Slobodan Mitrovic |
First and last name | Slobodan Mitrovic |
Year and place of birth | 1967, Kragujevac |
Position | Full professor |
E-mail | boban@kg.ac.rs |
Education-scientific / education–art field | Technical science / Engineering |
University, faculty, organizational unit | Faculty of Engineering University of Kragujevac |
Field and closer specialty | Production engineering |
Year | 1993 |
Place | Kragujevac |
Institution | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Kragujevac |
Headline | Tribological characteristics of cutting tools made of TiN, TiAlN, TiZrN and ZrN |
Field | Tribology |
Year | 2001 |
Place | Kragujevac |
Institution | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Kragujevac |
Headline | Tribodesign principles and effects at systems for guide of eccentrically loaded elements |
Field | Tribology, Machine tools |
Year | 2007 |
Place | Kragujevac |
Institution | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Kragujevac |
Headline | Tribological properties of composites with substrate made of the ZA-27 alloy |
Field | Tribology |
Year | Institution | Position |
1996 | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Kragujevac | Research & teaching аssistant prentice |
2001 | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Kragujevac | Research & teaching assistant |
2007 | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Kragujevac | Assistant professor |
2012 | Faculty of Engineering University of Kragujevac | Associate professor |
2017 | Faculty of Engineering University of Kragujevac | Full professor |
Year | Institution | Duration |
2008 | Politecnico di Torino, Italy | . |
2010 | University of Genoa, Italy | . |
2012 | Wageningen University, Netherlands | . |
2012 | University of Ljubljana,Faculty of Public Administration, Slovenia Slovenia | . |
2014 | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain | . |
2015 | University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal | . |
Year | Name of award/recognition |
2011 | Bronze medal with Nikola Tesla's face by the Association of Inventors and Authors of Technical Improvements in the 31st International Exhibition of Inventions, New Technologies and Design “Inventions-Belgrade 2011” (with group of authors) |
2013 | Gold medal with Nikola Tesla's face by the Association of Inventors and Authors of Technical Improvements in the 33rd International Exhibition of Inventions, New Technologies and Design “Inventions-Belgrade 2013” (with group of authors) |
2013 | Silver medal by the Association of Inventors and Authors of Technical Improvements of Macedonia in the 34th International Exhibition of Inventions, Technical Innovations, New Products and Youth Creative Work “MAKINOVA 2013” (with group of authors) |
2013 | Gold medal by the Chinese Innovation and Invention Society in the Fourth International Innovation and Invention Competition - IIIC 2013 (with group of authors) |
2013 | Silver medal by the Union of Croatian Innovators in the 11th International Innovation Exhibition “ARCA 2013” (with group of authors) |
Papers published in international scientific journals |
A. Vencl, I Bobic, M. T. Jovanovic, M. Babic, S. Mitrovic, Microstructural and Tribological Properties of A356 Al–Si Alloy Reinforced with Al2O3 Particles, Tribology Letters, Vol.32, No.3, pp. 159-170, ISSN 1023-8883, 2008
Babic Miroslav, Aleksandar Vencl, Slobodan Mitrović, Ilija Bobić, Influence of T4 Heat Treatment on Tribological Behavior of Za27 Alloy Under Lubricated Sliding Condition, Tribology Letters, Vol.36, No.2, pp. 125-134, ISSN 1023-8883, 2009
Babic Miroslav, Mitrović Slobodan , Bobić Ilija , Živić Fatima, Wear behavior of composites based on ZA-27 alloy reinforced by Al2O3 particles under dry sliding condition, Tribology Letters, Vol.38, No.3, pp. 337-346, ISSN 1023-8883, 2010
Babic Miroslav, Mitrovic Slobodan, Jeremic Branislav, The influence of heat treatment on the sliding wear behavior of a ZA-27 alloy, Tribology International, Vol.43, No.1-2, pp. 16-21, ISSN 0301-679, 2010
Biljana Bobic, Miroslav Babic, Slobodan Mitrovic, Nenad Ilic, Ilija Bobic, Milan T. Jovanovic, Microstructure and mechanical properties of
Zn25Al3Cu based composites with large Al2O3
particles at room and elevated temperatures, International Journal of Materials Research (Zeitschrift für Metallkunde), Vol.12, No.101, pp. 1-8, ISSN 1862-5282, 2010
Cvijović-Alagić I., Cvijović Z., Mitrović S., Rakin M., Veljović Ð., Babić M, Tribological Behaviour of Orthopaedic Ti-13Nb-13Zr and Ti-6Al-4V Alloys, Tribology Letters, Vol.40, No.1, pp. 59-70, ISSN 1023-8883, 2010
Miroslav Babic, Slobodan Mitrovic, Dragan Džunić, Branislav Jeremic, Ilija Bobic, Tribological Behavior of Composites Based on Za-27 Alloy Reinforced With Graphite Particles, Tribology Letters, Vol.37, No.2, pp. 401-410, ISSN 1023-8883, 2010
Aleksandar Vencl, Saioa Arostegui, Gregory Favaro, Fatima Zivic, Mihailo Mrdak, Slobodan Mitrović, Vladimir Popovic, Evaluation of adhesion/cohesion bond strength of the thick plasma spray coatings by scratch testing on coatings cross-sections, Tribology International, Vol.44, No.11, pp. 1281-1288, ISSN 0301-679, 2011
I. Cvijovic-Alagic, Z. Cvijovic, S. Mitrovic, V. Panic, M. Rakin, Wear and corrosion behaviour of Ti–13Nb–13Zr and Ti–6Al–4V alloys in simulated physiological solution, Corrosion Science, Vol.53, No.2, pp. 796-808, ISSN 0010-938, 2011
