Смиљана Томашевић

Име и презимеСмиљана Томашевић
Година и место рођењаKragujevac, 1992
ЗвањеИстраживач сарадник
Образовно-научно / образовно-уметничко пољеTehničko-tehnološke nauke
Универзитет, факултет, организациона јединицаUniverzitet u Kragujevcu, Fakultet inženjerskih nauka, Katedra za primenjenu mehaniku i automatsko upravljanje
Област и ужа специјалностMašinsko inženjerstvo (primenjena mehanika)

ИнституцијаFakultet inženjerskih nauka, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu
НасловMehanika preloma i zarastanja kosti
ОбластPrimenjena mehanika
ИнституцијаFakultet inženjerskih nauka, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu
НасловNumerička analiza protoka krvi i mehaničkih karakteristika aneurizme abdominalne aorte pri endovaskularnom tretmanu
ОбластPrimenjena mehanika

Година избораИнституцијаЗвање
2020Fakultet inženjerskih nauka, Univerzitet u KragujevcuИстраживач сарадник

2018Institute of Experimental Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic, COST Action CA16122 – BIONECA 01.02.2018.-15.02.2018.
2015Profesionalna praksa u Istraživačko razvojnom centru za bioinženjering, Kragujevac, Srbija2015-2017
20184th OpenMultiMed (CA15120) Cost Training School in Systems Bioinformatics towards Network Medicine29.05.2018.-31.05.2018.
20196th OpenMultiMed (CA15120) Cost Training School in Computational data science, Mavrovo, Republic of Macedonia04.02.2019. - 08.02.2019.

2016Stipendija Fonda za mlade talente - Dositeja (Ministarstvo omladine i sporta)
2015Best Student Paper Award Winner, 15-th International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering (BIBE)
2015Stipendija Opštine Knić
2014Stipendija Univerziteta u Kragujevcu
2014Nagrada Opštine Knić
2014Stipendija Fonda za mlade talente - Dositeja (Ministarstvo omladine i sporta)
2014Stipendija Opštine Knić
2013Stipendija Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja
2013Stipendija Opštine Knić

Član Srpskog Društva za Računsku Mehaniku (SDRM) Član Srpskog Društva za Mehaniku (SSM)

