Jovanka LUKIC and Nenad FILIPOVIC, Artificial neural network for prediction of seat-to-head frequency response function during whole body vibrations in the fore-and-aft direction, Tehnički vjesnik, Vol.29, No.6, pp. 2001-2007, ISSN 1330-3651, 2022
Papers presented at international conferences
  1. Јованка Лукић, Славица Мачужић, Јасна Глишовић, Драган Тарановић, Human body transmissibility response to vertical whole body vibration: anthropometrics effects – case study serbia, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2014, Kragujevac, 2014, 09-10 Oktobar
  2. Јасна Глишовић, Јованка Лукић, Данијела Милорадовић, Славица Мачужић, Trends in the development of brake systems of the agricultural tractors and trailers, DEMI 2015, Banja Luka, 2015, 29-30, Maj, pp. 621-626
  3. Јасна Глишовић, Јованка Лукић, Данијела Милорадовић, Славица Мачужић, Method of disk brake noise assessment, DEMI 2015, Banja Luka, 2015, 29-30, Maj, pp. 627-638
  4. Igor Saveljić, Slavica Mačužić, Nenad Filipović, Numerical analysis of the child lumbar spine movements in the motor vehicle crash, International Congress Motor Vehicles &Motors, Kragujevac, 2016, 6-7 October, ISBN 978-86-6335-037-3
  5. Igor Saveljić, Slavica Mačužić, Nenad Filipović, Numerical analysis of brake discs with different angles of blade inclination, International Congress Motor Vehicles &Motors, Kragujevac, 2016, 6-7 October, ISBN 978-86-6335-037-3
  6. Slavica Mačužić, Danijela Miloradović, Jasna Glišović, Jovanka Lukić, FEM modelling of McPherson suspension system, International Congress Motor Vehicles &Motors, Kragujevac, 2016, 6-7 October, pp. 195-199, ISBN 978-86-6335-037-3
  7. Slavica Mačužić, Jovanka Lukić, Numerical analysis of motorcycle suspension system, 9th International Symposium “KOD 2016”, Balatonfuerd, Hungary, 2016, 9-12 June, pp. 79-82, ISBN 978-86-7892-821-5
  8. Slavica Mačužić, Jovanka Lukić, NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF HUMAN SPINE DURING DIFFERENT LEVELS OF VIBRATION, 13th International Conference on Accomplishments th in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Banja Luka, 2017, 26-27 May, pp. 689-696, ISBN 978-99938-39-72-9
  9. Slavica Mačužić, Jovanka Lukić, Ergonomics analysis of automobile seat comfort, 16th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, Jahorina, 2017, 22-24 March, pp. 412-415, ISBN 978-99976-710-0-4
  10. Slavica Mačužić, Jovanka Lukić, Jasna Glišović, Determination of the foot pedal force by application of digital human model, 6 th International Conference Transport & Logistics, Niš, 2017, 25-26 May, pp. 137-140, ISBN 978-86-6055-088-2
  11. Slavica Mačužić, Jovanka Lukić, Jasna Glišović and Danijela Miloradović, Pedal force determination respect to ride comfort, The International Congress of Automotive and Transport Engineering, CAR 2017, Pitesti, Romania, 2017, 8-10 November
  12. Slavica Mačužić, Jovanka Lukić, Assessment of the human body discomfort in the vehicle, 9th International Automotive Technologies Congress, OTEKON, Bursa, Turkey, 2018, 07-08. May, pp. 210-218, ISBN 978-605-68414-2-2
  13. Slavica Mačužić, Jovanka Lukić, Seated human body responses to dual-axis vibration, 14th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Banja Luka, 2019, 24-25 May, ISBN 978-99938-39-85-9
  14. Slavica Mačužić, Jovanka Lukić, The impact of the seatback angle on the appearance of the driver’s discomfort, 5th International Conference, New technologies, development and application“ NT-2019, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2019, 27-29 June, pp. 424-428
  15. Slavica Mačužić, Jovanka Lukić, Application of digital human models in determination of the pedal force while driving, 9th International Scientific Conference - IRMES 2019 2019Research and Development of Mechanical Elements and Systems, Kragujevac, 2019, 05-07 September
  16. Slavica Mačužić Saveljić, Igor Saveljić, Nenad Filipović, Effect of Vibration on semicircular canal during whole body Vibration, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors, Kragujevac, 2020, 08-09 October
  17. Slavica Mačužić Saveljić, Jovanka Lukić, Effects related to random whole-body vibration and posture on a passengers, International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors, Kragujevac, 2020, 08-09 October