Živić F, Babić M., Mitrović S., Vencl A., Continuous Control as Alternative Route for Wear Monitoring by Measuring Penetration Depth during Linear Reciprocating Sliding of Ti6Al4V alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.509, No.19, pp. 5748-5754, ISSN 0925-8388, Doi DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2011.02.158, 2011
Fatima Zivic, Miroslav Babic, Nenad Grujovic, Slobodan Mitrovic, Gregory Favaro, Mihaela Caunii, Effect of vacuum-treatment on deformation properties of PMMA bone cement, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol.5, No.1, pp. 129-138, ISSN 1751-6161, 2012
A. Vencl, V. Rajkovic, F. Zivic, S. Mitrović, I. Cvijović-Alagić, M. Jovanovic, The effect of processing techniques on microstructural and tribological properties of copper-based alloys, Applied Surface Science, Vol.280, No.1, pp. 646-654, ISSN 0169-4332, 2013
F. Zivic, M. Babic, N. Grujovic, S. Mitrovic, D. Adamovic, Influence of loose PMMA bone cement particles on the corrosion assisted wear of the orthopaedic AISI 316LVM stainless steel during reciprocating sliding, Wear, Vol.300, No.1–2, pp. 65–77, ISSN 0043-1648, 2013
I. Bobić, J. Ružić, B. Bobić, M. Babić, A. Vencl, S. Mitrović, Micro structural characterization and artificial aging of compo casted hybrid A356/SiCp/Grp composites with graphite macro particles, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol.612, No.1, pp. 7-15, ISSN 0921-5093, Doi 10.1016/j.msea.2014.06.028, 2014
Slobodan Mitrovic, Dragan Adamovic, Fatima Zivic, Dragan Dzunic, Marko Pantic, Friction and Wear Behavior of Shot Peened Surfaces of 36CrNiMo4 and 36NiCrMo16 Alloyed Steels under Dry and Lubricated Contact Conditions, Applied Surface Science, Vol.290, No.1, pp. 223– 232, ISSN 0169-4332, Doi 10.1016/j.apsusc.2013.11.050, 2014
Branko Matovic, Fatima Zivic, Slobodan Mitrovic, Dragan Prsic, Vesna Maksimovic, Tatjana Volkov - Husovic, Ravi Kumar, Nina Daneuf, Ultra-high pressure densification and properties of nanostructured SiC, Materials Letters, Vol.164, No.1, pp. 68-71, ISSN 0167-577, 2016
N. Miloradović, R. Vujanac, S. Mitrović, D. Miloradović, Dry Sliding Wear Performance of ZA27/SiC/Graphite Composites, Metals, Vol.9, No.7, pp. 717, ISSN 2075-4701, Doi 10.3390/met9070717, 2019
Miroslav Babic, Slobodan Mitrovic, Fatima Zivic, Effects of Al2O3 Particle Reinforcement on the Lubricated Sliding Wear Behavior of ZA-27 Alloy Composites, Journal of Materials Science, Vol.46, No.21, pp. 6964-6974, ISSN 0022-2461, Doi 10.1007/s10853-011-5664-8, 2011
I. Bobic, M. Babic, A. Vencl, B. Bobic, S. Mitrovic, Artificial aging of thixocast ZA27 alloy and particulate ZA27/SiCp composites, International Journal of Materials Research, Vol.104, No.10, pp. 954-965, ISSN 1862-5282, 2013
D. Adamovic, M. Babic, M. Stefanovic, S. Aleksandrovic, Z. Golusija, S. Mitrovic, Tribological Model of the Ironing Process in Sheet Metal Forming for Lubricant Testing, Journal of Balkan tribological association, Vol.16, No.3, pp. 329-339, ISSN 1310-4772, Doi Ref. No. 752/15.07, 2010
Branko Tadic, Djordje Vukelic, Janko Hodolic, Slobodan Mitrovic, Milan Eric, Conservative-Force-Controlled Feed Drive System for Down Milling, Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering Volume, Vol.57, No.7, pp. 425-439, ISSN 0039-2480, Doi 10.5545/sv-jme.2009.055, 2011
Živić F, Babić M., Cvijovic-Alagic I., Mitrović S., Vencl A., Wear Behaviour of Ti6Al4V Alloy Against Al2O3 Under Linear Reciprocating Sliding, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, Vol.17, No.1, pp. 27-36, ISSN 1310-4772, 2011
F. Zivic , M. Babic, D. Adamovic, S. Mitrovic, P. Todorovic, G. Favaro, M. Pantic, Influence Of The Surface Roughness On Adhesion Of Chrome Coatings On Alloy Tool Steel X165CRMOV12, Journal of Balkan tribological association, Vol.18, No.2, pp. 228-237, ISSN 1310-4772, Doi Ref. No. 929/06.12.2011, 2012
F.Zivic, M.Babic, N.Grujovic, S.Mitrovic, D.Adamovic, G.Favaro, A Comparison of Reciprocating Sliding at Low Loads and Scratch Testing for Evaluation of TiN (PVD) Coating, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association., Vol.18, No.1, pp. 80-91, ISSN 1310-4772, Doi Ref. No. 884/19.07.2011, 2012
M. Babic, D. Adamovic, S. Mitrovic, F. Zivic, D. Dzunic, M. Pantic, Wear Properties Of Shot Peened Surfaces Of 36NiCrMo16 Alloyed Steels Under Lubricated Condition, Journal of Balkan tribological association, Vol.18, No.4, pp. 566–576, ISSN 1310-4772, 2012
S. Mitrovic, M. Babic, F. Zivic, I. Bobic, D. Dzunic, M. Pantic, Influence Of Al2O3 Particle Content On The Sliding Wear Behaviour Of Za-27 Alloy Composite, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, Vol.18, No.4, pp. 548–558, ISSN 1310-4772, 2012
B. Stojanovic, M. Babic, S. Mitrovic, A. Vencl, N. Miloradovic, M. Pantic, Tribological Characteristics of Aluminium Hybrid Composites Reinforced with Silicon Carbide and Graphite, Journal of Balkan tribological association, Vol.19, No.1, pp. 83-96, ISSN 1310-4772, 2013
M. Eric, M. Babic, S. Mitrovic, B. Tadic, D. Dzunic, Conversion of data into information in tribology research, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, Vol.20, No.1, pp. 35-48, ISSN 1310-4772, 2014
B. Stojanović, M. Babić, N. Miloradović, S. Mitrović, Tribological Behaviour of A356/10SiC/3Gr Hybrid Composite in Dry-Sliding Conditions, Materials and Technology, Vol.49, No.1, pp. 117–121, ISSN 1580-2949, 2015
D. Arsić, V. Lazić, S. Mitrović, D. Džunić, S. Aleksandrović, M. Đorđević, B. Nedeljković, Tribological behavior of four types of filler metals for hard facing under dry conditions, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol.68, No.6, pp. 729-736, ISSN 0036-8792, 2016