Списак резултата М13
Монографска студија/поглавље у књизи М11 или рад у тематском зборнику водећег међународног значаја
  1. Smiljana Djorovic, Nenad Filipovic, Computational analysis of abdominal aortic aneurysm before and after endovascular aneurysm repair. In: Computational Modeling in Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Academic Press, Br. strana: 34, ISBN 978-0-128-19583-3, -, 2020
  2. Smiljana Djorovic, Myocardial work and aorta stenosis simulation, In: Cardiovascular and respiratory bioengineering, Elsevier, Br. strana: 13, ISBN 978-0-12-823956-8, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2022
Списак резултата М21
Рад у врхунском међународном часопису
  1. Marko Robnik-Šikonja, Miloš Radović, Smiljana Đorović, Bojana Anđelković-Ćirković, Nenad Filipović, Modeling ischemia with finite elements and automated machine learning, Journal of Computational Science, Vol.29, No.-, pp. 99-106, ISSN 1877-7503, Doi doi.org/10.1016/j.jocs.2018.09.017, 2018
Списак резултата М24
Рад у часопису међународног значаја верификованог посебном одлуком
  1. Smiljana Djorovic, Igor Saveljic, Nenad Filipovic, Computational Simulation of Carotid Artery, From Patient-Specific Images to Finite Element Analysis, Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics, Vol.13, No.1, pp. 120-129, ISSN 1820-6530, Doi 10.24874/jsscm.2019.13.01.08, 2019
Списак резултата М33
Саопштење са међународног скупа штампано у целини
  1. S. Djorovic, N. Filipovic, V. Stojic and L. Velicki, Computational Simulation of Blood Flow in a DeBakey Type I Aortic Dissection, 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE), Belgrade, Serbia, 2015, 2th-4th November, pp. 161-165, ISBN 978-1-4673-7982-3
  2. Smiljana Djorovic, Aleksandar Milosavljevic Lazar Velicki, Nenad Filipovic, Finite Element Analysis of Patient-specific Bicuspid Aortic Valve, 4th South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics - SEECCM 2017, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2017, 3th-5th July, pp. 67-72, ISBN 978-86-921243-0-3
  3. Smiljana Djorovic, Aleksandar Milosavljevic, Lazar Velicki, Nenad Filipovic, Comparative finite element analysis of patient-specific tricuspid and bicuspid aortic valve, 2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering (BIBE), Washington DC, Virginia, USA, 2017, 23th-25th October, pp. 563-567, ISBN 978-1-5386-1324-5
  4. Djorovic, S., Končar, I., Davidović, L., Filipović, N., Aortoiliac Aneurysm, Examination of Biomechanical Characteristics for an Individual Patient, 8th International Conference on Information Society and Techology (ICIST), Kopaonik, Serbia, 2018, 11-14 March, pp. 212-215, ISBN 978-86-85525-22-3
  5. Smiljana, Đorović; Marko, Robnik-Šikonja; Miloš, Radović; Bojana, Anđelković Ćirković; Nenad, Filipović, Finite Element Modelling of Cardiac Ischemia and Data Mining Application for Ischemic Detection and Localization, 18th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM 2018), Brussels, Belgium, 2018, 1-5 July, pp. -, ISBN ISSN 2504-3900
  6. Smiljana Djorovic, Igor Saveljic, Nenad Filipovic, Numerical Analysis of Plaque Progression in 3D Patient Specific Model of Carotid Artery, In: Badnjevic A., Škrbić R., Gurbeta Pokvić L. (eds) CMBEBIH 2019. CMBEBIH 2019. IFMBE Proceedings, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2019, pp. 337-340, ISBN 978-3030179700
  7. Smiljana Djorovic, Igor Saveljic, Nenad Filipovic, Advanced modelling approach of carotid artery atherosclerosis, International Conference on Computational Bioengineering, Belgrade, Serbia, 4-6 September 2019, Belgrade, Serbia, 2019, 4-6 September, pp. 143-150, ISBN 978-3-030-43657-5
  8. Tijana Djukic, Branko Arsic, Smiljana Djorovic, Igor Koncar and Nenad Filipovic, Validation of the machine learning approach for 3D reconstruction of carotid artery from ultrasound imaging, The 20th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics And BioEngineering (BIBE), USA, Virtual Conference, 2020, 26-28 October, pp. /, ISBN /
  9. Branko Arsic, Smiljana Djorovic, Milos Anic, Igor Saveljic, Igor Koncar, Nenad Filipovic, Application of deep learning techniques for segmentation of atherosclerotic carotid arteries by using ultrasound images, 11th International Conference on Information Society and Technology, Kopaonik, Serbia, 2021, 7-10 Mart
  10. Djorovic S., Velicki L., Filipovic N., Finite Element Analysis of Patient-Specific Ascending Aortic Aneurysm, International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2021, 21-24 April, pp. 630-637, ISBN 978-3-030-73909-6
  11. Gordana Jovicic, Aleksandra Vulovic, Smiljana Djorovic, Arso Vukicevic, Radun Vulovic, Radivoje Radakovic, Nenad Filipovic, Numerical analysis of tennis-specific player knee at maximum power tennis serve, 8th Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2021, 28-30 June
  12. Igor Saveljić, Tijana Đukić, Dalibor Nikolić, Smiljana Đorović and Nenad Filipović,, Numerical Simulation of Fractional Flow Reserve in Atherosclerotic Coronary Arteries, 21st IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering (BIBE), Kragujevac, Serbia, 2021, 25-27 October
