Vesna Mandic |
First and last name | Vesna Mandic |
Year and place of birth | 1963, Novi Pazar |
Position | Full professor |
E-mail | mandic@kg.ac.rs |
Education-scientific / education–art field | Technical sciences |
University, faculty, organizational unit | University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering Sciences |
Field and closer specialty | Production engineering and industrial engineering |
Year | 1987 |
Place | Kragujevac |
Institution | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
Headline | Possibilities of using adaptive control systems with modern CNC machines |
Field | Production engneering |
Year | 1993 |
Place | Kragujevac |
Institution | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Kragujevac |
Headline | Modeling of the hot metal forming processes |
Field | Production englineering |
Year | 2002 |
Place | Kragujevac |
Institution | Faculty of Mechanical Englineering |
Headline | Physical modelling and numerical simulation as the basis of the new concept of tool design for hot bulk forming |
Field | Production engineering |
Year | Institution | Position |
1988 | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Kragujevac | Research & teaching аssistant prentice |
1994 | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Kragujevac | Research & teaching assistant |
1999 | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Kragujevac | Research & teaching assistant |
2003 | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Kragujevac | Assistant professor |
2008 | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Kragujevac | Associate professor |
2013 | Faculty of Engineering Sciences of the University | Full professor |
Year | Institution | Duration |
2004 | University of Padua, Department of Innovative Technologies and Management (Italy) | 42 days |
2005 | National Technical University in Athens (Greece) | 7 days |
2006 | Technical University in Braunschweig (Germany), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) | 17 days |
2007 | University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Technical University of Barcelona (Spain) | 24 days |
2008 | University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) | 10 days |
2009 | University of Padua (Italy), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), University of Maribor (Slovenia), Institute of Industrial Systems of Athens (Greece), EC EACEA Agency in Brussels (Belgium) | 22 days |
2010 | Technical University of Denmark (Denmark), University of Padua (Italy), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Austrian Academy of Sciences (Austria), EC EACEA, Antwerp, (Belgium) | 37 days |
2011 | Technical University of Cluj Napoca (Romania), Austrian Academy of Sciences (Austria), Institute of Industrial Systems (Greece), New Bulgarian University in Sofia (Bulgaria) 28 days | 28 days |
2012 | University of Patras (Greece), University of Odessa (Ukraine), University of Padua (Italy), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Technical University of Denmark in Lingbi (Denmark) | 27 days |
2013 | University of Brighton (England), University of Alicante (Spain), Technical University of Graz (Austria), Technical University of Hamburg (Germany) | 27 days |
2014 | University of Alicante (Spain), Technical University of Graz (Austria), Technical University of Hamburg (Germany) | 30 days |
2015 | University of Brighton (England) | 5 days |
2016 | EACEA (Belgium), University of Maribor (Slovenia), Danube University Krems (Austria), Institute IST (Portugal), University of Brighton (England), Aldo Moro University (Italy) | 30 days |
2017 | University of Maribor (Slovenia), Danube University Krems (Austria), Institute IST (Portugal), University of Brighton (England), Aldo Moro University (Italy) | 24 days |
2018 | University of Maribor (Slovenia), Danube University Krems (Austria), Institute IST (Portugal), Aldo Moro University (Italy), University of Sapienza Rome (Italy) | 22 days |
Year | Name of award/recognition |
2012 | Diploma for Best paper at the KODIP Conference |
2007 | Acknowledgment for outstanding contribution to the development of the Flag of the Coin |
Papers published in international scientific journals |