S. Mitrović, D. Adamović, F. Živić, D. Džunić, M. Pantić, D. Jevremović, Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of PVD TiN Coatings for Cold Forming Tools,, Journal of Balkan tribological association, Vol.22, No.1, pp. 347-355, ISSN 1310-4772, 2016
G. Mihajlović, M. Gašić, M. Savković, S. Mitrović, B. Tadić, Vibroplatform Modeling with Allowance for Tribological Aspects, Journal of Friction and Wear, Vol.38, No.3, pp. 184–189, ISSN 1068-3666, 2017
F. Zivic , D. Adamovic , S. Mitrovic, N. Grujovic , J. Tanaskovic, I. Stojadinovic, Influence of different environments on the sliding friction of Ultra-highmolecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE), Journal of Engineering Tribology, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 1-9, ISSN 1350-6501, Doi 10.1177/13506501211053100, 2021
F. Zivic, S. Mitrovic, N. Grujovic, Z. Jovanovic, D. Dzunic, S. Milenkovica, The Influence of the 3D Printing Infill and Printing Direction on Friction and Wear of Polylactic Acid (PLA) under Rotational Sliding, Journal of Friction and Wear, Vol.42, No.2, pp. 106–111, ISSN 1068-3666, Doi 10.3103/S1068366621020124, 2021
Fatima Zivic, Nenad Grujovic, Slobodan Mitrovic, Jovan Tanaskovic, Petar Todorovic, Influence of the Ringer's solution on Wear of Vacuum Treated Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) bone cement in Reciprocating Sliding Contact with AISI 316L stainless steel, Hemijska industrija, Vol.75, No.2, pp. 77-92, ISSN 2217-7426, Doi 10.2298/HEMIND210105011Z, 2021
Saša Milojević, Dragan Džunić, Dejan Marić, Tomáš Skrúcan, Slobodan Mitrović, Radivoje Pešić, Tribological Assessment of Aluminum Cylinder Material for Piston Compressors in Trucks and Buses Brake Systems, Tehnički vjesnik/Technical Gazette, Vol.28, No.4, pp. 1-10, ISSN 1330-3651, Doi 10.17559/TV-20200915110030, 2021
Ljiljana Brzakovic, Vladimir Kocovic, Slobodan Mitrovic, Nina Busarac, Branko Tadic, A method for determination of kinetic friction coefficient under dynamic loading conditions, Romanian Journal of Physics, Vol.67, No.9-10, pp. 1-14, ISSN 1221-146, 2022
Saša Milojević, Slobodan Savić, Slobodan Mitrović, Dejan Marić, Božidar Krstić, Blaža Stojanović, Vladimir Popović, Solving the Problem of Friction and Wear in Auxiliary Devices of Internal Combustion Engines on the Example of Reciprocating Air Compressor for Vehicles, Technical Gazette, Vol.30, No.1, pp. 122-130, ISSN 1330-3651, Doi 10.17559/TV-20220414105757, 2023
S. Mitrović, M Babić, D Adamović, F Živić, D Džunić, Wear Behaviour of Hard Cr Coatings for Cold Forming Tools Under Dry Sliding Condition, Tribology in Industry, Vol.34, No.1, pp. 44-48, ISSN 0354-8996, 2012
S. Mitrović, M. Babić, B. Stojanović, N. Miloradović, M. Pantić, D. Džunić, Tribological Potential of Hybrid Composites Based on Zinc and Aluminium Alloys Reinforced with SiC and Graphite Particles, Tribology in Industry, Vol.34, No.4, pp. 177-185, ISSN 0354-8996, 2012
S. Rakic, V. Lazic, S. Aleksandrovic, S. Mitrovic, R. Nikolic, D. Milosavljevic, R. Cukic, Reparatory and Manufacturing Hard-Facing of Working Parts Made of Stainless Steels in Confectionary Industry, Tribology in Industry, Vol.34, No.3, pp. 138-151, ISSN 0354-8996, 2012
M. Babić, B. Stojanović, S. Mitrović, I. Bobić, N. Miloradović, M. Pantić, D. Džunić, Wear properties of A356/10SiC/1Gr hybrid composites in lubricated sliding conditions, Tribology in Industry, Vol.35, No.2, pp. 148-154, ISSN 0354-8996, 2013
B. Bobić, A. Vencl, M. Babić, S. Mitrović, I. Bobić, The Influence of Corrosion on the Microstructure of Thermally Treated ZA27/SiCp Composites, Tribology in Industry, Vol.36, No.1, pp. 33-39, ISSN 0354-8996, 2014
F. Živić, M. Babić, S. Mitrović, D. Adamović, S. Pelemis, Friction Coefficient of UHMWPE During Dry Reciprocating Sliding, Tribology in Industry, Vol.36, No.3, pp. 281-286, ISSN 0354-8996, 2014
S. Mitrović, M. Babić, N. Miloradović, I. Bobić, B. Stojanović, D. Džunić, M. Pantić, Wear Characteristics of Hybrid Composites Based on Za27 Alloy Reinforced With Silicon Carbide and Graphite Particles, Tribology in Industry, Vol.36, No.2, pp. 204-210, ISSN 0354-8996, 2014
D. Adamović, M. Stefanović, M. Živković, S. Mitrović, J. Živković, F. Živić, Influence of the Lubricant Type on the Surface Quality of Steel Parts Obtained by Ironing, Tribology in Industry, Vol.37, No.2, pp. 215-224, ISSN 0354-8996, 2015
D. Džunić, S. Mitrović, M. Babić, I. Bobić, M. Pantić, D. Adamović, B. Nedeljković, Nanoindentation of Za-27 Alloy Based Nanocomposites Reinforced with Al2O3 Particles, Tribology in Industry, Vol.37, No.4, pp. 413-420, ISSN 0354-8996, 2015
M. Pantić, S. Mitrović, M. Babić, D. Jevremović, T. Kanjevac, D. Džunić, D. Adamović, AFM Surface Roughness and Topography Analysis of Lithium Disilicate Glass Ceramic, Tribology in Industry, Vol.37, No.4, pp. 391-399, ISSN 0354-8996, 2015
V. Kočović, S. Mitrović, G. Mihajlović, M. Mijatović, B. Bogdanović, Đ. Vukelić, B. Tadić, Applications of Friction Stir Processing during Engraving of Soft Materials, Tribology in Industry, Vol.37, No.4, pp. 434-439, ISSN 0354-8996, 2015
B. Bobić, I. Bobić, A. Vencl, M. Babić, S. Mitrović:, Corrosion Behavior of Compocasted ZA27/SiCp Composites in Sodium Chloride Solution, Tribology in Industry, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 115-120, 2016, Vol.38, No.1, pp. 115-120, ISSN 0354-8996, 2016
F. Živić, N. Grujović, S. Mitrović, D. Adamović, V. Petrović, A. Radovanović, S. Đurić, N. Palić, Friction and Adhesion in Porous Biomaterial Structure, Tribology in Industry, Vol.38, No.3, pp. 361-370, ISSN 0354-8996, 2016