  13. Smiljana Tomašević, Igor Saveljić, Lazar Velicki, Nenad Filipović, Computational Finite Element Analysis of Aortic Root with Bicuspid Valve, 21st IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering (BIBE), Kragujevac, Serbia, 2021, 25-27 October
  14. Tijana Djukic, Branko Arsic, Smiljana Djorovic, Branko Gakovic, Igor Koncar and Nenad Filipovic, Automatic segmentation and 3D reconstruction of plaque components in carotid artery from ultrasound images, EEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI'21), Virtual conference, 2021, 27-30 July
  15. Tijana Djukic, Smiljana Djorovic, Branko Arsic, Branko Gakovic, Igor Koncar, Nenad Filipovic, Predicting plaque progression in patient-specific carotid bifurcation, MICCAI Computational Biomechanics for Medicine XVI workshop, Virtual conference, 2021, 1 October
Списак резултата М34
Саопштење са међународног скупа штампано у изводу
  1. S. Djorovic, I. Koncar, L. Davidovic and N. Filipovic, Computational simulation of blood flow in the abdominal and left common iliac aneurysm with and without stent graft, 65th International Congress of the European Society for CardioVascular and Endovascular Surgery (ESCVS), Belgrade, Serbia, 2016, 21th-24th April, pp. 60, ISBN ISSN 0021-9509
  2. S. Djorovic, I. Koncar, L. Davidovic and N. Filipovic, Computational Analysis of Stented Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2018, 4-7 March, pp. -, ISBN -
  3. Smiljana Djorovic, Aleksandar Milosavljevic, Lazar Velicki, and Nenad Filipovic, Parametric Modelling and Computational Examination of Bicuspid Aortic Valve, Belgrade BioInformatics Conference – BelBi 2018, Belgrade, Serbia, 2018, 18th-22nd June, pp. 104, ISBN ISSN 2334-6590
  4. Smiljana Djorovic, Igor Koncar, Lazar Davidovic, Nenad Filipovic, Computational approach for determination of the mechanical wall stress within abdominal aortic aneurysm pre- and post- EVAR treatment, 67th International Congress of the European Society for CardioVascular and Endovascular Surgery (ESCVS), Strasbourg, France, 2018, 12th-14th April, pp. -, ISBN -
  5. Gordana Jovičić, Smiljana Đorović, Arso Vukicević, Nenad Djordjević, Nenad Filipović, Integrity assessment of human mandible by using failure criteria, 7th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics (SSM), Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, 2019, 24-26 June, pp. 148, ISBN 978-86-909973-7-4
  6. Smiljana Djorovic, Igor Saveljic, Nenad Filipovic, Three-dimensional numerical analysis of atherosclerosis development within carotid artery, IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), Chicago, US, 2019, 19-22 May
  7. Smiljana Djorovic, Igor Saveljic, Nenad Filipovic, Analysis of the carotid artery and atherosclerotic plaque growth using the patient-specific parameters, 68th International congress of the European Society of CardioVascular and Endoascular Surgery (ESCVS), Groningen, the Netherlands, 2019, 22-25 May
  8. Smiljana Djorovic, Igor Saveljic, Nenad Filipovic, Computational modelling of carotid artery and simulation of plaque progression, 7th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics (SSM), Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, 2019, 24-26 June, pp. 163-165, ISBN 978-86-909973-7-4
  9. Smiljana Djorovic, Igor Saveljic, Nenad Filipovic, Carotid atherosclerosis disease: modelling and analysis of plaque development, 25th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics - ESBiomech Conference 2019, Vienna, Austria, 2019, 07-10 July, pp. 422, ISBN 978-3-903024-96-0
  10. B. Arsic, S. Djorovic, M. Anic, I. Saveljic, I. Koncar and N. Filipovic, Analysis of carotid plaque type based on deep learning techniques, VPH2020 Conference, Paris, France (Online), 2020, 24-28 August, pp. /, ISBN /
  11. Filipovic N, Milosevic M, Djorovic S, Geroski V, Gacic M, Saveljic I, Stojanovic B, Ivanovic M, Kojic M, SILICOFCM: In Silico clinical trials for cardiovascular disease, 8th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC 2020), Portorož, Slovenia, 2020, 29 November − 3 December, pp. 315, ISBN 978-961-243-411-3
  12. Miljan Milosevic, Bogdan Milicevic, Vladimir Simic, Vladimir Geroski, Smiljana Djorovic, Milos Kojic, Nenad Filipovic, Application of electro-mechanical model for investigation of human heart behaviour, 8th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC 2020), Portorož, Slovenia, 2020, 29 November − 3 December, pp. 58, ISBN 978-961-243-411-3
  13. Branko Arsic, Smiljana Djorovic, Milos Anic, Branko Gakovic, Igor Koncar, Nenad Filipovic, Analysis of atherosclerotic plaque in carotid arteries by using convolutional neural networks, 8th Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2021, 28-30 June
  14. Branko Arsic, Smiljana Djorovic, Milos Anic, Igor Koncar, Nenad Filipovic, Processing of ultrasound images by using convolutional neural networks for carotid artery detection and segmentation, 17th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (CMBBE), Bonn, Germany, 2021, 7-9 September