Branko Tadic, Branislav M. Jeremic, Petar M. Todorovic, Djordje Vukelic, Uros Proso, Vesna Mandic and Igor Budak, Efficient workpiece clamping by indenting cone-shaped elements, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol.13, No.10, pp. in press, ISSN 2234-7593, 2012
Goran Stojanovic, Vesna Mandic, Milan Curcic, Dragana Vasiljevic, Milica Kisic, Nikola Radosavljevic, Combining rapid prototyping techniques in mechanical engineering and electronics for realization of a variable capacitor, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol.20, No.2, pp. 115-120, ISSN 1355-2546, Doi DOI 10.1108/RPJ-07-2012-0061, 2014
Tijana Djukic, Vesna Mandic, Nenad Filipovic, Virtual reality aided visualization of fluid flow simulations with application in medical education and diagnostics, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol.43, No.12, pp. 2046-2052, ISSN 0010-4825, 2013
Јурковић, З., Брезочник, М., Гризељ, Б., Мандић, В., Optimisation of Extrusion Process by Genetic Algorithms and Conventional Techniques, Technical Gazette, Vol.16, No.4, pp. 27-33, ISSN 1330-3651, 2009
Dragan Adamovic, Vesna Mandic, Zoran Jurkovic, Branko Grizelj, Milentije Stefanovic, Tomislav Marinkovic, Srbislav Aleksandrovic, An experimental modelling and numerical FE analysis of steel-strip ironing process, Technical Gazette, Vol.17, No.4, pp. 435-444, ISSN 1330-3651, 2010
V. Mandić, D. Adamović, Z. Jurković, M. Stefanović, M. Živković, S. Ranđelović, T. Marinković, Numericall FE Modelling of the Ironing Process of Aluminium Alloy and its Experimental Verification, Transactions of FAMENA, Vol.34, No.4, pp. 59-69, ISSN 1333-1124, 2010
V.Mandic, P.Cosic, Integrated product and process development in collaborative virtual engineering environment, Technical Gazette, Vol.18, No.3, pp. xx-xx, ISSN 1330-3651, 2011
Adamović, D., Mandić, V., Terčelj, M., Stefanović, M., Živković, M.,, Investigation of ironing process depending on applied tool materials and coatings, RMZ - Materials and Geoenvironment, Vol.59, No.1, pp. 27-40, ISSN 1408-7073, 2012
I.Stankovic, M.Perinic, Z.Jurkovic, V.Mandic, Usage of neural network for the prediction of surface roughness after the roller burnishing, Metallurgy, Vol.51, No.2, pp. xx-xx, ISSN 0543-5846, 2012
M. Janjic, M.Vukicevic, V.Mandic, D.Pavletic, N.Sibalic, Microstructural evaluation during friction stir welding of of AlSi1MgMn alloy, Metallurgy, Vol.51, No.1, pp. 29-33, ISSN 0543-5846, 2012
Vesna Mandić, Dragan Erić, Dragan Adamović, Mileta Janjić, Zoran Jurković, Živko Babić, Predrag Ćosić,, Concurrent engineering based on virtual manufacturing, Technical Gazette, Vol.19, No.No4, pp. in press, ISSN 1330-3651, 2012
M. Djordjevic, V. Mandic, S Aleksandrovic, V. Lazic, D. Arsic, R. Nikolic, Z. Gulisija, Experimental-numerical analysis of contact conditions influence on the ironing strip drawing process, Industrial lubrication and tribology, Vol.69, No.4, pp. 464 - 470, ISSN 0036-8792, 2016
V. Mandić, M. Stefanović, M. Živković, N. Grujović, B. Mišić, FE analysis of tube forming process with experimental verification, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Vol.18, No.1,2, pp. 303-306, ISSN -, 2006
Papers presented at international conferences |
V.Mandić, Integrated virtual engineering approach for product and process development, 3rd Management Technology - step to Sustainable Production - MOTSP 2011, Bol, Croatia, 2011, 8-10 June, pp. 7-22, ISBN 978-953-7
Z. Jurković V. Mandić, B. Tadić, M. Janjić, D. Purković, Implementation of modelling and optimization methods in manufacturing processes, Conference of Maintenance and Production Engineering - KODIP, Herceg Novi. Montenegro, 2011, 26-29 June, pp. 35-41, ISBN 978-9940-527-17-4
Dragan Adamović, Vesna Mandić, Milentije Stefanović, Zoran Jurković, Miroslav Živković, Duško Pavletić, Mladen Perinić, Numerical and experimental analysis of the wall tensile stress in ironing, Invited paper for plenary session, 10th International Conference “Maintenance and production engineering” – KODIP, Budva, Montenegro, 2012, 26-29 June, pp. 23-32
В.Мандић, М.Стефановић, Физичка симулација процеса топле обраде применом пластелина као моделног материјала, Зборник са 2. Међународног савјетовања о достигнућима у електро и машинској индустрији, ДЕМИ `99, Бања Лука, 1999, pp. 72-75.