M. Erić, S. Mitrović, M. Stefanović, A. Đorđević, Тribology database as platform for mobile database and use of mobile technologies, Tribology in Industry, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 267-275, 2016, Vol.38, No.2, pp. 267-275, ISSN 0354-8996, 2016
M. Pantić, A. Đorđević, M. Erić, S. Mitrović, M. Babić, D. Džunić, M. Stefanović, Application of Artificial Neural Network in Biotribological Research of Dental Glass Ceramic, Tribology in Industry, Vol.40, No.4, pp. 692-701, ISSN 0354-8996, 2018
Marko Milosevic, Dragan Dzunic, Petr Valasek, Slobodan Mitrovic, Alessandro Ruggiero, Effect of Fiber Orientation on the Tribological Performance of Abaca-Reinforced Epoxy Composite under Dry Contact Conditions, Journal of Composites Science, Vol.6, No.7, pp. 1-13, ISSN 2504-477, Doi 10.3390/jcs6070204, 2022
S. Mitrović (Editor-in-Chief), Tribology in Industry, Tribology in Industry, Vol.41, No.1, 2, 3, 4, pp. 1-647, ISSN 0354-8996, Doi 10.24874/ti.2019, 2019
S. Mitrović (Editor-in-Chief), Tribology in Industry, Tribology in Industry, Vol.42, No.1, 2, 3, 4, pp. 1-708, ISSN 0354-8996, Doi 10.24874/ti, 2020
Papers presented at international conferences |
Babić M., Ninković R., Mitrović S., Bobić I., Influence of Heat treatment on Tribological Behavior of Zn-Al Alloys, 10th International Conference on Tribology, SERBIATRIB'07, Kragujevac, Srbija, 2007, 19-21. June, pp. 45-56, ISBN 978-86-86663-13-9
M. Babić, S. Mitrović, R. Ninković, Tribological Potencial of Zinc-Aluminium Alloys Improvement, Plenary Section, 11th International Conference on Tribology, SERBIATRIB '09, Belgrade, Serbia, 2009, 13-15 may, pp. 37-50
M. Babic, S. Mitrovic, B. Stojenovic, N. Miloradovic, Tribological potential of particulate composites with ZA-27 alloy matrix, BALKANTRIB '14, 8th International conference on tribology, Sinaia, Romania, 2014, 30th Oct. - 1st Nov, 3, 2014, pp. 27-37, ISBN 978-973-719-570-8
Mitrović S., Canić Z., Criterion Determination of Completely Worn Out Extruder Elements As a Part of Tribomechanical System in Cable Industry, BALKANTRIB '96, 2nd International conference on tribology, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1996, 5 – 7 June, pp. 522-528
Mitrović S., Vojković N., Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of the Effect of the Radial Clearance Between Barrel and Screw on the Extruder Flow Rate, WORLD TRIBOLOGY CONGRESS, London, UK, 1997, 8-12 September
Mitrović S., Zivić F., Increase of life cycle due to application of welding as a surface coating method, 1st International Conference The Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1999, 14-15 october, pp. 623-630, ISBN 960-431-553-6
Mitrović S., Zivić F., Increase of life cycle due to application of surface coating method, TED 2000 - TED 2000 - 1st International Conference on Tribology on Environmental Design 2000: The Characteristics of Interacting Surfaces - A Key Factor in Sustainable and Economic Products, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom, 2000, 4 - 6 September, pp. 49-57, ISBN 1-86058-266-4
Mitrović S., Optimization of Guiding System for Excentrically Loaded Slides, Balkantrib 2002, 4th Int.Conf. on Tribology, Turkey, 2002, 12-14 June
Mitrović S., Tribodesign in Tool Machines Design, Mediterantrib 2002, Turkey, 2002
Mitrović S., Optimization of the Guiding System for Eccentrically Loaded Slide Ways, STLE 59th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 2004, May 17-20
Mitrović S., Virtual Simulation of a Guiding System for Eccentrically Loaded Slide Wasys, Manufacturing and Management in 21st century, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 2004, 16-17 September, ISBN 9989-2325-0-4
Tadić B., Mitrović S., Business Improvement Using Holding Tools In Low Production Process Environment, 5th International Conference Research and Development in Mechanical Industry, RaDMI 2005, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro, 2005, 04 - 07. September, pp. 278-283
Babić M., Ninković R., Mitrović S., Bobić I., ZA-27 Alloy Composites Reinforced with Al2O3 Particles, 10th International Conference on Tribology, SERBIATRIB'07, Kragujevac, Srbija, 2007, 19-21. June, pp. 63-70, ISBN 978-86-86663-13-9
Babić M., Ninković R., Mitrović S., Bobić I., Tribological properties of composites with substrate made of the ZA-27 alloy reinforced by the graphite particles, 10th International Conference on Tribology, SERBIATRIB'07, Kragujevac, Srbija, 2007, 19-21. June, pp. 173-180, ISBN 978-86-86663-13-9
Marjanović N., Tadić B., Ivković B., Mitrović S., Design of Modern Concept Tribometer with Circular and Reciprocating Movement, SERBIATRIB'07, Kragujevac, 2007, 19-21. June, 2007, pp. 109-112, ISBN 978-86-86663-13-9
Babić M., Adamović D., Jeremić B., Mitrović S., Tribological effects of shot peening surface treatment, 7th International Conference “THE” Coatings in Manufacturing, Kallithea - Halkidiki – GR, 2008, 1-3 October, pp. 657-664
Babić M., Mitrović S., Comparative tribological behaviours of hard and self-lubricating coatings deposited on heat treated steels, 7th International Conference “THE” Coatings in Manufacturing, Kallithea - Halkidiki – GR, 2008, 1-3 October, pp. 449-458
Bobić I., Babić M., Mitrović S., Bobić B., Jovanović M.T., Rheological behavior of za27 alloy semi-solid slurries and Al2O3 PARTICULATE / ZA27 composite slurries, 7th International Conference “THE” Coatings in Manufacturing, Kallithea - Halkidiki – GR, 2008, 1-3 October, pp. 363-372