  18. Igor Saveljić, Slavica Mačužić Saveljić and Nenad Filipović, Numerical analysis of vibration effects on the lumbar spine, 20th International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA,, Jahorina, East Sarajevo, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2021, 17-19 March, ISBN 978-1-7281-8229-2
  19. Igor Saveljic, Slavica Macuzic Saveljic, and Nenad Filipovic, Influence of Random Vibration on Semicircular Canals During Exposure to Whole Body Vibrations, International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, CMBEBIH 2021, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2021, April 21–24, pp. 784-792, ISBN 978-3-030-73908-9
  20. Igor Saveljic, Slavica Macuzic Saveljic, Dalibor Nikolic and Nenad Filipovic, NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF HUMAN SPINE DURING WHOLE BODY VIBRATION, 1st International Conference on Chemo and Bioinformatics, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2021, 26-27 October, pp. 109-113, ISBN 978-86-82172-01-7
  21. Igor Saveljic, Slavica Macuzic Saveljic, Dalibor Nikolic, Tijana Djukic, Smiljana Djorovic, Jovanka Lukic and Nenad Filipovic, NUMERICAL MODELING THE MOTION OF OTOCONIA PARTICLES IN THE SEMICIRCULAR CANAL UNDER WHOLE BODY VIBRATION, 8th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2021, 28-30 June, pp. 128-137, ISBN 978-86-909973-8-1
  22. Igor Saveljic, Slavica Macuzic Saveljic, Dalibor Nikolic, Tijana Djukic, Smiljana Djorovic, Jovanka Lukic and Nenad Filipovic, NUMERICAL MODELING THE MOTION OF OTOCONIA PARTICLES IN THE SEMICIRCULAR CANAL UNDER WHOLE BODY VIBRATION, 8th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Kragujevac, 2021, 28-30 June, ISBN 978-86-909973-8-1
  23. Jovanka Lukić, Slavica Mačužić Saveljić, ANN DRIVER MODEL BASED ON SEAT TO HEAD TRANSMISSIBILITY, 10th International Automotive Technologies Congress, OTEKON 2020, Bursa, Türkiye, 2021, 6-7 September, ISBN 978-605-70422-4-8
  24. Jovanka Lukić, Slavica Mačužić Saveljić, ANN DRIVER MODEL BASED ON SEAT TO HEAD TRANSMISSIBILITY, 10th International Automotive Technologies Congress, OTEKON, Bursa, Türkiye, 2021, 6-7 September, pp. 393-400, ISBN 978-605-70422-4-8
  25. ERGONOMIC ANALYSIS OF DRIVER POSTURES ON ELECTRIC SCOOTER Slavica Macuzic Saveljic, Jovanka Lukic, ERGONOMIC ANALYSIS OF DRIVER POSTURES ON ELECTRIC SCOOTER, 8th International Conference “New Technologies NT-2022, Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2022, 23-25 June
  26. Igor Saveljic, Slavica Macuzic Saveljic, Nenad Filipovic, NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF COVID-19 VIRUS TRANSMISSION IN A VEHICLE, 1th International Conference „CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY“ COAST 2022, HERCEG NOVI, MONTENEGRO, 2022, 26-29 May, ISBN 978-9940-611-03-3
  27. S Mačužić Saveljić, D Miloradović, Simulation of pedestrian throw distance in the software package PC-Crash - comparison with experiment and theory, 9th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2022, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2022, 13-14 October, ISBN 978-86-6335-096-0
  28. Slavica Mаčužić Saveljić, Branko Arsić, Igor Saveljić, Jovanka Lukić, IN-VEHICLE COMFORT ASSESSMENT DURING FORE-ANDAFT RANDOM VIBRATIONS BASED ON ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS (ANN), 9th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2022, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2022, 13-14 October, ISBN 78-86-6335-096-0
  29. J. Glišović, J. Lukić, D. Miloradović, S. Mačužić, Trends in the development of brake systems of the agricultural tractors and trailers, 12th International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology-DEMI 2015, Banja Luka, 2015, 29-30, Maj, pp. 98-98, ISBN 978-99938-39-52-1
  30. J. Lukić, J. Glišović, D. Miloradović, S. Mačužić, Method of disk brake noise assessment, 12th International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology-DEMI 2015, Banja Luka, 2015, 29-30, Maj, pp. 100-100, ISBN 978-99938-39-52-1
  31. D. Ružić, J. Lukić, J. Glišović and S. Mačužić, Comparison of Two Models of Human Thermal Sensation in an Agricultural Tractor Cab, 19th International Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia SimTerm, Sokobanja, 2019, 22-25 October, pp. 167-167, ISBN 978-86-6055-123-0