В.Мандић, М.Стефановић, Значај физичко-нумеричког моделирања при пројектовању алата за запреминску обраду, Зборник са 4. Међународног савјетовања о достигнућима у електро и машинској индустрији, ДЕМИ 2002, Бања Лука, 2002, pp. 72-75.
М.Стефановић, В.Мандић, М.Живковић, С.Александровић, Физичко и нумеричко моделирање дефлексионих појава код танких лимова - Yoshida тест, Зборник са 5. Међународног савјетовања о достигнућима у електро и машинској индустрији, ДЕМИ 2003, Бања Лука, 2003, pp. 45-50
С.Александровић, М.Стефановић, В.Мандић, Т.Вујиновић, Перспективе примене и актуелна питања обрадивости лимова појачане чврстоће, Зборник са 5. Међународног савјетовања о достигнућима у електро и машинској индустрији, ДЕМИ 2003, Бања Лука, 2003, pp. 79-84
M. Milutinović, M. Plančak, D.Vilotić, V. Mandić, M. Stefanović, Cold indenting of cone-like punch, Conf. Manufacturing and Management in 21st century, Ohrid, 2004, pp. 325-330
M. Vilotić, M. Plančak, V. Mandić, Analysis of backward extrusion by finite element method, 15. International DAAAM Symposium “Inteligent Manufacuring & Automation: Globalization – Technology – Men – Nature”, Vienna, 2004, pp. 477-478
V.Mandić, M.Stefanović, Forging Preform Design Using FEM simulation, Conf. Manufacturing and Management in 21st century, Ohrid, 2004, pp. 290-297
Б. Мишић, В. Мандић, С. Рајић, Примјена CAMPform 2D софтверског пакета у анализи запреминског деформисања цијевних израдака, Прво Међународно савјетовање – Информатика у производном и пословном менаџменту, Добој, 2004, pp. 118-126
B. Mišić, V. Mandić, The Application of FEM Simulation in the Technology Design and Estimation of Quality of the Tube Product, RADMI Conference, Vrnjacka Banja, 2005, 04-07. September
D. Vilotić, M. Plančak, V. Mandić, Đ Čupković, Analysis and Experimental Verification of Cold Cylinder Upsetting By Spherical Dies, Int. Conf. ESAFORM 2005., Kluz, Romania, 2005
V. Mandić, B. Mišić, Stability of Steel Seam-welded Tubes Forming Process – Experimental and Numerical Investigations, 8th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, Verona, Italy, 2005, 09-13 October, pp. 209-210
V. Mandić, M. Stefanović, Elimination of Flow Defects in the Forward Extrusion Process by Changing Friction Conditions, BALKANTRIB 05 - 5th International Conference of Tribology, Kragujevac, 2005, pp. 181-189
V. Mandić, S. Bruschi, T. Marinković, M. Zivković, M. Targa, FEM Simulation and Elasto-plastic Analysis of Porthole-die in Extrusion Hollow Section Aluminium Tubes, 8th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, Verona, Italy, 2005, 9-13 October, pp. 207-208
Б.Мишић, В.Мандић, С.Рајић, Резултати диференцијалних једначина напона танких цевних елемената са FEM верификацијом, Зборник са 6. Међународног савјетовања о достигнућима у електро и машинској индустрији, ДЕМИ 2005, Бања Лука, 2005, pp. 63-68
В.Мандић, Елиминација дефеката у процесима обраде деформисањем применом моделирања и FEM симулација, Зборник са 6. Међународног савјетовања о достигнућима у електро и машинској индустрији, ДЕМИ 2005, Бања Лука, 2005, pp. 153-158
V.Mandić, M.Stefanović, F.Živić, M.Plančak, M.Janjić, Development of Metal Forming Electronic Instructional Resources, eLearning Conference „eLearning - Toward Effective Education and Training in the Information Society“, Bijela, Republic of Montenegro, 2007, 30th May - 1st June
Milentije Stefanović, Zvonko Gulišija, Vesna Mandić, Savremeni postupci toplog kovanja оrtopedskih implantanata,, 9th International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (DEMI 2009),, Banja Luka, 2009
M.Janjić, V.Mandić, D.Miljanić, T&SNA analiza potreba za obukama i usligama u malim i srednjim preduzećima u Crnoj Gori, Conference of Maintenance and Production Engineering - KODIP 2010, Ulcinj, 2010