Mitrović S., Babić M., Živić F., Bobić I., Nanotribology investigations of composites based on za-27 alloy reinforced by Al2O3 particles, BALKANTRIB’O8, 6th International conference on tribology, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2008, 12-14 JUNE, pp. BT-79-1 – BT-79-6
Živić F., Babić M., Mitrović S., Nanotribometer instrument as a tool for investigations in nanotribology, BALKANTRIB’O8, 6th International conference on tribology, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2008, 12-14 JUNE, pp. BT-80-1 – BT-80-5
D. Kakaš, B. Škorić, M. Babić, S. Mitrović, A. Miletić, M. Vilotić, P. Terek, L. Kovačević, Surface Roughness and Friction Coefficient at IBAD Deposited Tin Hard Coating, 11th International Conference on Tribology, SERBIATRIB '09, Belgrade, Serbia, 2009, 13-15 may, pp. 145-148
F. Zivic, S. Mitrovic, M. Babic, I. Cvijovic-Alagic, Application of Tribometry in Investigations of Biomaterials, 11th International Conference on Tribology, SERBIATRIB '09, Belgrade, Serbia, 2009, 13-15 may, pp. 301-305
Miroslav Babic, Slobodan Mitrovic, Ilija Bobic, Rato Ninkovic, Influence of Heat Treatment on Tribological Properties of ZA-27 Alloy, The 4th World Tribology Congress 2009, Kyoto, Japan, 2009, 6 - 11, September, pp. J-213
Babic, M., Mitrovic, S., Adamovic, D., Dzunic, D.,, The effect of shot peening on tribological behavior of alloyed steels, 11th triennial International Conference on Shot Peening ICSP-11, South Bend, Indiana, USA., 2011, 12-15 September
Biljana Bobić, Slobodan Mitrović, Miroslav Babić, Aleksandar Vencl, Ilija Bobić, Corrosion Behaviour of the As-Cast and Heat-Treated Za27 Alloy, 12th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '11, Kragujevac, 2011, 11 – 13 May, pp. 91-97, ISBN 978-86-86663-74-0
D. Kakaš, B. Škorić, P. Terek, L. Kovačević, A. Miletić, M. Vilotić, S. Mitrović, M. Babić, Influence of Sliding Speed and Surface Roughness on the Friction Coefficient and Wear of TiN Coatings Deposited at Low Temperature, 12th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '11, Kragujevac, 2011, 11 – 13 May, pp. 131-137, ISBN 978-86-86663-74-0
F. Zivic , M. Babic, D. Adamovic, S. Mitrovic, G. Favaro, M. Pantic, The Surface Roughness On Adhesion Of Chrome Coatings On Alloy Tool Steel X165CRMOV12, 9th International Conference THE “A” Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering, Thessaloniki Greece, 2011, 3-5 October, pp. 389-396, ISBN 978-960-98780-5-0
F. Živić, M. Babić, G. Favaro, M. Caunii, N. Grujović, S. Mitrović, Microindentation of Polymethyl Methacrylate (PmMa) Based Bone Cement, 12th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '11, Kragujevac, 2011, 11 – 13 May, pp. 336-341, ISBN 978-86-86663-74-0
Fatima Živić, Miroslav Babić, Slobodan Mitrović, Dragan Adamović, Nenad Grujović, Tribology in Biomaterials Design and Selection, 12th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '11, Kragujevac, 2011, 11 – 13 May, pp. 157-167, ISBN 978-86-86663-74-0
M. Babic, D. Adamovic, S. Mitrovic, F. Zivic, D. Dzunic, M. Pantic, Wear Properties Of Shot Peened Surfaces Of 36NiCrMo16 Alloyed Steels Under Lubricated Condition, 7th Batkantrib 11, Thessaloniki Greece, 2011, 3-5 October, pp. 69-76, ISBN 978-960-98780-6-7
Milan Erić, Miladin Stefanović, Branko Tadić, Slobodan Mitrović, Software solution of reengineering model of technological processes of small enterprises, 34th International Conference On Production Engineering, Niš, Srbija, 2011, September 28-30, pp. 393-398, ISBN 978-86-6055-019-6
Milan Erić, Slobodan Mitrović, Fatima Živić, Marko Pantić, Application of Contemporary Information Technologies in Nanotribometry, 12th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '11, Kragujevac, 2011, 11 – 13 May, pp. 392-396, ISBN 978-86-86663-74-0
Miroslav Babić, Dragan Adamović, Slobodan Mitrović, Fatima Živić, Dragan Džunić, Marko Pantić, Tribological Properties of Shot Peened Surfaces of 36NiCrMo16 Alloyed Steels in Dry Sliding Condition, 12th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '11, , Serbia, 2011, pp, Kragujevac, 2011, 11 – 13 May, pp. 168-173, ISBN 978-86-86663-74-0
S. Mitrovic, M. Babic, F. Zivic, I. Bobic, D. Dzunic, Influence Of Al2O3 Particle Content On The Sliding Wear Behaviour Of Za-27 Alloy Composite, 7th Batkantrib 11, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2011, 3-5 October, pp. 59-67, ISBN 978-960-98780-6-7
Slobodan Mitrović, Miroslav Babić, Blaža Stojanović, Nenad Miloradović,, Tribological Potencial of Hybrid Composites Based on Zinc ond Aluminium Alloys Reinforced with SiC and Graphite Particles, 12th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '11, Kragujevac, 2011, 11 – 13 May, pp. 138-145, ISBN 978-86-86663-74-0
Slobodan Mitrović, Miroslav Babić, Dragan Adamović, Fatima Živić, Dragan Džunić, Marko Pantić, Wear Behaviour of TiN Coatings for Cold Forming Tools under Dry Sliding Conditions, 12th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '11, , Serbia, 2011, pp, Kragujevac, 2011, 11 – 13 May, pp. 174-180, ISBN 978-86-86663-74-0
Slobodan Mitrović, Miroslav Babić, Dragan Adamović, Fatima Živić, Dragan Džunić, Marko Pantić, Wear Behaviour Of Cr Hard Coatings For Cold Forming Tools Under Dry Sliding Conditions, 34th International Conference On Production Engineering, Niš, Srbija, 2011, September 28-30, pp. 519-522, ISBN 978-86-6055-019-6