  15. Branko Arsic, Smiljana Djorovic, Milos Anic, Igor Saveljic, Igor Koncar, Nenad Filipovic, Deep learning methods for plaque type classification based on the US images of carotid artery, 26th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics - ESBiomech Conference, Milan, Italy, 2021, 11-14 July
  16. Igor Saveljic, Slavica Macuzic Saveljic, Dalibor Nikolic, Tijana Djukic, Smiljana Djorovic, Jovanka Lukic, and Nenad Filipovic, Numerical modeling the motion of otoconia particles in the semicircular canal under whole body vibration, 8th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2021, 28-30 June, pp. 128-136, ISBN 978-86-909973-8-1
  17. Igor Saveljic, Dalibor Nikolic, Smiljana Tomasevic, and Nenad Filipovic, Numerical analysis of asymmetric septal hyperthropic cardiomiopathy, 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS Congress 2022), Oslo, Norway, 2022, 5-9 June
  18. Smiljana Tomasevic, Bogdan Milicevic, Igor Saveljic, Lazar Velicki, Nenad Filipovic, Analysis of cardiac work and simulation of aortic valve stenosis, 9th International Conference on Computational Bioengineering (ICCB2022), Lisbon, Portugal, 2022, 11-13 April, pp. /, ISBN /
  19. Smiljana Tomasevic, Branko Arsic, Milos Anic, Branko Gakovic, Igor Koncar, and Nenad Filipovic, Atherosclerotic Plaque Characterization Using Deep Learning Methods, 70th International Congress of the European Society for CardioVascular and Endovascular Surgery (ESCVS 2022), Liege, Belgium, 2022, 20-23, June
  20. Smiljana Tomasevic, Igor Saveljic, Lazar Velicki, Nenad Filipovic, 3D patient-specific computational simulation of aortic root based on finite element method, 12th International Conference on Information Society and Technology, Kopaonik, Serbia, Kopaonik, Serbia, 2022, 13-16 March, pp. /, ISBN /
  21. Smiljana Tomašević, Marko Robnik-Šikonja and Nenad Filipović, Combined Finite Element Method and Machine Learning Toward Analysis of Myocardial Ischemia, First Serbian International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence (SICAAI), Kragujevac, Serbia, 2022
  22. Tijana Djukic, Smiljana Tomasevic, Branko Arsic, Branko Gakovic, and Nenad Filipovic, Integrating deep learning and meshing techniques to perform 3D reconstruction of patient-specific carotid bifurcation with plaque classification, EEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI'22), Ioannina, Greece, 2022, 27-30, September
Списак резултата М53
Рад у научном часопису
  1. Djorovic Smiljana, Milosavljevic Aleksandar, Velicki Lazar and Filipovic Nenad, Computational Analysis of Bicuspid Aortic Valve, IPSI BgD Transactions on Advanced Research (TAR), Vol.14, No.1, pp. /, ISSN 1820-4511, 2018
  2. S. Djorovic, I. Koncar, L. Davidovic, S. Starcevic and N. Filipovic, Computational Analysis of Blood Flow Characteristics in an Aortic System with Abdominal and Left Common Iliac Aneurysm Pre- and Post-Stent Grafting, EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology, Vol.4, No.13, pp. -, ISSN 2411-7145, Doi 10.4108/eai.28-2-2018.154145, 2018
  3. S. Starcevic, S. Djorovic, and N. Filipovic, Fractional Flow Reserve, Comparison between Invasive and Non-invasive Methods for Calculation of FFR, EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology, Vol.4, No.13, pp. -, ISSN 2411-7145, Doi 10.4108/eai.28-2-2018.154146, 2018
  4. Adamović Katarina, Vukićević Arso, Vulović Radun, Đorović Smiljana, Radaković Radivoje, Jovičić Gordanа, Filipović Nenad, Процена отпорности колена применом компјутерских метода, Fizička kultura, Vol.74, No.1, pp. 57-64, ISSN 0350-3828, Doi 10.5937/fizkul2001057A, 2020
  5. Branko Arsic, Smiljana Tomasevic, Milos Anic, Branko Gakovic, Igor Koncar, Nenad Filipovic, Atherosclerotic Plaque Characterization Using Deep Learning Methods, AORTA (Stamford), Vol.10, No.S 01, pp. A085, ISSN 2325-4637, Doi 10.1055/s-0042-1750994, 2022
  6. Nenad Filipovic, Andjela Blagojevic, Smiljana Tomasevic, Branko Arsic, Tijana Djukic, Agent Based and Finite Element Method for Plaque Development in the Carotid Artery, AORTA (Stamford), Vol.10, No.S 01, pp. A075, ISSN 2325-4637, Doi 10.1055/s-0042-1750984, 2022
  7. Савељић Игор; Мачужић Савељић, Славица; Николић, Далибор; Томашевић, Смиљана; Ђукић, Тијана; Филиповић, Ненад, Нумеричка анализа утицаја вибрације на лумбалну кичму возача, IPSI Transactions on Internet Research, Vol.18, No.1, pp. 62-68, ISSN 1820-4503, 2022

  1. Основна истраживања – Методе моделирања на више скала са применама у биомедицини (ОИ174028)
  2. Унапређење и иновирање практичне наставе на предметима мастер академских студија - Информационе технологије (ИНО-ИТ); 2020-2021
  3. Иновирање лабораторијских вежби и експеримената на предметима мастер студијског програма Биоинжењеринг (БИОЛАБ); 2019-2020

  1. Kompjuterski podržano inženjerstvo, На матичном факултету, 2015-
  2. Inženjerski alati, На матичном факултету, 2016-
  3. Inženjerski alati 2, На матичном факултету, 2016-
  4. Osnovi bioinženjeringa, На матичном факултету, 2017-
  5. Bioinženjering i bioinformatika, На матичном факултету, 2017-

  1. Increasing scientific, technological and innovation capacity of Serbia as a Widening country in the domain of multiscale modelling and medical informatics in biomedical engineering (SGABU), Grant Agreement No 952603; 2020-2023