Mandić, V., Adamović, D., Jurković, Z., Stefanović, M., Živković, M., Ranđelović, S., Marinković, T.,, CAE Analysis of Ironing Process with Experimental Verification,, MOTSP 2010 International Scientific Conference management of Technology – Step to Sustainable Production, Rovinj, Croatia, 2010
D. Erić, V. Mandić, S. Marković, Primena elemenata konkurentnog inženjeringa u proizvodnim sistemima sa akcentom na efekte kompjuterske simulacije tehnoloških procesa, Conference of Maintenance and Production Engineering - KODIP, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, 2011
D. Pavletic, M. Sokovic, V. Mandic, M. Janjic, N. Šibalić, Simulation Modelling in Production, Conference of Maintenance and Production Engineering, Conference of Maintenance and Production Engineering - KODIP, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, 2011
D.Adamović, V. Mandic, M. Stefanovic, S. Aleksandrovic, M. Živkovic, Z. Golušija, S. Randelovic, Experimental and numerical determination of the tensile stresses in the wall during steel sheet ironing, 4th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2011
Erić,M.D., Mandić,V., Marković,LJ.S, Integrated Systems in the Development of Concept of Concurrent Engineering, 11th International Conference „Research and Development in Mechanical Industry“, RaDMI, Soko Banja, Srbija, 2011
M. Jurković, Z. Jurković, A. Jušić, V. Mandić, Experimental analysis and mathematical modelling of the rolling force,, 34th International conference on production engineering, Nis, Srbija, 2011
T. Mendiković, Z. Jurković, M. Perinić and V. Mandić, Konstruiranje kalupa za injekcijsko prešanje primjenom reverzibilmog inženjerstva, 2nd International Conference - Mechanical technologies and structural materials, Split, Croatia, 2011
V. Mutavgjić, Z. Jurković, M. Perinić, V. Mandić, Optimization of cutting parameters for surface roughness in abrasive water jet machining, 2nd International Conference - Mechanical technologies and structural materials, Split, Croatia, 2011
2. Vesna Mandic, Radomir Radisa, Vladan Lukovic, and Milan Curcic, Integrated Model-Based Manufacturing for Rapid Product and Process Development, International Conference, Advances in Information and Communication Technology (APMS),, Rhodes, Greece, 2012, 24-26 September, pp. 64-71, ISBN 1868-4238
Antoni Slavinski, Athanasios Kalogeras, Vesna Mandic, Methodology for the Selection, Assessment and Analysis of Successful Experiences, Conference on Embedded Systems, Computational Intelligence and Telematics in Control, Würzburg, Germany, 2012
D. Adamovic, V. Mandic, M. Stefanovic, Z. Jurkovic, M. Tercelj, Investigation of the influence of total force and punch force in the ironing of AlMg3 alloy, 4th Management Technology - step to Sustainable Production - MOTSP 2012, Zadar, 2012
D.Erić, V.Mandić, S.Marković, Koncept konkurentnog inženjeringa i analiza efekata moguće primene u tehnološkim procesima obrade deformisanjem, 10th International Conference “Maintenance and production engineering” – KODIP 2012, Budva, Montenegro, 2012
5. Vesna Mandić, Jelena Jevtović, New regional model of university-enterprise cooperation,, International Conference on Technology Transfer, Nis, Serbia, 2013, 19-21 June, pp. 107-116, ISBN 978-86-6125-083-5
6. Dragan Adamovic, Vesna Mandic, Milentije Stefanovic, Srbislav Aleksandrovic, Miroslav Živkovic, Analysis of the temperature change on the tool and work piece during the ironing process, International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology DEMI, Banja Luka, Bosina & Herzegovina, 2013, June, pp. 299-306, ISBN 978‐99938‐39‐46‐0
7. R. Radiša, S. Manasijević, V. Mandić, J. Pristavec, Application of recent software tools for designing and production of dies and castings by high pressure die casting, 13th International Foundrymen Conference, Innovative Foundry Processes and Materials, Opatija, Croatia, 2013, 16-18 May, pp. 317-327, ISBN 9789537082154