Tadić B., Jeremić B., Vukelić Đ., Mitrović S., Erić M., Development of Tribometer and Measurement Results of Static Coefficient of Friction Sliding and Coefficient of Rolling Friction by Principle Steep Plane, 12th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '11, Kragujevac, 2011, 11 – 13 May, pp. 397-402, ISBN 978-86-86663-74-0
M. Babić, B. Stojanović, S. Mitrović, N. Miloradović, M. Pantić, The influence of lubricant on friction coefficient of hybrid Al-SiC-Gr composites, BULTRIB '12, 9th International Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2012, 18-20 October, pp. 148-154, ISBN 1313-9878
S. Mitrović, M. Babić, D. Adamović, F. Živić, D. Džunić, M. Pantić,, Wear and friction properties of shot peened surfaces of 36CrNiMo4 and 36NiCrMo16 alloyed steels under dry and lubricated contact conditions, BULTRIB '12, 9th International Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2012, 18-20 October, pp. 155-169, ISBN 1313-9878
S. Mitrović, N. Miloradović, M. Babić, I. Bobić, B. Stojanović, D. Džunić, Wear behaviour of hybrid Za27/SiC/graphite composites under dry sliding conditions, BULTRIB '12, 9th International Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2012, 18-20 October, pp. 142-147, ISBN 1313-9878
B. Bobić, A. Vencl, M. Babić, S. Mitrović, I. Bobić, The influence of corrosion on the microstructure of thermally treated ZA27/SICP composites, International Conference on Tribology SERBIATRIB '13, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2013, 15-17 May, pp. 106-112, ISBN 978-86-86663-98-6
B. Miroslav, S. Blaža, M. Slobodan, B. Ilija, N. Miloradović, M. Pantić, D. Džunić, Wear properties of Al/10SiC/1Gr hybrid composites in lubricated sliding conditions, 13th International Conference on Tribology SERBIATRIB '13, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2013, 15-17 May, pp. 129-134, ISBN 978-86-86663-98-6
F. Živić, M. Babić, S. Mitrović, D. Adamović, S. Pelemis, Friction coefficient of UHMWPE during dry reciprocating sliding, SERBIATRIB '13, Kragujevac, Serbia,, 2013, 15-17 May, pp. 87-91, ISBN 978-86-86663-98-6
I. Bobić, M. Babić, A. Vencl, S. Mitrović, B. Bobić, Veštačko starenje tiksolivene ZA27 legure i čestičnih ZA27/SiC kompozita, 13th International Conference on Tribology SERBIATRIB '13, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2013, 15-17 May, pp. 409-413, ISBN 978-86-86663-98-6
M. Jeremić, D. Adamović, S. Mitrović, B. Bogdanović, A. Simić, S. Ranđelović, P. Todorović, Influence of oxidation layer generated on preheated contact pairs on static coefficient of friction, 13th International Conference on Tribology SERBIATRIB '13, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2013, 15-17 May, pp. 147-152, ISBN 978-86-86663-98-6
M. Stefanović, D. Džunić, V. Mandić, S. Aleksandrović, D. Adamović, S. Mitrović, Increasing of tool life for hot forging using surface modification, 13th International Conference on Tribology SERBIATRIB '13, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2013, 15-17, May, pp. 261-264, ISBN 978-86-86663-98-6
S. Mitrović, M. Babić, I. Bobić, F. Zivić, D. Dzunić, M. Pantić, Wear behaviour of composites based on ZA27 alloy reinforced with graphite particles, 13th International Conference on Tribology SERBIATRIB '13, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2013, 15-17 May, pp. 124-128, ISBN 978-86-86663-98-6
S. Mitrović, M. Babić, N. Miloradović, I. Bobić, B. Stojanović, D. Džunić, Wear characteristics of hybrid composites based on ZA27 alloy reinforced with silicon carbide and graphite particles, 13th International Conference on Tribology SERBIATRIB '13, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2013, 15-17 May, pp. 141-146, ISBN 978-86-86663-98-6
B. Bobić, I. Bobić, A. Vencl, M. Babić, S. Mitrović, Corrosion behavior of compocasted ZA27/SiCp composites in sodium chloride solution, 14th International Conference on Tribology, SERBIATRIB ’15, Belgrade, Serbia, 2015, 13-15, May, pp. 67-72, ISBN 978-86-7083-857-4
D. Adamović, M. Stefanović, M. Živković, S. Mitrović, J. Živković, F. Živić:, Influence of lubricant type on the surface quality of aluminium parts obtained by ironing, 14th International Conference on Tribology, SERBIATRIB ’15, Belgrade, Serbia, 2015, 13-15, May, pp. 397-406, ISBN 978-86-7083-857-4
D. Arsić, V. Lazić, M. Mutavdžić, R. Nikolić, S. Aleksandrović, S. Mitrović, M. Đorđević, Experimental investigation of wear resistance of models hard faced with various filler metals, 14th International Conference on Tribology, SERBIATRIB ’15, Belgrade, Serbia, 2015, 13-15, May, pp. 170-175, ISBN 978-86-7083-857-4
D. Džunić, S. Mitrović, M. Babić, I. Bobić, M. Pantić, D. Adamović, B. Nedeljković, Nanoindentation of ZA27 alloy based nanocomposites reinforced with Al2O3 particles, 14th International Conference on Tribology, SERBIATRIB ’15, Belgrade, Serbia, 2015, 13-15, May, pp. 73-80, ISBN 978-86-7083-857-4
F. Zivic, N. Grujovic, S. Mitrovic, D. Adamović, V. Petrovic, L. Bukvic, A. Radovanovic, Influence of the biomaterial porosity on the host tissue response, the friction and adhesion, 14th International Conference on Tribology, SERBIATRIB ’15, Belgrade, Serbia, 2015, 13-15, May, pp. 475-484, ISBN 978-86-7083-857-4
J. Živković, D. Adamović, M. Živković, M. Stefanović, S. Mitrović, F. Živić, Electronic Databases for Materials Selection, 12th International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, DEMI 2015, Banja Luka, BiH, 2015, 29-30, May, pp. 569-576, ISBN 978-99938-39-53-8
M. Pantić, S. Mitrović, M. Babić, D. Jevremović, D. Džunić, F. Živić, D. Adamović, AFM surface roughness and topography analysis of lithium disilicate glass ceramic, 14th International Conference on Tribology, SERBIATRIB ’15, Belgrade, Serbia, 2015, 13-15, May, pp. 514-521, ISBN 978-86-7083-857-4
N. Miloradović, S. Mitrović, B. Stojanović, Wear of ZA27/10SiC/1Gr Hybrid Composite, 12th International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, DEMI 2015, Banja Luka, BiH, 2015, 29-30, May, pp. 287-292, ISBN 978-99938-39-53-8
R. Janjić, S. Mitrović, D. Džunić, I. Mačužić, B. Stojanović, M. Bukvić, Z. Ilić, Measuring cleaning class of oil after tribological testing, The 7th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies, OTEH 216, Belgrade, Serbia, 2016, 6-7 October, pp. 630-635, ISBN 978-86-81123-82-9
Aleksandar Đorđević, Milan Erić, Marko Pantić, Dragan Džunić, Miladin Stefanović, Slobodan Mitrović, Possibilities of artificial neural network application in biotribological research, 15th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '17, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2017, 17-19 May, pp. 589-599, ISBN 978-86-6335-041-0
Dragan Adamovic, Miroslav Živković, Tomislav Vujinović, Slobodan Mitrović, Jelena Živković, Dragan Džunić, Damage and destruction of workpiece and tool surfaces in ironing process, 15th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '17, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2017, 17-19 May, pp. 388-393, ISBN 978-86-6335-041-0
Dragan Džunić, Miroslav Babić, Slobodan Mitrović, Marko Pantić, Ilija Bobić, Micro scratch test characterisation of Za-27/SiC nanocomposites, 15th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '17, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2017, 17-19 May, pp. 75-83, ISBN 978-86-6335-041-0
Katarina Lekovic, Varun Sharma, Nenad Grujovic, Dragan Adamovic, Slobodan Mitrovic, Fatima Zivic, High friction coefficient materials, 15th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '17, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2017, 17-19 May, pp. 128-135, ISBN 978-86-6335-041-0
M. Pantić, S. Mitrović, M. Babić, D. Džunić, D. Jevremović, A. Jevremović, T. Kanjevac, In vivo study of the nanomechanical properties of leuci te glass ceramic prepared with different surface finishing procedure, ETIKUM 2017, Scientific conference with international participation, Novi Sad, Serbia,, 2017, 06 - 08 December, pp. 121-124, ISBN 978-86-6022-00-68
Marko Pantić, Slobodan Mitrović, Miroslav Babić, Danimir Jevremović, Tatjana V. Kanjevac, D. Džunić, D. Adamović, Micro scratch behaviour of lithium disilicate glass ceramic after glazing treatment, 15th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '17, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2017, 17-19 May, pp. 645-651, ISBN 978-86-6335-041-0
Nikola Palic, Varun Sharma, Nenad Grujovic, Slobodan Mitrovic, Fatima Zivic, Friction factor of the fluid flow through porous media, 15th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '17, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2017, 17-19 May, pp. 42-50, ISBN 978-86-6335-041-0
Saša Milojević, Dragan Džunić, Dragan Taranović, Radivoje Pešić, Slobodan Mitrović, Tribological reinforcements for cylinder liner of aluminum - example compressors for brake systems of trucks and buses, 15th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '17, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2017, 17-19 May, pp. 251-257, ISBN 978-86-6335-041-0
Slobodan Mitrovic, Emanuele Savini, Dragan Dzunic, The Strange Case of Compacted Graphite Iron: A Remarkable Option with Unique Material Properties or an Unusable Alloy?, 16th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Florence, Italy, 2017, 18-20 July, pp. 67-70, ISBN 1013-9826
D. Džunić, S. Mitrović, M. Pantić, M. Babić,, Application of micro scratch tester in characterization of ZA-27 nanocomposites reinforced with Al2O3 nanoparticles,, Contemporary Materials 2018, XI International scientific conference, Banja Luka, 2018, 2 - 3 September, pp. 48
D. Džunić, V. Kočović, I. Bijelić, M. Pantić, S. Petrović Savić, S. Mitrović, Analysis of ball burnishing influence on tribomechanical properties of aluminium, 37th International Conference on Production Engineering of Serbia, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2018, 25 – 26. October
M. Pantić, M. Babić, S. Mitrović, D. Jevremović, D. Džunić, T. Kanjevac, I. Luković, Effects of different finishing procedure onto nanomechanical characteristics of fuorapatite veneering ceramic, 13th International Conference on Tribology, BULTRIB '18, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2018, 25-27 October
N. Palic, V. Sharma, F. Zivic, S. Mitrovic, N. Grujovic, Tribology study of aluminum-based foam, MMA 2018, 13th International Scientific Conference, Novi Sad, 2018, 28-29 September
S. Milojević, D. Džunić, D. Taranović, R. Pešić, S. Mitrović, Experimental determination of composite materials tribological behaviour which used for parts in aluminum compressor (piston and cylinder), International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2018, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2018, 4 - 5 October, pp. 383-392
S. Ranđelović, A. Đorđević, M. Erić, S. Mitrović, M. Stefanović, Lean proizvodnja – polaz zauspešnu primenu, 37th International Conference on Production Engineering of Serbia, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2018, 25 – 26. October