8. Milentije Stefanović, Vesna Mandić, Zvonko Gulišija, Srbislav Aleksandrović, Dragan Adamović, Improving the quality of al- alloys hot forging parts, 11 International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology DEMI, Banja Luka, Bosina & Herzegovina, 2013, June, pp. 447-452, ISBN 978‐99938‐39‐46‐0
Milentije Stefanović, Dragan Džunić, Vesna Mandić, Srbislav Aleksandrović, Dragan Adamović, Slobodan Mitrović, Increasing of tool life for hot forging using surface modification, 13th International Conference on Tribology – SERBIATRIB, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2013, May, pp. 261-264, ISBN 978-86-86663-98-6
88. V.Mandic, M.Stefanovic, Z.Gavrilovic, Development of the forging technology for producing the artificial hip stem through application of virtual manufacturing, Proceedings of XII International Conference KODIP 2014, Budva, Montenegro, 2014, 18-21 jun, pp. 96-105, ISBN ISBN 978-9940-527-35-8
89. D.Milosavljevic, M.Bojic, R.Cukic, G.Bogdanovic, V.Mandic, Influence of state of art façade technology to net-zero energy buildings, Proceedings of XII International Conference KODIP 2014, Budva, Montenegro, 2014, 18-21 jun, pp. 106-114, ISBN ISBN 978-9940-527-35-8.
90. D.Eric, V.Mandic, S.Markovic, Podrška optimizaciji proizvodnih tehnoloških procesa primenom elemenata virtuelne proizvodnje, Proceedings of XII International Conference KODIP 2014, Budva, Montenegro, 2014, 18-21 jun, pp. 123-128, ISBN ISBN 978-9940-527-35-8
91. Radomir Radiša, Srećko Manasijević, Janez Pristavec, Vesna Mandić, Using MAGMA to optimize relevant technological parameters of the casting process for led street light housing, Proceeding VI International Metallurgical Congress, Ohrid, Makedonija, 2014, jun, pp. CMP5, ISBN ISBN-978-9989-9571-5-4
42. Z. Avramovic, V. Petrovic, A. Bogdanovic, N. Bogdanovic, L. Petrovic, G. Bogdanovic, V. Mandic, Development of scientific research activity through normative activity of University of Kragujevac bodies, WBCInno International conference, Novi Sad, 2015, 18. September, pp. 70-74, ISBN 978-86-499-0203-9
45. M. Stefanovic, Z. Gulisija, M. Mihailovic, V. Mandic, A. Pataric, The importance of tribo-modeling in development of hot forging technology, 12th International Scientific Conference MMA2015, Novi Sad, 2015, 25-26 September, pp. 165 - 168, ISBN 978-86-7892-722-5
G. Bogdanovic, D. Milosavljevic, Lj. Veljovic, A. Radaković, V.Mandic, Possibilities of application of composite materials - an innovative approach, WBCInno International conference, Novi Sad, 2015, 18th September, pp. 105-109, ISBN 978-86-499-0203-9
Jelena Jevtovic, Vesna Mandic, Zarko Gavrilovic, Approaches in the Development of Research-Driven Business Incubators and Science and Technology Parks in cooperation with universities, WBCInno International conference, Novi Sad, 2015, 18 September, pp. 22-25, ISBN 978-86-499-0203-9
M. Stefanovic, D. Adamovic, Z. Gulisija, S. Aleksandrovic, M. Kraisnik, V. Mandic,, Characteristics And Limitations Of Physical Tribo-Modeling In Deep Drawing of Thin Sheet, 14th International Conference on Tribology, Belgrade, 2015, 13. - 15. May, pp. 382 - 387, ISBN 978-86-7083-857-4
M. Stefanovic, D. Adamovic, Z. Gulusija, S. Aleksandrovic, V. Mandic, M. Milovanovic, Limitations Of Physical Tribo-Modeling In Metal Forming Processes, 12th International conference on accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology DEMI, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 29-30 May, pp. 111-118, ISBN 978-99938-39-53-8
R. Radisa, S. Manasijevic, J. Pristavec, V. Mandic, Using MAGMA5 to optimize the parameters of casting an excavator tooth holder, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe (MME SEE 2015), Ohrid, FYROM, 2015, 3-5 June, pp. 321 - 326, ISBN 978-86-87183-27-8
Vesna Mandic, Jelena Jevtovic, Zarko Gavrilovic, Methodological approach to innovation management, WBCInno International conference, Novi Sad, 2015, 18 September, pp. 14-17, ISBN 978-86-499-0203-9
Zarko Gavrilovic, Vesna Mandic, Vladimir Urosevic, Application of poly-jet technology in rapid tooling, WBCInno International conference, Novi Sad, 2015, 18 September, pp. 101-104, ISBN 978-86-499-0203-9
Jelena Jevtovic, Vesna Mandic, Zarko Gavrilovic, Third mission at serbian univeristies – current state,, International Conference on the Third Mission of the university, Belgrade, 2018, 23-24 November, pp. 18-28, ISBN 978-86-81037-58-4
V. Mandic, Boosting technology transfer and innovation at university level in serbia through proof of concept programme, International Conference on the Third Mission of the university, Belgrade, 2018, 23-24 November, pp. 44-53, ISBN 978-86-81037-58-4
V. Mandic, Integracija tehnologija virtuelnog inženjeringa u savremenom projektovanju proizvoda i tehnoloških procesa, 37th International Conference on Production Engineering of Serbia, Kragujevac, 2018, 25-26 October, pp. 203-210, ISBN 978-86-6335-057-1
Zarko Gavrilovic, Vesna Mandic , Jelena Jevtovic,, Support to the development of entrepreneurship and innovations through competition for best student ideas, International Conference on the Third Mission of the university, Belgrade, Serbia, 2018, 23-24 November, pp. 29-36, ISBN 978-86-81037-58-4
Delić, M., Adamović, D., Mandić, V., Vujinović, M., Selection of die and punch materials in steel ironing process, 38th International Conference on Production Engineering of Serbia - ICPE-S 2021, Čačak, 2021, 14-15 Oktobar, pp. 85-91, ISBN ISBN: 978-86-7776-252-0
Popović M., Mandić V., Delić M., Application of techniques and systems for additive manufacturing in rapid tooling, Springer International Publishing, Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering – Proceedings, The 11th International Conference on Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering (KOD 2021), 10 - 12 June 2021, Novi Sad, Serbia,, Novi Sad, 2021, 10-12 jun, ISBN ISSN: 2211-0984
Popović M., Mandić V., Delić M., Pavićević V., Experimental-Numerical Analysis of Hot Forging Process with Monitoring of Heat Effects, New Technologies, Development and Application IV. NT 2021, Sarajevo, pp. 341 – 349, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-75274-3, Sarajevo, BIH, 2021, 24-26. jun, pp. 341-349, ISBN Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-75274-3
Marko Delić, Vesna Mandić, Filip Pavlović, Analysis of the Impact of the Machine on the Forging Process of a Connecting Rod using Numerical Simulation, IX International Congress Motor Vehicles and Motors (MVM 2022), Kragujevac, 2022, 13-14 October, pp. 1-7
Delić, M., Mandić, V., Analysis of the influence of contact friction on the stability of steel welded tube forming process, 10th International Conference on Tribology – BALKANTRIB, Beograd, 2021, 20-22 maj, pp. 135-136, ISBN ISBN: 978-86-6060-072-3
Marko Delić, Vesna Mandić, Srbislav Aleksandrović, Dušan Arsić, Determination of the impact of glass fiber reinforcement on the tensile properties of printed material obtained by FDM technology, 3rd International Workshop, Reliability and Design of Additively Manufactured Materials – RdAMM2, Belgrade, 2022, 4th –6th October, pp. 46-47
Vesna Mandić, Virtual Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kragujevac, 2007, 199 pages, ISBN 978-86-86663-02-3, CIP- 004.896 (075.8), COBBIS.SR-ID 137975052, University textbook by the decision of the Scientific Council Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kragujevac no. 01-332 / 5, dated 22 February 2007.
Vesna Mandić, Modeling and Simulation in Deformation Processing, 149 pages, Prepared and printed in the framework of WUS Austria, CDP + No 009/2004 project, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kragujevac, August 2005
EUREKA/ASMATA, 2005, E!3240: Renewal of steel car parts with aluminium, – ASMATA (Project leader Milan Milovanovic).
Reincarnation of Research Capacity in Software Development and Innovative Collaborative Design and Engineering in Serbia and Montenegro, RRCSD INNCODE, FP6 INCO 043820, 2007-2009, (Head Dr Radovan Slavković, Executive Project Manager Vesna Mandić)
TEMPUS, IMG-Individual mobility grant, Type 3 - IMG-SCG1007-2004 (6 weeks), DIMEG Padova, (holder of the grant dr Vesna Mandić) .. WUS Austria, CDP + project No 009/2004, Modeling and Simulation in Metal Forming, (Project Manager Vesna Mandić).
TEMPUS CD-JEP-16516-2001, (1 week 2005), NTUA Athens, Greece (Project Leader Prof. Dr. Nenad Grujovic)
TEMPUS CD-JEP-18144-2003, (1 week 2006), TU Braunschweig, Germany, (Project leader Prof. Dr Radovan Slavkovic)
eLearning WUS Project, 2006, no. 002/06, Development of Metal Forming Electronic Instructional Resources (Project Leader Vesna Mandić).
Course Development Plus WUS Project, 2006, no. 103/2006, Virtual Engineering (Project Leader Vesna Mandić)
Bilateral project between Serbia and Slovenia, 2006-2007, Optimization of material forming processes through physical modeling, FE simulation and inverse analysis, (Project leader for Serbia dr Vesna Mandić)
Virtual Manufacturing Support for Enterprises in Serbia, EAR-EDEP Programm, 2006-2007. (Project Manager Vesna Mandic)
WBC Virtual Manufacturing Network - Fostering an Integration of the Knowledge Triangle, 144684-TEMPUS-2008-RS-JPHES, (Project Coordinator Prof. dr Vesna Mandic)
2009-2012, Promoting Innovation in the Industrial Informatics and Embedded Systems Sectors through Networking, I3E, SEE/A/219/1.1/X, (Coordinator for Serbia Prof. dr Vesna Mandic)
2011-2013, Bilateral project Croatia-Serbia, Modelling and optimization of tool by application of information technologies of virtual manufacturing with experimental verification (Coordinator for Serbia Prof. dr Vesna Mandic)
2012-2014 - Modernization of WBC universities through strengthening of structures and services for knowledge transfer, research and innovation, 530213-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPHES, (Project Coordinator Prof. dr Vesna Mandic)
2011-2012, "Improved SME Competition and Innovation, Republic of Serbia", EU project GFA Consulting Group, (Senior STE expert for Capacity Building of BISOs)
Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia/ IF4TM, 561655-EPP-1-2015-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP (Coordinator for UKG)
Implementation Of Dual Education In Higher Education Of Serbia –DUALEDU, 586029-EPP-1-2017-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP (Team member and coordinator of WP3)
European Union Support for Business Incubators Development, EuropeAid/138923/IH/SER/RS, 2019-2020, (Senior non-key expert, GFA Consulting Group)
Support to Participation in EU programme, EuropeAid/138040/IH/SER/RS, (Senior non-key expert, International Development Ireland (IDI)), 2019-2021,
IRR - Inclusive Responsible Research. Knowledge Mobilisation and University Social Responsibility, 2020-1-ES01-KA203-081978, 2020-2022, (Coordinator for Serbia)