A. Đorđević, M. Erić, M. Stefanović, S. Mitrović, M. Pantić, A. Kokić Arsić, D. Džunić, Predicting cutting parameters by applying developed neural network and linear regression models, 16th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '19, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2019, 15-17 May, pp. 482-489, ISBN 2620-2832
B. Nedić, L. Slavković, S. Đurić, D. Adamović, S. Mitrović, Surface roughness quality, friction and wear of parts obtained on 3D printer, 16th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '19, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2019, 15-17 May, pp. 98-103, ISBN 2620-2832
D. Adamović, J. Živković, B. Nedić, F. Živić, S. Mitrović, M. Živković, Analysis of the process parameters influence on the change of mean contact pressure in ironing process, 16th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '19, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2019, 15-17 May, pp. 474-481, ISBN 2620-2832
D. Džunić, M. Pantić, S. Mitrović, Miroslav Babić, S. Petrović Savić, A. Đorđević, A. Kokić Arsić, Assessment of tribological behaviour of ZA-27 zincaluminium alloy based nanocomposite, 16th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '19, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2019, 15-17 May, pp. 145-153, ISBN 2620-2832
M. Pantić, D. Džunić, M. Babić, S. Mitrović, S. Petrović Savić, A. Đorđević, A. Kokić Arsić, Nanoindentation of zirconium dental ceramic prepared with different finishing techniques, 16th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '19, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2019, 15-17 May, pp. 706-714, ISBN 2620-2832
N. Miloradović, B. Stojanović, S. Mitrović, S. Veličković, Application of taguchi method in the optimization of zinc based composite, 16th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '19, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2019, 15-17 May, pp. 104-109, ISBN 2620-2832
S. Milojević, D. Džunić, D. Taranović, R. Pešić, S. Mitrović, Optimization of mechanical losses in reciprocating air compressor with cylinder consisting of aluminum alloy, 16th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '19, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2019, 15-17 May, pp. 357-364, ISBN 2620-2832
Z. Jovanovic, F. Zivic, N. Grujovic, D. Adamovic, S. Mitrovic, Review of existing clinical solutions for artificial joints, 16th International Conference on Tribology, Serbiatrib '19, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2019, 15-17 May, pp. 698-7005, ISBN 2620-2832
Aleksandar Đorđević, Marko Pantić, Dragan Džunić, Slobodan Mitrović, Milan Erić, Miladin Stefanović, Aleksandra Kokić Arsić, Software development solution for prediction on tribological properties of dental glass ceramics based on JavaScript web frameworks, 10th International Conference on Tribology, BALKANTRIB '20, May 20 – 22, 2021, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 23-24, ISBN: 978-86-6060-072-3, Belgrade, Serbia, 2021, 20 – 22 May, pp. 209-210, ISBN 978-86-6060-072-3
Dragan Džunić, Slobodan Mitrović, Darko Pešić, Vladimir Kočović, Marko Pantić, Aleksandra Kokić Arsić, Tribological investigation of ZA-27 alloy based micro/nano mixed composites, 10th International Conference on Tribology, BALKANTRIB '20, Belgrade, Serbia, 2021, 20 – 22 May, pp. 19-20, ISBN 978-86-6060-072-3
Fatima Zivic, Dragan Adamovic, Slobodan Mitrovic, Nenad Grujovic, Jovan Tanaskovic, Nina Busarac, Ivan Stojadinovic, Friction coefficient during the reciprocating sliding of UHMWPE in different environments, 10th International Conference on Tribology, BALKANTRIB '20, Belgrade, Serbia, 2021, 20 – 22 May, pp. 23-24, ISBN 978-86-6060-072-3
M. Milosevic, A. Ruggiero, P. Valasek, D. Dzunic, S. Mitrovic, Effect of Fiber Orientation on Tribological Performace of Abaca Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composite Under Dry Contact Conditions, ITRS121, 2nd Virtual International Tribology Research Symposium, Kattankulathur, Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu, India, 2021, 8-10th December
F. Zivic, M. Babic, S. Mitrovic, D. Adamovic., Friction coefficient during reciprocating sliding of UHMWPE in ringer's solution, International Scientific and Technical Conference “Polymer Composites and Tribology”, POLYCOMTRIB 2013, Gomel, Belarus, 2013, 24-27 June, pp. 41, ISBN 978-985-6477-43-3
Laboratory experimental setups for measurement and control via Internet”, April-September 2006, eLearning project financed by Austrian Development Cooperation – WUS – project No.: 8093-01/2005, Support to Higher Education in Serbia and Montenegro, 2005-2007
Training for Occupational Safety and Health Improvement, TEMPUS projekat, IB_JEP 41045-2007.
Tempus project 145009-Tempus-2008-RS-JPHES Conversion Courses for Unemployed University Graduates in Serbia (CONCUR), 2009-2012
COST Action MP0903 NANOALLOY– Nanoalloys as Advanced Materials: From Structure to Properties and Applications, 2010-2014
Пројекат научне и технолошке сарадње између Србије и Белорусије, Развој антифрикционих метал-полимерних микро\нано композитних превлака (Разработка антифрикционных металлополимерных микро- нанокомпозиционных покрытий), 2012-2013
543898-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-ES-TEMPUS-JPHES, Development of sustainable interrelations between education, research and innovation at WBC universities in Nanotechnologies and advanced materials where innovation means business (WIMB), Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain, 2013-2016
Специфичност везе денталних керамика и композитних цемента, Медицински факултет Фоча Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву